Tuesday, April 26, 2022


Out a few days with computer issues, now all resolved. A news item seen while down, referenced Obama’s supposedly telling fellow Democrats during the 2020 presidential primaries, “Don’t underestimate Joe's ability to f... things up.” The issue is of interest now because while Latinos keep pouring over the border, as their population increases they keep becoming more successful and so do their numbers in the Republican size of the vote.

The “National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund released its 2022 Latino Vote Projections, “offering a comprehensive analysis of expected Latino voter turnout both nationwide and within key battleground states during this year’s midterm elections. According to the projections, Latinos will once again play a decisive role in the 2022 midterm elections, closely mirroring 2018’s historic turnout numbers, with projected increases in the key battleground states of Arizona, Colorado, and Nevada.”

 At least 11.6 million Latinos will cast ballots in 2022, a 71.4 percent increase in the number of Latino voters from 2014.

Further noted by It was clear after the election that Trump had made gains among Latino voters in places like Florida’s Miami-Dade County and Texas’s Rio Grande Valley. The newest and most detailed data yet shows that the trend was nationwide. According to a recent report by the Democratic data firm Catalist, the number of Latinos who cast votes increased by 31 percent from 2016 to 2020, accounting for a 10th of the electorate. A comfortable majority of Latinos — an estimated 61 percent — supported President Joe Biden, but there was about an 8 percentage-point swing toward Trump, based on data on votes cast for either the Democratic or Republican nominees in 2016 and 2020.”

On CNN, February 14, 2022, Justin Guest said, ”However, it's not hard to understand the recent turn toward Democrats. Since 2001, Republican political campaigns have been defined by cultural debates over immigrationrace and Islam. But unexpectedly, this may be appealing to some Latinos.

Texas State Representative Ryan Guillen, a Democrat from the Rio Grande Valley, recently stepped across the political aisle to join the Republican Party last November. "Something is happening in South Texas, and many of us are waking up to the fact that the values of those in Washington, DC, are not our values, not the values of most Texans," Guillen told reporters. "The ideology of defunding the police, of destroying the oil and gas industry and the chaos at our border is disastrous for those of us who live here in South Texas."

 Angel Figueroa, a Democrat and former city councilor in Pennsylvania who recently supported a Republican campaign, told The Wall Street Journal, "By our culture, we overwhelmingly are Catholic. Overwhelmingly, we are pro-life. People by far, and specifically Puerto Ricans, are more in line with Republican values."

"In the 2020 election, Donald Trump won 38% of the Latino vote -- the highest percentage for a Republican since George W. Bush won 44% in 2004. And after giving Democratic House candidates more than 60% of their vote in 2020, Latinos are moving still further to the right: A recent poll by the Wall Street Journal found that Latino voters are evenly split between the two parties in their 2022 choices for Congress, with 22% still undecided.

“Hispanic eligible voters accounted for 39% of the overall increase of the nation's eligible voting population since 2000, the largest contributors of any ethnic or racial group to the electorate. A decline in their support is anxiety-inducing news for Democrats facing midterm elections this year.”

So, here we have evidence of another significant Biden incapability to think. Basing his agenda primarily on overturning everything Trump did and very little more, he failed to realize that inviting all illegal aliens to enter the nation freely gives those aliens opportunity as well. That means they have as much chance to succeed as anybody else. And therefore, as they become more successful, their tendency will be to vote Republican like others do now.

Thus, in actuality over the long range, by maintaining his open border policy Biden’s growing his party’s opposition. Which in turn makes Obama absolutely correct about Biden’s capability to “f--- things up."

That’s it for today folks.



Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Much like most others, pains in the wallet caused by the current administration are felt every time gas is pumped or food and household needs are purchased. According to Gwynn Guilford in today’s Wall Street Journal, “U.S. inflation surged to a new four-decade high of 8.5% in March from the same month a year ago, driven by skyrocketing energy and food costs, supply constraints and strong consumer demand.

“The Labor Department on Tuesday said the consumer-price index—which measures what consumers pay for goods and services—last month rose at its fastest annual pace since December 1981, up from the 7.9% annual rate in February. Rising prices have been unrelenting, with six straight months of inflation above 6% that is well above the Federal Reserve’s average 2% target.”

