Thursday, July 31, 2014


Global conflicts continue with no end in sight, however, there are many other disturbing issues in the news today. reports that, “A failure of management by the Obama administration led to the disastrous rollout of the ObamaCare website and caused the government to incur tens of millions in additional costs, according to a congressional watchdog report released Wednesday.”
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) concluded that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ failure to establish “effective planning or oversight practices” was to blame for the website’s myriad problems after it was launched. Such as, the  administration kept changing the contractors' marching orders for the website, creating widespread confusion and adding tens of millions of dollars in costs. Changes were ordered seemingly willy-nilly, including 40 times when government officials did not have the initial authority to incur additional costs.”
While the result was that the government has spent $840 million on and its supporting systems, and many of those costs will continue, in 2012 there were only 48 million uninsured people. Which means that almost a billion dollars of taxpayer’s money went to pay the costs of  the 14.5% without medical coverage. That's socialism at its best.
Along the same lines, government failures, Chris Stirewalt of quotes DCCC Chairman Rep. Steve Israel, as saying: “You bet we're going to run on a Congress that is just obsessed with lawsuits, suing the President, talking about impeaching him, instead of solutions for the middle class, talking about jobs and infrastructure. You bet that we're going to ask people to support us based on that contrast.”
Thus, here’s a guy from a Democrat party that’s failed miserably in every single aspect of governance they’ve touched since the incumbent’s been in office. And since they’ve proven unquestionably that they have no leadership capabilities whatsoever, they’re going to turn the Republican’s rightful attempts at fixing the problems Democrats created into a mud-slinging contest. And that's because, they have absolutely no achievements to campaign on.  
Which bring us to another left-leaning self-serving blowhard, Fox News host Geraldo Rivera.
According to this empty suit ambulance-chaser has “accused conservative blogger Matt Drudge of trying to inflame conservatives and “stir up a civil war,” due to his website’s aggressive coverage of the border crisis.”
“Shame on Drudge,” Mr. Rivera tweeted Wednesday morning. “His authoritative website has gone hysterical on issue of immigrant children. 14 stories like ‘Could Ebola sneak across?’”
However, its certain that even Rivera knows that all Matt Drudge posts on his website are articles and items found on the web. The issues getting the most attention in the news, therefore, are greater in number which means there are more of them than others. 
Furthermore, it’s the items themselves that count not who wrote them or political affiliation. Which means that instead of incorrectly chastising Drudge, Rivera ought to wake up and find out why so many news outlets think the incumbent’s on the wrong track regarding illegal immigration. Because it’s the miserable way he’s exacerbated the problem that’s causing all the backlash in the nation.  
And now to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife. 
The Washington Examiner headlined an article, “Secretary of Skate? Hill helped Bill rake in $48 MILL”
The text says, “A joint investigation by the Washington Examiner and the nonprofit watchdog group Judicial Watch found that former President [Bill Clinton] gave 215 speeches and earned $48 million while his wife presided over U.S. foreign policy, raising questions about whether the Clintons fulfilled ethics agreements related to the Clinton Foundation during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.”
At the time, “State Department officials charged with reviewing Bill Clinton’s proposed speeches did not object to a single one. Some of the speeches were delivered in global hotspots and were paid for by entities with business or policy interests in the U.S. The documents also show that in June 2011, the State Department approved a consulting agreement between Bill Clinton and a controversial Clinton Foundation adviser, Doug Band. …The memos approving Mr. Clinton’s speeches were routinely copied to Cheryl Mills, Hillary Clinton’s senior counsel and chief of staff.”
So, as each day goes by, additional evidence mounts that the driving force behind the Clinton’s always revolves about personal interest first, most often concerning amassing money.
But, in Bill’s wife’s case it’s very understandable. Because aside from using her husband’s position and influence to serve herself and her career, she hasn’t the talent to accomplish anything worthwhile on her own.
That’s it for today folks.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


