Sunday, October 9, 2016


It’s been reported by many alternative sources and major polls that the mainstream media has been losing influence for many years. And if that audience shrinkage is accurate, Trump’s tape revealing crude remarks he made about women a decade ago hasn’t hurt him to the extent claimed by them. 

In that regard, Kyle Olson reports today: “If Democrats and the mainstream think Donald Trump’s supporters are going to abandon him, they’re sorely mistaken. 

“Trump fans rallied outside of Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan on Saturday afternoon.

“Trump’s social media director Dan Scavino tweeted video of Trump greeting a large group of raucous supporters out on the sidewalk. 

“An enthusiastic Trump waved to the crowd and yelled back a supporter, “I’m with you!” 

“According to Scavino, even NYPD officers let Trump know he has their support. 

“NYPD just passed Trump Tower and had a message for all of the TRUMP supporters gathered outside of Trump Tower via speaker: ‘GO TRUMP!'” Scavino wrote.” 

A strong indication that the New York fans reaction isn’t merely an aberration in which local loyalists turned out to fawn over a celebrity comes from Patrick Howley, who reported: “House Speaker Paul Ryan was shouted down by chants of “Trump” at his Fall Fest event Saturday in Wisconsin. 

“Ryan, who kicked off the speech talking about the “elephant in the room,” said that Trump’s banter with Billy Bush before taping an Access Hollywood segment in 2005 was “a troubling situation.”  

As of this morning, 13,044 reader comments had been posted, with a random scan indicating an overwhelming majority supporting Trump. 

An example of the very few negative entry’s regarding Trump came from reader, Steve Michael, who wrote: “I am a true conservative who has not been fooled by Trump who is a lunatic, liar and liberal in conservative clothing. Just because he has a "R" in front of his name doesn't mean I should vote for him. Just because people try to force the "well Hillary is worse" doesn't justify voting for this guy. 

“Trump should really consider dropping out and let Mike run. Granted because he is a lunatic liar and liberal in conservative clothing so that won't happen. I guess we can now add pervert adulterer in there as well. 


To that, reader S. Plankenberg replied: “So when Hillary becomes President because of people like you, and nullifies the 1'st and 2'nd Amendments just for starters, and appoints at least 2 socialist / Marxist SC Justices that will effectively end individual liberty in America, I guess you can say, " Well, at least we didn't elect a pervert and a liar to the Presidency."
No, wait.
That describes Hillary as well.

“At least Trump has not feloniously violated the Espionage Act hundreds of times, left American Embassy security personnel and an Ambassador to die needlessly through lack of military support, has not been running one of the largest money-laundering operations in the world right under our noses that uses up 95% of all donations in " administrative costs ", and did not facilitate transferring ownership of 20% of American uranium production to Vladimir Putin. 

“By adhering to your own high standards, I don't think you can vote for The Hildabeast or Trump.”

What’s pathetically evident about this particular presidential race, is that the campaign for leadership of the greatest nation on Earth has been reduced to gutter-sniping of the worst kind by two totally unqualified contestants. One’s a failed businessman turned TV host, while the others only personal achievement was marriage to a former, impeached POTUS. 

And what’s most ironic, is that it’s the impeached former POTUS who lowered the presidency into the filth-ridden soap opera-like, skin flick, it’s now become. 

Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife, an item that underlines the previous point.

This one comes from Kathleen Willey who, according to Wikipedia, “on March 15, 1998, alleged on the TV news program 60 Minutes that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her on November 29, 1993, during his first term as President.”

Ms Willey tweeted yesterday: “The Hag has called us bimbos,sluts,trailer trash,whores,skanks. From one woman to her rapist's victims.When will u resign from ur campaign?”

At the time of this writing, there had been 7,582 retweets along with 8,218 “Likes.” 

All of which reinforces the idea that there are significant numbers of potential voters paying attention to information released in non-traditional formats. Which means that, as proposed at this entry’s outset, the MSM has by no means the amount of influence it once possessed. And that indicates that the final outcome of  the current White House race is not only anybody’s guess, there’s no reliable way to prejudge the results, regardless of the credentials of the sources. 

It also brings up the ongoing question once more: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, and Starbucks chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys are reading this? 

That's it for today folks.          


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