There’s no mystery as to why living costs have gone through the roof in recent months. The reason is Joe Biden delivering on the promises made to Progressives in his party because he needed their votes in order to be elected. While nothing else has changed in the nation except for institution of Progressive policy, cost of living is now the highest it’s been in 40 years and will probably continue to rise. The most amazing factor, however, is that while rampant inflation has been purposefully sparked, affecting the entire population, Progressives amount to little more than a blip amongst the voting public. In Biden’s case, though, they’re a critically important blip. Without them, he wouldn’t have been elected.

 An idea of Progressive statistics can be gained from information gathered by Pew Research back on November 9, 2021.

Reflecting their name, the Progressive Left have very liberal views across a range of issues – including the size and scope of government, foreign policy, immigration and race. A sizable majority (79%) describe their views as liberal, including 42% who say their views are very liberal – double the share of the next largest group (20% of Outsider Left).

Roughly two-thirds of Progressive Left (68%) are White, non-Hispanic, by far the largest share among Democratic-aligned groups. Progressive Left are the second youngest typology group – 71% are ages 18 to 49. Progressive Left are also highly educated, with about half (48%) holding at least a four-year college degree, making it one of the two most highly educated groups overall.

“Progressive Left are more liberal than the three other Democratic-oriented groups on many issues. For example, while majorities in all four of these groups favor a bigger government providing more services, Progressive Left are most likely to express this view. When asked a follow-up question about how much bigger the government should be, 63% of Progressive Left say government services should “greatly expand” from current levels – a far higher share than any other group.”

The next survey questions received answers that illustrate why Biden’s policies have been so damaging to the nation in general, and so Anti-American philosophically. Pew finds: “Progressive Left are the only typology group in which a majority (62%) says that success in life is largely outside of an individual’s control. And when asked to compare the U.S. to other countries – whether the U.S. is better than all other countries, is among the best countries, or there are other countries that are better – 75% of Progressive Left say there are other countries better than the U.S., the highest share among typology groups.

Incredibly, 75% of those in this group supporting Biden believe that there are better places to live than here. In keeping with that mindset, Pew structured a chart statistically forming a frame of Progressive philosophy.

So, here we have a definitively clear rationale as to why the nation is currently in the shape it’s in, economically and otherwise. 75% of those influencing Biden’s agenda believe there are better places to live than here, 86% believe illegals are better for their communities than citizens and 62% believe control derives from others than themselves. Painting a very clear picture as to why the nation is suffering as it is, whereas those influencing the administration most, disagree philosophically with tenets that built the nation.

While the statistics are interesting, in an overall sense they’re pleasing whereas it’s nice to know that Progressives make up so little of the population. However, when a needy president pays supporters back with no regard for the rest of the nation’s voters, frustration is immense. Because this isn’t even the tail wagging the dog, it’s the fleas on the tail.

That’s it for today folks.


PS: One of the Bronx barmaid in Congress’s customers asked her to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth'? He got 3 different answers.



Monday, April 11, 2022


On Saturday, Michael Goodwin showed once again, that he and his newspaper The New York Post, have not forgotten how Bill Clinton’s wife tried to insure her election victory by creating a Russian collusion fabrication regarding Donald Trump.

The magnitude of her criminality is reflected in a paragraph saying, “The first evidence came in a little-noticed decision from the Federal Election Commission. It ruled on a complaint from the Coolidge Reagan Foundation that Clinton and the Democratic National Committee violated federal law by hiding how they funded the odious Christopher Steele dossier, perhaps the most destructive disinformation document in United States history.”

Goodwin goes on to describe the deception itself, as follows: “The FEC agreed with the complaint and ruled that Clinton and the DNC, which she effectively controlled, hid their payments to Steele as merely “legal fees,” without mentioning him or his work. In fact, the money was funneled through a law firm, Perkins Coie, which then hired the smear merchants at FusionGPS, who hired Steele, a former British spook. 

“The layers and false claim about legal fees were intended to put distance between Clinton and Steele because knowledge of the truth would have destroyed her campaign. Although her lawyers and the DNC argued they did nothing wrong, they agreed not to contest the findings and quietly paid fines totaling $113,000.”