While outrage, name-calling and disagreement continues in the U.S. on both sides of the equation regarding the conflict in Gaza, the do-nothing position of the administration should surprise no one who’s paid the least bit of attention to the incumbent’s personal history regarding Israel and its leader.
In that context, yesterday on his show Rush posed the scenario this way in a transcript: “Is anybody asking: Why would that be?  What could possibly explain this?  Could it be we have an American president who has disrespected Netanyahu from his first visit to the White House.  Do you people remember this?  Netanyahu shows up at the White House late in the afternoon for a scheduled meeting with Obama.  Obama tells Netanyahu, "Look, I'm having dinner with my family.
"You go in there and you work on what I want to see, and I'll get back to you later," and he goes up to the residence, has dinner, and comes back three or four hours later. He really has not been nice to these people, but it goes much, much deeper than.  If this is the worst it's ever been between Israel and the US, why isn't anybody asking why?”
Now, although Rush posed the rhetorical question as to how come nobody’s asking why the U.S./Israel relationship's deteriorated to the extent that it has, its certain he’s aware of the incumbent’s background which includes his longtime pastor at Chicago’s Trinity United Church. 
As mentioned here just a few days ago, Reverend Jeremiah Wright,  announced his support for the anti-Semitic “March to Jerusalem” back on March 13, 2012, however his dislike goes back much farther than that.
Then, just yesterday, it was also noted here that a presidential “advisor,” Valerie Jarrett, was given the authority to interface with insurer’s in regard to the incumbent's health care tax, eventually giving them everything they asked for. 
And now, this morning, the Daily Caller reports that: “Top health insurer Aetna reported boosted profits in the second quarter since Obamacare has been in effect as large insurance companies continue to win big from the health-care law.  Aetna’s earnings rose 2 percent to $548.8 million this quarter, compared to just $536 million this time last year, before the health-care law forced more Americans to purchase coverage… The company raised its earnings projection for all of 2014 to $6.45 to $6.60 per share, up from $6.35 to $6.55 per share. … Large insurance companies are one of the biggest beneficiaries from the health-care law. While they continue to lobby against certain provisions — especially a hefty tax placed on each insurance policy a company sells — the individual mandate’s requirement that all Americans purchase coverage rapidly expands their customer base.”
Thus, although the woman’s in a position miles over her capabilities and experience, really nothing more than a political hack, she certainly does keep her promises to her friends and compatriots. 
And then, maybe we’re beginning to find out why Lois Lerner and the IRS are working so hard to insure that her missing emails will never be found.
According to “A newly discovered email exchange from Lois Lerner's official IRS email account "directly demonstrates Ms. Lerner's deep animus towards conservatives, which she refers to as '---holes,'" House Ways and Means Committee Chair Dave Camp wrote in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday.
In that Nov. 9, 2012 email, Lerner further suggests that conservatives will ruin the country: "So we don't  need to worry about alien teRrorists (sic). It's our own crazies that will take us down."
Camp told Holder that the email "shows that Ms. Lerner's mistreatment of conservative groups was driven by her personal hostility toward conservatives."
So, what today’s three items illustrate is that eventually the truth comes out in most cases. Which means that as far as the present political atmosphere is concerned, Republicans don’t really have to do to much to disparage or denigrate their opponents. Because, as the results indicate, these incompetent Democrats are rapidly destroying themselves in every aspect of governance.
That's it for today folks.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Conflicts continue around the world, with very slight chance of abating in a way satisfactory to both sides of those involved in the various wars. Therefore, there’s little that can be added here to project or comment about the myriad possible outcomes.
Instead, there are two items in the news today that point out where significant influence derives from on issues that should be the responsibility of decision-makers far above those actually taking action themselves.   
According to the Daily Caller, “Senior presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett came to the rescue of health insurance companies seeking taxpayer bailouts to shore up profits under ObamaCare according to a Republican staff report by the House Oversight Committee.
“[According to the committee report] Chet Burrell, president and CEO of Care First Blue Cross Blue Shield, wrote personally to Jarrett in March 2014 that insurers would need taxpayer funding from Obamacare’s risk corridor program in order to cut back on substantial losses… Jarrett initially protested that the administration had already promised insurers 80 percent of what they wanted in the first place, but eventually conceded that HHS’s ‘policy team is aggressively pursuing options.’ The next month, the Obama administration issued rules that would permit taxpayer funding to be doled out to insurers through the risk corridor program, which was originally supposed to be budget neutral….”
Therefore, in this case, a White House “advisor” was given the unilateral authority and responsibility of bailing out insurers who otherwise would have financial losses, the solution to which rested in penalizing taxpayers further for covering shortfalls caused by flaws in the health care tax itself. Which leads one to wonder how many other major decisions are made by unqualified underlings doing the incumbent’s bidding.
Then, in Chris Stirewalt’s column this morning, he reports that “Everytown for Gun Safety, the gun control group funded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, released a new TV ad depicting domestic violence and the cries of an endangered toddler to encourage support of a bill that would expand federal restrictions on access to firearms.”
Mr. Stirewalt goes on, “The 30-second spot, prefaced with a warning, features a man forcing his way into a woman’s home while she frantically calls for help. After he grabs a boy sitting on the couch, the woman tries to fight back until he raises a gun to her face. The ad ends with the video fading to black and the sound of a gunshot.”
Now, while obviously, the ad’s intent is to demonstrate the perils of guns and highlight the need for control, or ideally for anti-gun advocates, banning of weapons altogether, it actually does the reverse.
Because, in visualizing the scene set up in the ad, and thinking about what took place, the first question coming to mind was: What would this intruder have done if the woman he attacked was armed herself? And the answer’s quite simple. The intruder would have been on his way to the hospital with gunshot wounds, unless even better, he was dead.
Therefore, this ad is ridiculous because it not only illustrates the perils of being unarmed in the face of danger, it underlines the point of why otherwise defenseless people should avail themselves of every type of weapon attainable.
But, if you’re Michael Bloomberg with a cadre of security personnel at your beck and call, obviously defenseless women and others similarly in danger aren’t something you spend very much time really thinking about, if ever at all.
That’s it for today folks.

Monday, July 28, 2014


As bad as things are going for the incumbent's administration, today they're turning further for the worse.
Michael R. Gordon of the New York Times reports that on Sunday it seemed that Secretary of State, John, Kerry, was establishing absolutely nothing in his efforts to help resolve the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Kerry tried to urge Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel to embrace an “immediate, unconditional humanitarian cease-fire” while the two sides pursued a more lasting agreement. However, both sides “seem to be dug in this time, with Israeli officials appearing dismissive of Mr. Kerry’s push for a weeklong cease-fire in a way that few American secretaries of state have faced.”
And that leads right into comments made by Bill Clinton’s wife, who claimed on CNN yesterday that she was the “designated yeller” when dealing with Israel as Secretary of State.
In making a “not so veiled contrast to President Obama’s often strained relationship with the Israeli leader,” she “touted her ‘good relationship’ with President Benjamin Netanyahu.”
Going on to say, “I’ve known Bibi [Netanyahu] a long time and I have a very good relationship with him in part because we can yell at each other. And I was often the designated yeller. Something would happen, a new settlement announcement would come and I would call him up, what are you doing? You’ve got to stop this.”
Now, to really get the gist of her comment it’s very important to clearly understand and dissect her words. Because while trying to impress her prowess by demonstrating how close she believed she was to Israel’s Prime Minister, at the same time she’s informing readers that her primary responsibility was prohibiting Israel from doing whatever it was attempting to do at the time. And, from the emphasis placed on her questioning of Mr. Netanyahu’s actions it appears that this was something she did quite often.
Therefore, since the administration continually prohibited or changed the Prime Minister’s actions, one would suspect it’s no wonder Israel's fed up with the way they've been treated in recent years. Which is also why they’ve little use, if any, for the bumbling Kerry or his boss at the present time.
Then, citing a further example of administrative bumbling, reports that “The leaders of the House and Senate Veterans Affairs committees are planning to unveil a tentative deal on Monday on legislation meant to improve veterans' health care and tackle the litany of scandalous problems at the VA.”
While the plan is expected to include the leasing of 27 new clinics and the hiring of more doctors and nurses, it also makes it easier for veterans who can't get prompt appointments with VA doctors “to obtain outside care.” Because, “At the heart of the department's problems have been long wait times and falsified records covering up the delays.”
Thus, this is another case where it’s important to point out that most of the problems within the VA were caused by incapability and falsification on the part of government employees. And, furthermore, the solution is letting outside, private providers deliver needed services which they’ll undoubtedly do far better, much faster and likely at much lower costs.  
And, as if it was needed, another example of governmental ineptitude surfaced today, also according to, as follows.
“The Pentagon has been unable to locate more than 40 percent of the firearms it has provided to Afghan security forces at a cost of $626 million, according to a report by a government oversight agency made public Monday. 
The report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) states that the Defense Department's two information systems that track weapons sent to Afghanistan are full of errors. That has sparked fears that at least some of the weapons may be available on the black market, with militants among the potential purchasers.”
So, these three items today clearly illustrate that government in general, and this specific administration in particular are not only incredibly incompetent, but astronomically expensive too. Which is why sending the incumbent away for a month’s vacation may be a good thing for the nation economically.
Because, nobody here or abroad seems to have any use for him or his underlings, and therefore he won’t be missed at all. And compared to the huge amounts of money wasted when he’s around, a few million in vacation expense will give taxpayer’s a financial break they can really use right now.
That’s it for today folks.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Busy day for the New York Times where several articles reveal huge mistakes made here and abroad due to the incumbent’s inability to competently handle the job of POTUS.
While fighting still rages in an out of control Gaza, abandoned by the incumbent’s administration, and Syria, Iraq, North Korea, China and Ukraine among others all present festering overseas problems, Afghanistan is once again showing signs of significant unrest.   
The Times reports that, “Taliban fighters are scoring early gains in several strategic areas near the capital this summer, inflicting heavy casualties and casting new doubt on the ability of Afghan forces to contain the insurgency as the United States moves to complete its withdrawal of combat troops, according to Afghan officials and local elders.
The Taliban have found success beyond their traditional strongholds in the rural south and are now dominating territory near crucial highways and cities that surround Kabul, the capital, in strategic provinces like Kapisa and Nangarhar.”
Until now, the Taliban “advance has gone unreported because most American forces have left the field and officials in Kabul have largely refused to talk about it. The Afghan ministries have not released casualty statistics since an alarming rise in army and police deaths last year.”
However, foreign policy isn’t all that’s suffering due to the administration’s misguided policy-making. The nation’s economic condition is also going backward rapidly. 
In Business Day on Anna Bernasek headed a column: “The Typical Household, Now Worth a Third Less.”
Ms Bernasek writes that, “Economic inequality in the United States has been receiving a lot of attention. But it’s not merely an issue of the rich getting richer. The typical American household has been getting poorer, too.
The inflation-adjusted net worth for the typical household was $87,992 in 2003. Ten years later, it was only $56,335, or a 36 percent decline, according to a study financed by the Russell Sage Foundation. Those are the figures for a household at the median point in the wealth distribution — the level at which there are an equal number of households whose worth is higher and lower. But during the same period, the net worth of wealthy households increased substantially.”
Consequently, an administration that sold voters on the idea that the “rich” were enemies of those less fortunate economically and were going to be dealt with tirelessly, has in actuality done the complete reverse. Because, not only have those despised for their financial success not suffered at all, those in the middle have lost more than a third of their worth to boot.   
Ms Bernasek’s conclusion says it all succinctly: “The reasons for these declines are complex and controversial, but one point seems clear: When only a few people are winning and more than half the population is losing, surely something is amiss.”
And speaking of things being amiss, that certainly seems to be the case for the global-warming alarmist crowd.
Several times over the past twelve months, mentioned been made here of the polar vortex as well as the sun’s magnetic field reversal, both of which can lead to cooling temperatures. 
According to NASA Science News: “The sun's magnetic field changes polarity approximately every 11 years.  It happens at the peak of each solar cycle as the sun's inner magnetic dynamo re-organizes itself.  The coming reversal will mark the midpoint of Solar Cycle 24. Half of 'Solar Max' will be behind us, with half yet to come.”
Which may be why the Real Science website headlined an article yesterday: “Coolest Summer On Record In The US.”
The text says, “The frequency of 90 degree days in the US has been plummeting for 80 years, and 2014 has had the lowest frequency of 90 degree days through July 23 on record. The only other year which came close was 1992, and that was due to dust in the atmosphere from Mt Pinatubo.”
So, it isn’t only the economy, foreign policy, the military, national security and immigration that the administration is incapable of understanding and managing. It’s also picked a subject as its premiere objective, combatting “global-warming,” which doesn’t even exist.
That's it for today folks.