To insure complicit others not be forgotten, Goodwin writes: “By treating the Steele dossier as if it were holy writ, or at least credible, the media furthered Clinton’s campaign to paint Trump as a Russian stooge. 

“Of course, the FBI was also complicit, using the dossier as a crutch to justify its unjustifiable spying on a presidential campaign. A remaining question is, under Jim Comey’s leadership, was the FBI the dumbest ever or the most venal?”

Answering his own question, Goodwin adds: “Probably both but whatever the answer, J. Edgar Hoover finally can rest in peace.” 

A “second recent development involves a new court filing by special counsel John Durham in the case of Michael Sussmann, a Clinton lawyer and campaign operative who is charged with lying to the FBI in 2016. His alleged role expands the deception annals by showing Clinton’s team wasn’t relying only on Steele’s farrago of lies, lies and more lies. 

“Perhaps doubtful that Steele, even with his FBI friends and media contacts, could make up for her unpopularity, Clinton financed a bookend to his dossier with another fabrication.”

What follows are a couple of paragraphs Goodwin writes so well, recapping the situation: “Durham calls the effort a “joint venture” of the conspirators, a phrase that gives a sense of the plot and the players. There wasn’t a scintilla of truth to back up the computer nonsense, and even though the FBI saw through the tissue-thin claim, many in the media naturally fell for it. 

“They managed to find in this particular lie a confirming detail of the larger lie Steele was spinning — that Trump was a toady of Vladimir Putin and was colluding with him to steal the election.”

Goodwin then describes a critically important fact of the matter, in that: “The case is a criminal one because Durham accuses Sussmann of lying by saying he was not representing any clients as he tried to spin a top agency official on the computer connection. In fact, Sussmann was representing the Clinton campaign, which he billed for the meeting, and the tech executive, identified as Rodney Joffe. 

"Although Sussmann pleaded not guilty, Durham released a text message in which Sussmann explicitly tells the FBI he is not representing any clients. 

“His trial, scheduled for next month, has the potential to be a breakthrough in Durham’s long-running effort to reveal voluminous wrongdoing by Clinton and the federal government against the Trump campaign.”

Goodwin the summarizes the case as he sees it, which most often turns out to be correct in the same kind of manner that Rush was always far ahead of the curve. Particularly in embarrassing and exposing the mainstream media.

“Based on his court filings, the prosecutor appears to be planning to link Sussmann’s efforts to the dossier, in part because of the role his firm, Perkins Coie, played in both scams. Also, Durham said Sussmann met with Steele and FusionGPS in Perkins Coie offices and raised the possibility that Steele could testify. 

“Even before a verdict, the case moves the responsibility closer to where it ultimately belongs–in Clinton’s lap. Whether Durham will ever be able to show her fingerprints on any criminal conduct is the great unknown, but in one sense, it’s also beside the point. 

“We already know with 100 percent certainty that she is guilty of igniting the false accusations of Russian collusion that continue to shape our culture and politics. Although Trump was hardly a model president, the widespread claim by her party and the media that he was an illegitimate president wasn’t just dirty politics. It was a nuclear attack on the spirit that has always held our nation together, however tenuously.”

Goodwin the reaches his conclusion, writing: “Clinton lost the election and Robert Mueller’s special counsel probe came up empty, yet the collusion narrative lives on among major elements of the political left. To judge from the tumultuous years since, many of those who subscribe to her lie are using it as a license to try to destroy America. 

“Tragically, they are having a good deal of success.”

While Goodwin’s point regarding the left’s “having a good deal of success,” might be somewhat accurate, interestingly enough their biggest problem is light being shed on them by one’s like Michael Goodwin.

That’s it for today folks.


PS: A guy came into the Bronx Congresswoman’s bar and asked her: “If con is the opposite of pro, then is Congress the opposite of progress?”

Friday, April 8, 2022


Quietly, Gregg Jarrett @foxnews.com  continues following the case “at the heart of the defense being mounted by Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann. He is being prosecuted by special counsel John Durham for lying to then-FBI General Counsel James Baker in September of 2016.”

“You would think that lying to the FBI is a crime. But it’s not. Only a "material" lie is criminal conduct.  

“Sussmann gave Baker phony information about how Donald Trump was colluding with a Russia-based bank through a "covert communications channel," according to the indictment.  The intent was to prompt the FBI to investigate the Republican nominee for president, leak the information to the Trump-hating media, and damage his chances of being elected over Hillary Clinton.”

What is now coming to light is Sussmann admitting under oath “contradictions of his actions as told to a congressional committee in December of 2017 that he was not acting on his "own volition," but at the direction of a client."  This is the exact opposite of what he previously told the FBI.   

Jarrett goes on, “Durham has skillfully pulled the rug out from under Sussmann.  This leaves the accused —who has pleaded not guilty— with one viable defense to the charge against him. He can now only argue that his lie was not a "material" lie under the meaning of the false statements statute, 18 U.S.C. 1001.  By any measure, that will be a tough sell. 

“Under the law, a lie is considered material if it has the "natural tendency to influence, or is capable of influencing, the decision" of a law enforcement agency such as the FBI.  (U.S. v. Gaudin, 515 U.S. 506, 510, 1995)  

“The government need not show that the defendant’s lie actually influenced the FBI’s decision to launch its investigation, only that it was "capable" of having influence. That fine legal point doesn’t really matter in this case.”

What is most important here is Durham’s laying the framework for his case against Bill Clinton’s wife and her fabrications against Donald Trump and that “it is equally obvious that had the FBI known at the outset that the accusation was the devious handiwork of the Clinton campaign it would have likely dismissed the matter as the political smear that it was.”

 "Consider, for example, how Hillary Clinton herself tried to exploit the lie. Just days before the presidential election she tweeted, "It’s time for Trump to answer serious questions about his ties to Russia."  

“An hour later she followed up with a tweet that referenced Sussmann’s fabricated claim directly, "Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russia-based bank."  

“It was classic Clinton. She invented the lies, financed them, and helped disseminate them.”

 Jarrett goes on to explain that, “Sussmann’s alleged deception was not insignificant.  The FBI expended enormous personnel and financial resources to investigate the claim.

"Its probe was leaked to the media which then assured the public that this constituted even more proof beyond the fictive "dossier" that Trump was a secret Russian asset.  That one was also conjured up by Clinton, and Sussmann served as a witting accomplice, according to Durham.” 

Jarrett concludes by stating that “The special counsel has correctly described Hillary’s corrupt machinations as a "joint venture" with others to frame Trump.  She conceived the damning narrative to distract from her own email scandal and destroy her opponent with scurrilous falsehoods.

"In Hillary’s contorted mind, a lie is only a lie when you get caught.” 

So, as noted at the beginning of this post, special counsel Durham quietly continues building his case in the background. And no matter what efforts are made to suppress the facts, the evidence exists nonetheless. Thus, what remains now is how the case is ultimately structured and whether or not criminal charges can be brought.

That’s it for today folks.


PS: Two nuns, a penguin, a man with a parrot on his shoulder, and a giraffe walk into the Bronx barmaid in Congress’ place. She said, "What is this? Some kind of joke?"

Wednesday, April 6, 2022


Not that it really matters, but Democrats have reached a height of ultimate arrogance or are egregiously insulting the intelligence of more than 60% of the nations voters.

Charlie McCarthy reports @newsmax.com: “Democrats desperate to blame rising gas prices on someone other than President Joe Biden as the midterm elections approach plan to put the focus on oil companies Wednesday, ABC News reported.

“Members of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations will hear from top executives at six major energy companies, according to ABC News.

“The panel even have named the hearing's topic, "Gouged at the Gas Station: Big Oil and America's Pain at the Pump."

As far as insulting voters intelligence is concerned, does Democrat leadership truly believe that the direct cause in major increases in the costs of the cornerstone of household budgeting, gasoline, is going to go unnoticed by those voters?

Back on March 28, 2021, Thomas Phippen reported @www.foxbusiness.com:President Biden acted on his campaign promise to "end fossil fuel" – and the result has been skyrocketing gas prices, an influential Republican committee claims in a memo obtained by FOX Business.

"President Biden has waged an unprecedented, government-wide assault on our nation’s ability to produce cheap, reliable energy," the memo from the Republican Study Committee (RSC) states, before listing Biden’s specific anti-fossil fuel actions next to the weekly average price of gas.