Saturday, July 26, 2014


As time rapidly passes, the administration’s long-term strategy for the Middle-East becomes more apparent with the desired result seeming to be a weakened, stranded Israel left alone to defend itself.
The incumbent’s flunky, John Kerry, has been unable to strike a deal satisfactory to both warring sides. He’s been attempting to get Israel to stand down, back-off its desires for enough time to destroy Hamas’ tunnels permitting surreptitious entry of the enemy into the country, and stop defending itself while their enemy rebuilds militarily.
However, to truly understand the White House’s overall goals, one must take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Because while the U.S. attempts are made at a cease-fire detrimental to Israel in the region, here at home legislation’s been proposed by Democrats that will likely hinder, delay or prevent Israel from re-arming its Iron-Dome missile defense system, seriously endangering the nation further.
Therefore, little by little, step by carefully-coordinated step, Israel will soon be the only free nation in the region, standing not only alone amongst its current enemies without true U.S. support, but soon to face a nuclear-armed Iran. Because the incumbent refuses to take serious action preventing that nation from continuing its nuclear program.
All of which falls neatly into place with the goals of the incumbent’s religious advisor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who endorses the “March to Jerusalem” a massive campaign designed to send anti-Israel partisans across Israel’s borders and into Jerusalem. 
Thus, while each individual U.S. step to date has been detrimental to Israel in its own way, none have truly been accidental or forced by unforeseen occurrences. Because while Israel's enemies may seem to have taken advantage of opportunities as they’ve arisen, those opportunities were not only well-known to the U.S. for quite some time, they may very well have been planned from the outset.
That's it for today folks.

Friday, July 25, 2014


On Fox News this morning, guests Melisa Francis of the Fox Business Network and Byron York of the Washington Examiner surprised host, Bill Hemmer, telling him that the incumbent’s approval ratings on health care and the economy are the highest of all performance ratings currently measured.
When Hemmer expressed his shock regarding the statistics, the two went on to explain that the reason for the two categories being the best was that all the others were so very low.
Looking up the data this morning, averaging most major polls, I found that roughly 26% of respondents think the nation’s heading in the right direction. Just 38% approve of national security efforts and 52% disapprove of overall job performance. At the same time, only 40% polled are satisfied with the economy, the same result as heath care. 
Therefore, what’s taking place isn’t a growing approval number at all, but instead all of the other categories measured are sinking to the extent that approximately 60% of those polled believe a miserable job’s being done across the board, regardless.
At the same a Fox Poll showed that “Fifty six percent of voters surveyed disapprove of Obama’s handling of the current border crisis, 31 percent approve. The poll’s respondents were more closely split on what should be done with the mostly juvenile migrants: 45 percent said they should be deported immediately, 40 percent said they should be allowed to stay.
One of the reasons for such low approval ratings can be seen by the way Democrats manipulate situations for political advantage, instead of trying to solve problems effectively and expeditiously. 
House Republican are currently pushing a $1.5 billion proposal to provide essential funding for border agencies and alter laws to enable quicker deportation of illegal juvenile migrants. 
Democrats, though, are daring Republicans to vote against a bigger $2.7 billion bill, which includes no changes to deportation restrictions. And then, they’ve also attached additional funds to help Israel replenish its Iron Dome anti-missile system. 
Thus, in this case they’ve tied Republican wishes for increased border safety to Israel's need for protection from missile attacks. Which plays right into the hands of the White House because the prospects for a deal on either issue, or both, before the clock runs out are looking increasingly slim. Exactly what the incumbent wants. 
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Rebecca Berg of the Washington Examiner writes that two books by right-leaning authors: Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. The Obamas by Ed Klein and Clinton, Inc.: The Audacious Rebuilding of a Political Machine by Daniel Halper, are both outselling Bill’s wife’s tome. What’s more, indications are that another, The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of Presidents by Ronald Kessler, to be released August 5th, will do the same.
As a result, and instead of realizing that the general public is making buying decisions that indicate other authors are producing material more preferable to them, the “Clinton’s allies are working to discredit Halper’s and Kessler’s books in a more aggressive fashion, as they have with Klein’s, dismissing their authors as “despicable” and agenda-driven.”
But, if you stop and think about it, if you searched the planet you couldn’t find any individuals more self-serving, agenda driven or money-seeking than the Clinton’s themselves. Which indicates another problem for them. Because other than collecting ransom from institutions hedging their bets by paying exorbitant fees for meaningless speaking engagements, no one else seems to have an interest in anything Bill’s wife says or writes about.  
Then, there was this comment following the article from one of the on-line readers, Mike120260 commiebasher, who wrote: “The only good thing about her winning the Presidency would be that we wouldn't have to pay her as much.”
And lastly, the Daily Caller notes: “[Dr. Ben Carson]’s ‘One Nation’ significantly outsold Clinton’s ‘Hard Choices’ for the week ending July 20. While Clinton’s book sold 10,000 copies, Carson’s sold 16,000.” A sales result that speaks for itself.
That’s it for today folks.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Crises continue all over the planet, many caused, prolonged, or growing greater due to the ineptitude and/or purposeful manipulation of the incumbent and his administration.
While thousands keep entering the nation illegally, 203,000 into Texas alone according to Governor Rick Perry, the incumbent seems to show no real interest in the issue, preferring to attend fund-raising events in New York and California, among other sites instead.  
As far as the Gaza conflict is concerned, yesterday Rush posted several interesting show transcripts on Facebook.
In one, El Rushbo opines about “Obama riding to the rescue, $47 million humanitarian aid to Gaza Strip because the Israelis are not being surgical enough in their strikes.”
Rush continues, “My point is that Obama's actions tell us exactly who he is: $47 million, not to the Gaza Strip, to the Palestinian Authority.  Then what does he do?  Then he closes the Israeli airport, first for 24 hours, and now it's been extended.  You want to isolate a country?  Keep people from going there.  You want to isolate a country?  Make it look like if you fly there, you're gonna get shot out of the sky.  By who?  The Palestinians?”
And then, Rush makes a critical observation saying, “So here comes the United States right on schedule, banning American Airlines, United, Delta, you name it, can't go in there, can't land in Tel Aviv.  Might get shot down.  By who?  Who's shooting at civilian airliners?  Well, it's happening in Ukraine.  Would Hamas do that?  How come they're not the bad guys, then?  How come nobody's condemning them?  Why is it Israel's fault that American airlines can't go into Tel Aviv now?  Israel is making it unsafe.  Israel is threatening them by trying to defend itself.  It's absurd.”
While, as usual, Rush makes his point quite well, there’s really not that much complexity to the administration’s actions. All one has to do is keep in mind what was mentioned here yesterday regarding the incumbent’s admiration for Chicago’s Reverend Wright’s anti-Semitic "March to Jerusalem."  
The Egyptians, however, apparently understand the White Houses' position clearly, as evidenced by the way they treated John Kerry when he flew to Tel Aviv from Cairo Tuesday to meet with Egypt’s president and other high-level officials. 
Reuters, among many other media outlets, reported that an “unusual” screening process occurred involving Kerry and his State Department team as they were subjected to a metal detector before meeting with President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi at the Egyptian presidential palace. Kerry and his aides were checked with a metal detector. Security personnel reportedly raised a handheld metal-detector wand to Kerry’s suit jacket before waving him through.”

Therefore, its quite clear to the Egyptians, and likely most others too, that Kerry’s only going through motions because he must for image purposes. But, since he really can’t accomplish anything at all, he should be treated just like any other ordinary citizen visiting the presidential palace and who knows? Maybe he's armed and dangerous. 

Then, aside from foreign leaders being unimpressed by those like Kerry who are all talk but never actually accomplish anything, it looks like people are also tiring of Bill Clinton’s wife.
William Bigelow, of Breitbart on-line reports that “The last three weeks, Clinton’s book Hard Choices has been outsold by Ed Klein’s Blood Feud: The Clintons v. the Obamas.
Meanwhile, Daniel Halper’s new book, Clinton Inc.: The Audacious Rebuilding of a Political Machine, is outselling both books on Amazon; Halper stands at No. 23 on the Amazon list; Klein’s book is No. 39; Clinton’s is at No. 124.”

So, today’s another one where a major problem for Democrats is rapidly becoming more apparent. Because whether it’s an empty suit like Kerry or a former president's wife like Bill’s, most people are getting very tired of being buried in words, fully realizing what the nation now needs is a government that actually knows how to get things done.