“Republicans have blamed Biden for record-breaking gas prices for months, despite White House denials that the administration is responsible. The RSC aims to show the specific actions Biden’s administration has taken to undercut domestic fossil fuel production.

“The list of Biden’s actions that contributed to high gas prices includes blocking the Keystone XL Pipeline, curtailing oil and gas leases while expanding wind turbines on public lands, and rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, all within his first month in office.

Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., chairman of the RSC said: "Our list shows exactly what the Biden administration did to raise prices for American families. It isn’t about finger-pointing — it’s about better policy. Because even now, the White House is doubling down on the same policies that pushed gas prices to record highs,"

“Some actions on the RSC’s list don’t directly hamper oil and gas production, like Biden’s push to "green" government vehicles, establish timelines for half of all U.S. vehicles sold to be emission-free and the creation of the Clean Energy Corps.

“The memo also notes that the Biden administration effectively halted consideration of new oil and gas leases Feb. 20, days before Russia's invasion of Ukraine began, as a result of a legal dispute over the administration's attempt to consider the "social costs" oil and gas projects may have on the climate.

"I hope Biden realizes that you can’t win a blame-game when it’s clearly your fault, and that the best thing he can do for his presidency and for the country is to end his war on American energy." Banks said.

As far as prices are concerned, on Inauguration day, January 20, 2021 the average cost of a gallon of gasoline was $2.26. Today the average U.S. gas price was $4.164 for regular and $4.847 for premium. California continued to have the highest average at $5.823.

While the facts of the matter speak for themselves, here once again voters show that they are acutely aware of who is responsible for what and that theatrics in Congressional hearings aren’t going to let Biden escape the ramifications of his war on fossil fuel. Here are a few examples of what voters think.

Woody wrote: "Democrats Look to Deflect Gas-Price Anger Toward Big Oil.

"Funny, under Trump my gas was $1.40 a gallon and Big Oil was in business then also.

 "The Democrats did this on Day One and the price went to $3.00 a gallon during the next year before Russia invaded the Ukraine.

"Then it went to $4.00 and more, while Dementia Joe and the Demopukes wanted to blame Russia."

Truthseeker commented: “Well, as PT Barnum said “there’s a sucker born each minute”. The Democrats have been cashing in on blaming oil producers on high prices since the mid 1970’s. Did you notice that even if their claims are ridiculous and unfounded, they never laud the oil companies when prices go down. This time around, Democrats are claiming Putin is causing higher oil prices and the oil companies aren’t participating in clean energy alternatives. Let’s deconstruct this together. On the first part everyone should know Biden shut down the oil industry with pipeline and drilling bans. Regulate more…get less. Got it Joe?

“Second point. Oil companies not participating in alternate energy sources. Oil companies drill and refine oil. Period! Solar panel producers, windmill producers, geothermal companies, hydroelectric plants produce alternate energy. What part of this don’t gullible Americans don’t understand?” 

Pirateguy wrote: “First the left wants less drilling now they b___ch about oil companies not drilling enough. What hypocrisy. The gas prices have risen because the government has tied up the permits on all the leases Biden and Psaki point to as "proof" of oil company guilt. Also, the oil needs to be transported to market by pipe lines and the current administration keeps shutting them down.”

So, Democrat politicians who have no platform, other than vowing to reverse any all legislation attributable to Trump, are now facing the unfortunate realization that Trump was right just about all of the time.

That’s it for today folks.


 PS: The Bronx barmaid in Congress told a customer:If I got 50 cents for every failed math exam, I’d have $6.30 now.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022


More pieces fell into place today,  regarding Hunter Biden’s function as his father’s bagman back in 2011 and 12. Cameron Cawthorne and Joe Shoffstall report @https://www.foxnews.com: “President Biden's White House chief of staff Ron Klain reached out to Hunter Biden in September 2012 for help in raising $20,000 for the Vice President's Residence Foundation (VPRF), telling him to "keep this low low key" to prevent "bad PR," according to emails reviewed by Fox News Digital.

“Klain, who had left his chief of staff position in then-Vice President Biden's office a year earlier but was the foundation's chairman at the time of the emails, told Hunter that he needed to "tackle a piece of unpleasant business" and needed Hunter's help.