That’s it for today folks.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Confidence in the administration’s ability to affect a cease fire in the conflict between Israel and Hamas was summed up perfectly yesterday by El Rushbo, who said on his show: “You know, this idiot, John Kerry, is over talking Vietnam to Benjamin Netanyahu.  "You know, when I was in Vietnam...."  And Netanyahu, "This isn't Vietnam," you idiot.”
Additionally, beyond Kerry's idiocy, a major reason the U.S. has done very little to help stop the conflict can be found by simply remembering where the incumbent received significant influence on his thinking, much of which coming from his former spiritual advisor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright of Chicago.
Among many others, back on March 13, 2012, Breitbart posted an article by Ben Shapiro titled “Jeremiah Wright Endorses Anti-Semitic 'March to Jerusalem'”
Mr. Shapiro writes that “President Barack Obama’s longtime pastor at Trinity United Church, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has announced his support for the anti-Semitic "March to Jerusalem" at the end of March. The White House has refused comment. “
The “March to Jerusalem” itself is a massive campaign designed to send anti-Israel partisans across Israel’s borders and into Jerusalem. The National Conference on Jewish Affairs reports Iran's government is involved in the organization of the event and plans to send thousands of participants in caravans, whose schedules have been published by the Quds News agency.”
Therefore, there really aren’t any surprises in the incumbent's current disregard for Israel's problems whereas Hamas is now doing what his own reverend hoped for all along.
At the same time, further confirmation yesterday illustrates that the State Department, at the time run by Bill Clinton’s wife, knew far in advance of a potential attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi. 
Fox News on-line reports that, “Members of the Islamist extremist militia blamed for the Benghazi terror attack had moved in next door to the U.S. Consulate months before the strike but “nothing was done” despite concerns about the dangerous neighbors,”
One intelligence source stated that American security personnel specifically asked for an M240 machine gun to mount on the roof at the consulate for added protection and “asked for a belt-fed mounted machine gun, but were specifically denied by the State Department because they said it would upset the locals.”
Thus, as time goes on, more and more information surfaces revealing that while Bill’s wife did very little throughout her career aside from marrying him, the few things she actually did do all turned into colossal misjudgments and mistakes. 
On another subject, yesterday in National Review Online’s “The Corner” Joel Gehrke wrote an article titled, “Obama’s Law Professor- ‘I Wouldn’t Bet’ on Obamacare Surviving Next Legal Challenge.”
The article itself presents reasons why the professor believes further challenges may overturn the legislation entirely. However, a reader’s comments following the piece demonstrate clearly why the health care tax, like socialism itself, is so damaging to growth in the economy due to its redistribution inequities.
Reader rightisright5116 Gary Lee wrote ”Welcome to my world. I've scraped and planned and worked and finally got my mortgage paid off- it took me 23 years of planning and execution to do it... just in time for the ACA to double my premiums. I now essentially have the same outflows per month as before- but instead of making the mortgage payment I"m now paying for another family's insurance.”
And lastly. Yesterday’s entry included some very revealing information about presidential advisor, Valerie Jarrett, whose quite misguided thinking carries significant influence in the White House.
Sadly, perhaps because her name may not be that familiar to many who search the web seeking information, viewers numbers were down for the day.
That factor alone is quite disturbing because if those having so much power are either ignored or unknown to so many, they’ll continue doing their harm unbridled due simply to public ignorance and/or indifference.
That’s it for today folks.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


On July 7th, Senior Advisor to the President, Valerie Jarrett remarking about the incumbent in a Commentary Magazine article said that, “He's just so much smarter, and so much better, than the rest of us.” Yet facts show that less than half (47%) of likely U.S. would actually agree with her.
According to The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll yesterday, while 47% of likely U.S. voters approve of President Obama's job performance, fifty-two percent (52%) disapprove.
Therefore, it seems that Ms. Jarrett suffers from a problem that many intellectually limited individuals have. Because she’s venturing her opinion from a personal perspective. And while she herself is evidently below average intellectually, she assumes most others are at her level or lower. However, what the Rasmussen poll indicates is that they are not.
And most importantly, if her assumption about the incumbent’s intellectual acumen being a standard of measurement of being “better” than others is correct, fifty-two percent of likely voters are therefore smarter than he is because they don’t agree with him or approve of the job he’s doing.
Thus, when it comes to using intellect as an indicator for measuring the capabilities, intentions, motives or rationales for the actions or beliefs of others, what political hacks like Ms. Jarrett need to consider is that in order to know what truly intelligent individuals believe and perceive, one has to be on that level themselves. Which she clearly is not.
On another issue, it appears that Darryl Issa’s continual pursuit of the IRS and Lois Lerner, may yet prove to be correct. Because, according to the Washington Examiner: “New testimony from a key Internal Revenue Service official indicates the IRS may not have lost two years of emails sent by former top IRS official Lois Lerner after all.”
A newly released transcript of a recent closed-door interview with IRS Deputy Associate Chief Counsel Thomas Kane, who’s responsible for producing documents requested by Congress related to a probe into the IRS past practice of targeting conservative groups, told Oversight staffers last week that the backup tapes that held two years of lost Lerner emails may actually still exist.
If that’s true, the truth of the targeting might very well still come out.
And finally, Barnini Chakraborty of Fox reports that “A powerful federal appeals court dealt a major blow to ObamaCare on Tuesday, ruling against the legality of some subsidies issued to people through the Affordable Care Act exchanges.”
The ruling is likely to be appealed, but the the “decision threatens to gut the foundation of the law by potentially nixing subsidies that millions of people obtained through the federally run exchange known as”
The decision is critical to the program because, “Nearly 90 percent of the federal exchange’s insurance enrollees were eligible for subsidies because of low or moderate incomes, and the outcome of the case could potentially leave millions without affordable health insurance.”
So, all the way around, today’s been another bad one for the administration. And that’s why people like Valerie Jarrett should stop and think before venturing statements that are absolutely ridiculous. Because, not only isn’t her boss more intellectually gifted than most, if his programs and management approach are offered as proof, one might assume he’s actually pretty stupid.
That’s it for today folks.

Monday, July 21, 2014


Texas Governor, Rick Perry, took a major step yesterday toward helping attack a problem the incumbent’s been helping fester by refusing to protect the nation’s southern border for purely self-serving political reasons.
The governor told a small crowd of veterans in Iowa Sunday afternoon that, “If the federal government doesn't send more troops and aid to the secure the U.S. border with Mexico, the state of Texas will act unilaterally.”
Some pundits think this represents a risky gambit because the cost might be as much as $12 million a month, not insignificant for a state having a testy election-year fight over spending. Nonetheless, its far more likely that voters from both major political parties will highly favor protecting the nation, regardless of the additional expense because border security is far more important than the additional costs incurred.
Which leads to the next point regarding the incumbent, who according to Chris Stirewalt’s Fox column, “finds himself trapped between public opinion that is squarely against his handling of the crisis and a Democratic base that is increasingly unwilling to tolerate the mass deportation of the asylum-seeking Central American youths.”
What makes absolutely no sense about this, and is truly unfathomable, is why anyone, regardless of political persuasion, would willingly support exposing the nation to floods of illegal immigrants pouring in unbridled, including thugs, criminals, exploiters of the weak and helpless, and terrorists wishing to harm our citizens. The entire premise is naïve, ridiculous and self-defeating.
On another subject, also from Mr. Stirewalt, an item appeared showing that the New York Times’ history of arrogantly incorrect bias in the news goes back for at least a century, as follows:
“One hundred years ago this week, Robert H. Goddard received a pioneering patent for a liquid-fueled rocket–just like the one that took Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins to the moon. It was the one small step that led to one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. 
Goddard’s experiments captured the imagination of both like-minded engineers and the general public–both elements that were crucial to the birth of NASA and the intensifying sequence of Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs that led to human footsteps on the moon.”
However, “In a famously nasty 1920 editorial, The New York Times ridiculed his ideas about rocketry, declaring that his claim that a rocket could fly in the vacuum of space would ‘deny a fundamental law of dynamics, and only Dr. Einstein and his chosen dozen, so few and fit, are licensed to do that.”
Then, on July 17, 1969, “as Apollo 11 was racing moonward, the Times published a gently self-mocking correction: ‘Further investigation and experimentation have confirmed the findings of Isaac Newton in the 17th Century and it is now definitely established that a rocket can function in a vacuum as well as in an atmosphere. The Times regrets the error.”
And then, another item sheds further light on the administration's having far less regard for Israel than any other since Jimmy Carter.  
The, reports that, “Just moments after a testy exchange with “Fox News Sunday’s” Chris Wallace over what the Secretary of State perceived as repeated interruptions, Wallace played a clip captured while Kerry waited to appear on the Sunday news program.
Seemingly oblivious to the fact that the State Department camera in front of him and mic pinned on his lapel were live, America’s top diplomat harshly criticized the on-going Israeli operation in Gaza following news of Israeli army casualties and Palestinian civilian deaths.”
“It’s a helluva pinpoint operation,” Kerry told a top aide sarcastically over his cellphone. “It’s a helluva pinpoint operation. We’ve got to get over there. Thank you, John. I think John, we ought to go tonight. I think it’s crazy to be sitting around.”
So, like everything this administration does, the words speeches and endless talk delivered to the public have very little to do, if anything, with what really transpires beyond the scenes. But, Kerry’s true feelings are likely no surprise to leaders like Israel’s Netanyahu whose actions have shown for the past few years he's known that his nation's been on its own as far as  Kerry’s boss is concerned, and will almost surely stay that way into the future.
That's it for today folks.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Today’s one where several events, here and abroad, illustrate that the incumbent’s by far the worst president since WWII, perhaps in the nation’s history.
For example, a leading Democrat Senator, Dianne Feinstein, was asked yesterday by CNN's Candy Crowley if U.S.-Russia relations were now "at Cold War levels." Feinstein didn’t hesitate to say, "Yes." Which means that in just five years relations with Russia have been set all the way back to those that existed in 1946.
At the same time, here in the U.S. former Border Patrol Deputy Chief Ronald Coburn spoke to Fox’s Judge Judy about the crisis at the southern border.
The chief said, “One in ten of every adult male crosser[s] in this day and age more than likely already has a violent criminal record here in the United States, has been removed, and is returning. Another one in ten, making it one in five, is bringing with him or her their violent criminal tendencies and records from their own countries of which we don't know yet.”
He also stated that “drug cartels are mocking the US as a border security subject matter expert I am closely linked with the intelligence community. And we do watch the social networks, the electronic networks where we see the cartels boasting about their gains being made and laughing at the US government's handling of this situation...they are coming here not to contribute to society but to prey on society.” He also said the morale of the Border Patrol “has never been this poor.”
Now, while these setbacks for the country have weakened its position worldwide, reducing its image and the respect of others to all-time lows, the shortcomings and faults aren’t restricted purely to the national stage. Others coming out of the administration are failing miserably as well. 
Mitch Smith, Peter Nickeas and Juan Perez Jr., of the Chicago Tribune report, “22 shot in Chicago over 12 hours, including girl, 11, killed at sleepover.” 
The trio go on to write that, “violence in Chicago under Mayor Rahm Emanuel is rapidly spiraling out of control. Last weekend, July 4th, Chicago suffered 82 shootings leading to 14 deaths reaffirming the city’s new nickname “Chiraq” – a combination of Chicago and Iraq. It was not the first holiday this year to be drenched in blood, Easter saw 45 shootings leading to nine deaths.”
Furthermore, “Many of those shot were teenagers involved in gang warfare and five of the shootings were by Chicago Police who killed a 14 and 16 year old that reportedly refused to drop their guns. The 85 shootings are an increase from the same time last year and there are no signs that the violence won’t continue to accelerate.”
The shootings led Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy to say, “It’s groundhog day here in Chicago again.”
Therefore, as time has now shown, the events taking place throughout the world aren’t simply random events happening at this particular place in time. Instead, they evidence a refusal among liberals to face reality, coupled with their continual pursuit of a “dream world” that simply doesn’t exist at present and never did at all.
Therefore, the major question still hanging over the nation remains the same. How long will the public, particularly those who vote, permit these travesty's caused by inept and misguided governance to go on? 
That’s it for today folks.

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Issues headlining the news today make far more sense if one stops to review the history of where things started. Situations, too, become far clearer when the incumbent’s original intentions for his presidency are considered as part of what's happening worldwide now.  
For example, Charles Krauthammer said the incumbent was basing recent remarks “on a misguided notion of Russian and European intentions. This is really bad, it's going to embarrass the Russians, and they're going to lose on this.” 
“Putin has 80 percent support in his country. The propaganda in the country is not reflecting anything resembling the truth. He's not going to lose any support at home. 
“This is a war which Putin singlehandedly has started, supported, armed. It's his thugs who pulled the trigger on weapons either he supplied or trained the thugs on, and he's pretending it's the fault of the Ukrainians.” 
Add to that the fact that the U.S.-Russia relationship has broken down, and now Moscow could throw a wrench into the teetering nuclear negotiations with Iran. Especially because, escalating tensions between Washington and Moscow have grown further due to the MH17 airliner disaster. And now, they’re finally to the point where they threaten to spoil the number one item on the incumbent’s foreign policy agenda: the nuclear talks with Iran. 
The man threatening the issue most is, of course, Russian President Vladimir Putin who is now exchanging views on the state of talks on Iran’s nuclear program with the President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani. The two leaders are also examining bilateral cooperation matters of mutual interest, including joint projects in the oil and gas sector and in peaceful nuclear energy.”
Now, putting these items together, Russian involvement in Ukraine along with nuclear weapons growth in Iran, what has to be remembered is the incumbent leaning toward Dmitry Medvedev in Seoul, Obama in March 2012, and overheard asking for time - "particularly with missile defense" - until in a better position politically to resolve such issues. Then going further by saying “This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility," expressing confidence that he would win a second term. 
Medvedev, of course, promised to “transmit this information to Vladimir." 
What gives these situations even more clarity is considering them in light of a 1966 article in Nation by Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, sociology professors at Columbia University, who wrote that “capitalism should be collapsed by overloading the government with financial demands that could not be met.” 
Their strategy entails collapsing the financial system via chaos, and if a crisis does not exist, creating one. The more chaos the better, and the solution is always couched in empathetic  words like “equal,” “humane,” and “just.”
It's important to remember the strategy because, the most prominent of the organizations formed by Cloward and Piven was project ACORN, for which Barack Obama was the lawyer. 
Receiving millions of dollars from the federal government and charitable organizations for working on the census, voter registration, affordable housing and other organizing efforts, ACORN’s biggest success was in lobbying for the expansion of housing on behalf of the poor, leading to the financial collapse of 2008 which can be traced to government decisions.
For example, The Community Reinvestment Act of 1979 required banks to make loans in poor neighborhoods. Under pressure from the Clinton White House in 1999, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lowered their credit standards on mortgages. Proposals by the Bush Administration to put Fannie and Freddie under closer supervision were opposed by Democrats in Congress. 
In response to the chaos created by the financial meltdown, $2 trillion was spent saving Wall Street from their own bad decisions, covering the salaries of public union employees and expanding welfare and unemployment benefits. The shovel ready jobs that were promised are still undone so the Left demands more spending. Then, after dozens of ACORN employees were indicted on charges of voter fraud, the funding dried up and it was disbanded.
Which brings us to today where, in keeping with the Cloward-Piven Strategy, a new crisis is being manufactured by the incumbent via the chaos at the Southern border, as are situations in Ukraine, Syria, Gaza, Israel, and Iraq, to cite a few more being managed purposefully poorly.
So, although its hard to determine exactly what the incumbent's ultimate plan is, one thing seems absolutely certain. Russia’s return to world prominence along with the U.S. invasion by illegal immigrants aren’t by any means accidents. And that’s why Congress and the majority of the American voting public better wake up very soon. Because if things keep going as they are, there won’t be very much of U.S. status left anywhere, whether here at home or abroad.
That’s it for today folks.