“The Vice President's Residence Foundation is a nonprofit entity used to assist in preserving and furnishing the vice president's official residence located on "It's not much – we need to raise a total of $20,000 – so I'm hitting up a few very close friends on a very confidential basis to write checks of $2,000 each," Klain continued. "We need to keep this low low key, because raising money for the Residence now is bad PR – but it has to be done, so I'm trying to just collect the 10 checks of $2,000, get it done in a week, and then, we can do an event for the Residence Foundation after the election."

"Hunter then forwarded the email a few hours later to his longtime business partner, Eric Schwerin, who helped manage a majority of Hunter's finances. Schwerin responded by telling him that they could "discuss this and some other bills on Monday" and asked whether Hunter thought "they would take a corporate check from Owasco," which appeared to be referring to Hunter's law firm, Owasco PC.

“Hunter Biden is currently under federal investigation for potential violations of tax, money laundering and foreign lobbying laws through his past business relationships abroad, but Klain came to his defense on Sunday, telling ABC News that President Biden is "confident that his son didn’t break the law." 

 “Fox News previously reported that a registered Serbian foreign agent and the Serbian Ambassador to the United States were in discussions with Hunter Biden in the early years of his dad's first term as vice president to coordinate the scheduling of an investment meeting with Serbia's president and Serbian "high net worth individuals." 

“Past emails have also revealed that between 2010 and 2011, Hunter Biden had said his relationship with a Chinese tycoon, who Hunter and his partners referred to as "Super Chairman," and who was arrested on money laundering charges in China, had "everything to do with my last name."

“Additionally, emails have shown that Hunter Biden tried to help a Chinese oil executive purchase an African oil field after he was warned the company had ties to countries hit with U.S. sanctions, the Free Beacon reported.”

What’s most important here once again, is the quality and depth of knowledge reflected in comments posted by readers regarding the Biden family’s abuse of power as they traded upon Joe’s elected position.

Reader Iamthetruth! wrote: ‘Joe Biden is worth over $9 million which has been attributed to some real estate dealings. Joe Biden has never been involved in any above board "real estate" deals in his life, insider deals right up his alley. But true deals resulting in huge profits, he simply is not intelligent enough to make dollar one from a lemonade stand much less above-board real estate dealings.”

TrinityPatriot commented: “Even the radical left wing media know Hunter's going down, that's why they are all suddenly getting honest about the stories they intentionally buried right before the 2020 election. On the tax evasion issues alone, he will almost certainly be indicted. And that will probably just be the start of it. Now watch as Harris and Pelosi begin to acknowledge Biden's "heartbreaking" mental issues, using that to remove him as President and avoid a total melt down due to Hunter's inevitable convictions.”

amireadingthiscorrectly214 wrote: “It's an easy investigation, just follow the money. If Joe benefitted from any of the money Hunter hoovered up throughout the world then Joe is guilty of peddling influence, essentially selling out America for his personal benefit. Whatever he and Hunter were up to between being VP and President would be irrelevant had he not ran for President. He did run and now we have a corrupt President that sold his office for personal gain.”

 gmack605 wrote: “Joe claims he and his family never received any money from the Chinese. But how would he know for sure, as he has also claimed that he never discussed any business dealings with Hunter or other family members.”

That one got 793 “Likes” vs. 8 against.

Boliusa wrote: “Exactly! The MSM went into meltdown over Chinese diplomats eating in Trump hotel dining rooms. They aren't the least bit concerned what Hunter Biden, his father or uncle did - even with faced with evidence.”

And then, two more illustrate how clearly readers understand what the information exposed to date implies and that it is virtually impossible for someone of Hunter Biden’s status as an individual to gain access to those he was dealing with. Simple logic denotes that those with whom Hunter was dealing, providing him with cash and whatever else, would certainly never pay him a cent without some kind of guarantee of what they’d receive in return and from whom.

i’llgetthelights said: “Sort of explains the 2020 election. Joe had no intention of running until Hunter loses not one, but two laptops. They were in sudden need of pardon power, and not just the Bidens. Do you really think the VP’s son is meeting with the Serbs, the Chinese, the Ukrainian oligarchs, the Mayor of Moscow…not to mention his dealings in Africa. You don’t really think John Brennan, James Comey, and James Clapper weren’t well aware of this? Impossible. But what kept them quiet? What’s keeping Hunter’s previous Secret Service guys quiet?”

i’llgetthelights added: “What would persuade 50 former US intelligence officers, the vast majority CIA, to sign a statement saying Hunter’s laptop was classic Russian disinformation when they knew that was a blatant lie? I think it’s because this thing with Hunter goes way deeper than we think. I think it involves more influence peddling with more politicians kids, and it all ties into Deep State kickbacks for protection.”