Friday, July 18, 2014


The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that most voters don’t want any of the young illegal immigrants who’ve recently arrived here housed in their state. 
59% of likely U.S. voters believe the primary focus of any new immigration legislation passed by Congress should be to send the young illegal immigrants back home as quickly as possible, and any legislation passed by Congress to deal with the problem should focus on doing that. Only 27% say it should focus instead on making it easier for these illegal immigrants to remain in the United States.
At the same time, Brett Molina of USA Today, reports that Microsoft confirmed it will cut up to 18,000 jobs over the next year, part of the tech titan's efforts to streamline its business under new CEO Satya Nadella.
However, although the immigrant influx is overwhelming, the U.S. job market isn’t really improving in regard to skilled positions, and the overall economy’s shrinking, Tony Lee of Breitbart writes that: “Bill Gates, along with Sheldon Adelson and Warren Buffett, advocated removing "the worldwide cap on the number of visas that could be awarded to legal immigrants who had earned a graduate degree in science, technology, engineering or mathematics from an accredited institution of higher education in the United States."
Thus, I guess, when you have multi-billions of your own, it really doesn’t mater what other U.S. citizens face economically. According to these three guys, we should attract foreigners, teach then in our schools, and then step aside politely while they take our jobs. Which make one wonder where in the world people learn to think like that. 
Another aspect of how people think is found in an item from Fox News on-line regarding the Malaysia downed jetliner that asks: “How did President Ronald Reagan handle a similar situation in the summer of 1983?
Megyn Kelly and Chris Stirewalt discussed the incident, noting that Reagan didn’t speak publicly on the subject for four days. He then “spoke with gravity from the Oval Office in a primetime address when he did.”
In comparison: The incumbent’s “endless talking, his endless fundraising, his endless effort to control every 15 minutes of every news cycle saps him of the ability to speak with authority and resolution when he needs to,” Stirewalt said.
Mr. Stirewalt’s observation hits home because it echo’s something that’s been written about here just about daily for the past four years. Whereas, the incumbent’s administration does practically nothing regardless of the subject, except for speechmaking, fund raising, vacationing to luxurious spots and playing golf.
Which brings us to what appears to be the biggest step yet toward unwinding the global warming farce.
Bloomberg’s Jason Scott and Mike Anderson report that: “Australia’s decision to repeal its levy limiting fossil-fuel pollution makes it the first nation to turn back from a market approach to fighting global warming.”
The prime minister, in 2009, called climate science “absolute crap” and approved dredging of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. However he denied his government is anti-environment.
“Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s government won final approval from Parliament yesterday to scrap a levy about 300 companies paid for their carbon dioxide emissions. The move leaves Australia, the largest polluter per capita among industrial nations, without a system for reducing greenhouse gases as it prepares to host a meeting of the Group of 20 nations.”
AlGore jumped on the decision, saying, “Repeal of Australia’s carbon price was a disappointing step for a country that continues to experience the worsening consequences of the climate crisis. Australia has been a longtime world leader in the effort to halt global warming.”  
And while that was going on, Alex Sosnowski of wrote that, “More records were broken on Thursday across the central and southern portions of the United States as autumn-like air maintained its grip on the eastern half of the country.
More temperature records are likely to fall on Friday from the southern Plains to the Southeast with daytime temperatures not rising out of the 70s.”
Therefore, while Australians come to their senses, realizing that climate science can do very little, if anything, to dissuade Mother Nature from doing what she pleases, AlGore, Bill Gates and his friends keep on trying to sell the public on ideas important to them despite hard facts proving the opposite. Because in all of their cases, that’s where the money is.
That's it for today folks.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