Thus, it still seems at this point that party admission of Joe Biden’s practice of influence peddling, along with whatever else he sold to enrich himself is likely a forgone conclusion. What remains is for Democrat leaders to ascertain what can be done to save their party and far more importantly, themselves.

That’s it for today folks.


PS: The Bronx barmaid in Congress’s bar ran out of ice last night. She forgot the recipe.

Monday, April 4, 2022


It’s been believed here for quite some time that Democrat leadership fully realizes the criminality of the Biden family, and that certainly the guy at the top is personally responsible for every iota of wrongdoing. One doesn’t have to spend more than a few minutes of research to conclude that son Hunter is hardly capable of closing a door, much less multi-billion dollar deals with worldly sophisticated political and business leaders.

The party dilemma however is that they have no replacement. Next in line is VP Harris who makes Hunter look like a rocket scientist, intellectually speaking. One would wonder how this ditz made it to the office of Vice President of the United States having the intellect of a grapefruit. However, a quick Wikipedia search shows she’s never been in the real world professionally, spending her entire career in public service: Born in Oakland, California, Harris graduated from Howard University and the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. She began her career in the Alameda County District Attorney's Office, before being recruited to the San Francisco District Attorney's Office and later the City Attorney of San Francisco's office. In 2003, she was elected district attorney of San Francisco. She was elected Attorney General of California in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. Harris served as the junior United States senator from California from 2017 to 2021.” And then she was chosen by Biden as running mate because she happens to be a woman, and one of the few people on earth dumber than he is.

Not known for anything in particular regarding her job responsibilities, most headlines gained stem from unusually high resignations among her staff. The latest in the string of departing members is deputy chief of staff Michael Fuchs. He follows deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh, chief spokesperson Symone Sanders, deputy director of public engagement and intergovernmental affairs Vincent Evans, director of Harris' press operations Peter Velz, vice presidential national security adviser Ambassador Nancy McEldowney, and director of speechwriting Kate Childs Graham.

While there’s little else to include regarding this particularly ineffectual individual, readers once gain prove they are far more astute and aware than most of those holding public office.

Medievalprism wrote: “This administration literally cannot even effectively manage its own staff and they're charged with managing a nation. In any other capacity they'd all have been fired by now. It's surreal.

 584 👍 2 👎

oldguy48 added: “Although everyone else is laughing at Kamel's word salads, I think it's a smart move for all Dims to describe their positions in obtuse and ambiguous language. The more people understand the Dim platform, the more votes they lose.”

bestpresidentever326: “Kamala came from California, California is a state, a large state, a state bigger than most. Bigger states usually are bigger than most other states if you factor in the size of the state.”

214 👍1 👎

123esdf879 commented: “IT SHOULD have said .... ".... "Fifteen months later, it’s NOT difficult to recall the magnitude of the challenges we CAUSED when we came in, from COMPOUNDING an unprecedented pandemic to historically difficult DEMOCTATIC PARTY CAUSED economic circumstances. And it is thanks to the work of this administration ...."

tom.c.fuller wrote: “Kamala used your money to fly all the way to France to say:     “We must together. Work together. To see where we are. Where we are headed, where we are going and our vision for where we should be. But also see it as a moment to, yes. Together, address the challenges and to work on the opportunities that are presented by this moment."

 130 👍

Scottmoore: “I think before she became VP, she was unaccustomed to people actually listening to what she said...”

Livefreeandhonorably: “You have to understand how HIGH you have to get to get to fly anywhere, in fact you have to get as HIGH to go from the big State of California, which is bordered by other States but also bordered by an ocean which is a lot of water that is even bigger than a lake but not the same ocean as the one that you have to get VERY HIGH to fly over to get to France which is a country that also has an ocean bordering it which is why you must fly HIGH to go there.”