As the illegal immigrant influx gains momentum as one of the worst mistakes in U.S. governance to ever take place, thoughts of the last presidential election results come clearly to mind. Especially in light of the incumbent’s comments yesterday when he said proudly, ““I’m just telling the truth now—I’m not running for office anymore.”
As far as the popular vote was concerned, the incumbent tallied 65,918,507, equaling 51.01%. Mitt Romney received 60,934,407 votes for 47.15%, a difference of 3.86%.
Now, according to on April 11, 2014, regarding individual market cancellations that took place in the health care insurance market: “The most commonly used figure is 4.7 million, based on reporting by the Associated Press last December.”
Therefore, the lies alone on the health care subject would have wiped out the winning margin had the truth been revealed. Add to that the misinformation delivered by the incumbent on the top four categories in Gallup’s latest poll results, regarding what voters are still concerned about and that he vowed to fix but has not, and Mr. Romney would likely win by 10% if an election were held today.
Here are the poll results
                         Gallup Politics Poll July 16, 2014
U.S. Most Important Problem -- Recent Selected Trend   
What’s also extremely interesting is that global warming, or climate change of any kind is no longer on the list at all, meaning that less than 2% of the population has any interest in the subject whatsoever.
And as far as Attorney General Holder’s going out of his way to insert race as divisive among “some people,” the same poll shows that for 98% of those polled, it isn’t even an issue to be considered. In fact, the only way that the administration’s self-described primary concerns could be a top priority for Gallup’s audience would be to turn the list upside down.
And, perhaps, the incumbent’s seen the poll himself and added that misery to the others he’s currently facing. Such as the illegal immigration debacle, the exposure of his foreign policy failures, the scandal involving the IRS and the disgraceful treatment of veterans by the administration responsible for their health and wellness.
Which is likely why he needs to recuperate and recover from the worries that now surround him, and according to the Washington Examiner, will soon be leaving for a place where; “It's going to be hot tubs, basketball, tennis and golf for the first family this summer, having set plans for a 16-day vacation in Martha's Vineyard, Mass., on a $12 million, 10-acre forested estate on the southwestern corner of the island.”
And It’s going to set a good example for those five and six year olds from Central America, crossing Mexico to get to the Rio Grande. Because if they can remain in the U.S., even illegally, they too have a chance to become part of the government and live the good life at taxpayer’s expense without needing any skills at all.
That’s it for today folks.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Since the incumbent dithers on almost daily in speeches across the nation, while visiting golf courses and pool halls he likes, it’s doubtful that many actually listen to what he says.
That’s likely why something he uttered in a speech last Friday hasn’t been picked up on by more than a few observers. Nonetheless, according to, he said: “I’m just telling the truth now—I’m not running for office anymore.”
Now, whether that was an admission to years of fabrications in pursuit of elected office, a sudden short burst of honesty, or an indication of continued unbridled disregard for the disastrous ramifications of misguided policy is irrelevant. What matters most is that after years of abject dishonesty, he has now has disclosed himself as a total, unequivocal fraud.
And fraud itself seems to be the cornerstone of the Democrat party today, because Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters yesterday “The border is secure.”
He then said, according to, ”[L]awmakers need to worry less about border security and focus instead on President Obama’s $3.7 billion request to help process the tens of thousands of children from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador who have been apprehended on the border.” And that, “[I]f the House had passed the Senate’s comprehensive immigration reform bill, there would not be a surge of illegal immigrant minors from Central America.”
However, if the border is truly secure, how did these surging illegal minors get into the country? And what does the administration need the money for if these illegals are truly being turned back?
Thus the double-talk from the Dem’s at the top is beyond incredible.
Where the whole problem started, though, is another example of administrative incompetence and the result of shortsighted thinking for purely political purposes. Because the countless thousands of illegal immigrants flocking to the U.S. in recent months, believe that the “Dream Act,” as well as a 2008 law granting an asylum hearing to any child not from a border nation applies to them. Furthermore, the White House policy known as “prosecutorial discretion” means once they arrive, they’ll never have to go back.
While legislators declined to enact the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act (Dream Act) in the 112th Congress, the incumbent himself initiated the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program on June 15, 2012.
Not bothering to issue an Executive Order or White House memorandum regarding the decision, he simply directed Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano to draft guidance on applying "prosecutorial discretion" with respect to a certain class of younger immigrants without legal status, which is what opened the doors to one and all. 
So, looking at the result of this unilateral decision to attract illegals, perhaps that’s one of the reasons why the following occurrence, noted in Chris Stirewalt’s Fox column, just took place. 
“The National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee, a PAC promoting Dr. Ben Carson as the 2016 GOP presidential nominee, raised more than $3.3 million in the second quarter. That beats the $2.5 million raised in the quarter by the pro-Hillary presidential group, Ready for Hillary. Since last fall, the pro-Carson group has now raised more than $7.2 million.”

What’s most important here to note is that, while Dr. Carson's a highly respected Republican who may be strongly considering a presidential run, he’s not even one of the top party contenders. Therefore, if even he can significantly outperform Bill Clinton’s wife in fundraising at this stage, it looks like any of the really the big names will leave her in the dust, funds-wise and worse for her…at the polls.  

That’s it for today folks.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014


In the category of empty suits, new White House Press Secretary, Josh Earnest, has to have a whole section of his own. This guy makes drying paint look exciting by comparison.
Dullness, however isn’t his only flaw, whereas presenting unadulterated fabrications also seems to be another of his characteristics.
Yesterday, according to, he told reporters that, the administration’s foreign policies in a number of areas have enhanced the world’s “tranquility,” which “raised eyebrows as reporters pointed to situations in Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Ukraine and the South China Sea.”
Following that comment, “More than one reporter during Monday’s press briefing referred to a front-page Wall Street Journal article highlighting some of those crises, and citing security strategists as saying “the breadth of global instability now unfolding hasn’t been seen since the late 1970s.”
ABC News’ Jon Karl quoted Attorney General Eric Holder’s assessment in an interview aired Sunday that the terrorist potential arising from Westerners returning home after fighting in Syria was “more frightening than anything I think I’ve seen as attorney general.”
Karl then pointed to “what’s looking like an all-out war” between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, Sunni jihadist successes in “taking over vast territory in Iraq and in Syria,” Russian aggression in Ukraine, and concerns about Chinese handling of territorial disputes in the South China Sea.
“It doesn’t seem like a time to be touting tranquility on the international scene,” he told Earnest. “Do you think the president’s foreign policy bears any responsibility for any of this, or is there anything he can do about any of this?”
Earnest said President Obama’s thinking about foreign policy was guided by one core principle – “the national security interests of the United States of America.”
At the same time, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that 6 out of 10 disapprove of Obama’s handling of the border crisis, whereas fifty-eight percent of American adults disapprove of the way the incumbent’s the immigration influx is going.
Consequently, regardless that the incumbent's thinking may truly be “the national security interests of the United States of America,” it isn't his thoughts that accomplish the goal. It's his actions that count  the most. And in that regard, he's done nothing helpful or constructive at all. 
Which leads to another combination of fabrication and mismanagement, as reported by Jeffery H. Anderson of The Weekly Standard, as follows.
“In March 2010, Obamacare was about to be voted upon by the House of Representatives, and the Democrats were in the process of deciding whether to ignore public opinion at their peril.  At that time, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that Obamacare would cost $938 billion over a decade and would reduce the number of uninsured people by 19 million as of 2014 (with a reduction of 1 million prior to 2014 and 18 million in 2014 alone).”
Now, today, “[T]he Urban Institute finds that Obamacare has actually reduced the number of uninsured adults by 8 million since the rollout began last fall.  (Gallup shows a similar number.)  That’s far short of the number of newly insured that the CBO projected in April of this year, in February of this year, or in 2012 — and it’s less than half the tally the American people were told Obamacare would hit when they opposed it in 2010.”
So, I guess today’s question has to consider the extent of lying that constituents will accept from their chosen representatives. Because, what’s at stake isn’t simply political ideology. Health care alone comprises 20% of the nation’s economy. Therefore, huge costs derive when statistics are fabricated purely for electoral approval.
Foreign policy failures too take a toll that’s not only costly financially, but risks the safety and lives of the nation’s citizenry. Which means that ignoring international threats in order to please voters is a total dereliction of duty having immense consequences. And while being incapable is surely tragic, a national leader who purposefully ignores proper actions simply to avoid the embarrassment of ineptitude, places personal goals above responsible governance, which is truly unconscionable.
That’s it for today folks.