Carmfield: “We’re seeing a continual exodus of staff from the office of Vice President Kamala Harris because of an exodus which effects the staff of the office of Vice President Kamala Harris, due to an exodus. The exodus comes at a time of a continual exodus from the Vice President’s staff. Exiting staff members involved in the exodus were unavailable for comment due to an exodus from the office of Vice President Kamala Harris. I hope this clears things up.”

 551 👍

 That’s it for today folks.


 PS: The Bronx barmaid in Congress failed math so many times in school, she can’t even count.

Friday, April 1, 2022


According to finance.yahoo.com/news: “President Joe Biden delivered his strongest endorsement of oil on Thursday, ordering an unprecedented release of emergency U.S. crude in a move that gambled his climate-saving credentials on lowering gasoline prices in an election year.”

While it’s been expected here that one way or another Biden would relax fossil fuel restrictions to capture as much of the vote as possible in November, the text reveals that there are climate activists that actually believe their own rhetoric. Sarah Ladislaw, managing director at RMI, a nonprofit group focused on the clean energy transition said, “If the global economy hits a recession, our climate goals are going to get slowed down by a lot. It’s difficult to build additional support for clean energy when everyone’s worried about getting the economy back on track.”

In effect what worries Ladislaw is that there are people more concerned about their livelihoods, standards of living and costs than there are about sea levels rising an inch and a half over the next hundred years. Aside from the incredible disparity in potential harm from the perils of rampant inflation compared to computer model predication’s of future warmth, one has to wonder where the gullibility stems from.

 It seems that climate-change zealots are either unaware of the premises’ origin or naïve enough to accept the sales pitch which goes back more than 20 years.

Since leaving office in 2001, Al Gore has been an advocate of climate action, founding two organizations, writing several books, and been the subject of two documentary films, all raising awareness of the climate crisis and proposing solutions

According to Forbes, “in 2007, optimistic that a Democrat-controlled Congress would pass cap-and-trade legislation Gore lobbied for, GIM and David Blood’s old GSAM firm took big stakes in the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) for carbon trading. Accordingly, CCX was poised to make windfall profits selling CO2 offsets if and when cap-and-trade was passed.  

Speaking before a Joint House Hearing of the Energy Science Committee, Gore told members: “As soon as carbon has a price, you’re going to see a wave [of investment] in it…There will be unchained investment.”

“After all, what better way to reduce evil carbon than to make it a profitable commodity? But unfortunately for GIM and CCX investors, trading hot air credits proved just too good to be true.

“Between May of 2008 and October of 2009 the CCX market value for one metric ton of carbon plummeted from $7 per metric ton to $0.10 along with the shareholders’ investment values. Losers included the Ford Motor Company, Amtrak, DuPont, Dow Corning, American Electric Power, International Paper, and Waste Management, along with the states of Illinois and New Mexico, seven cities, and a number of universities.”

In another attempt to capitalize on his scam, last year Gore tried to tie climate-change and racial prejudice together saying, “We cannot have climate justice without racial justice. They are intertwined. The pandemic has underscored just how interconnected these issues are. For example, we know that exposure to air pollution increases the death rate from COVID-19. And we know that low-income communities and communities of color have faced disproportionate impacts from both the pandemic and the legacy of environmental racism that has led to the location of some of the dirtiest fossil fuel facilities in or near communities of color. 

“I’ve been incredibly inspired by the grassroots leadership of indigenous communities in the US in standing up to oil and gas companies trying to build dangerous fossil fuel pipelines over sacred land and endangering vital water supplies.

“One thing we must do is to ensure that indigenous and local communities have prioritized access to decision-making spaces, legal rights to their territories, and protection from harmful extractive industries. The transition away from fossil fuels provides an incredible opportunity to deliver on the promise of environmental justice. As we invest in the solutions to the climate crisis, we must ensure that those solutions are deployed equitably.” 

So this time around, to enhance carbon trading and sell CO2 offsets, rather than trusting to creating simple fears of fossil fuels harm to the environment, Gore’s trying to make it racially prejudicial not to buy his offerings. And in this way, even if climate threats lessen, fear of prejudice guarantees continued product demand.

 That’s it for today folks.


 PS: One of the Bronx barmaid in Congress’s customers told her he never worries about being driven to drink. He just worries about being driven home.