Texas Governor, Rick Perry, took a major step yesterday toward helping attack a problem the incumbent’s been helping fester by refusing to protect the nation’s southern border for purely self-serving political reasons.
The governor told a small crowd of veterans in Iowa Sunday afternoon that, “If the federal government doesn't send more troops and aid to the secure the U.S. border with Mexico, the state of Texas will act unilaterally.”
Some pundits think this represents a risky gambit because the cost might be as much as $12 million a month, not insignificant for a state having a testy election-year fight over spending. Nonetheless, its far more likely that voters from both major political parties will highly favor protecting the nation, regardless of the additional expense because border security is far more important than the additional costs incurred.
Which leads to the next point regarding the incumbent, who according to Chris Stirewalt’s Fox News.com column, “finds himself trapped between public opinion that is squarely against his handling of the crisis and a Democratic base that is increasingly unwilling to tolerate the mass deportation of the asylum-seeking Central American youths.”
What makes absolutely no sense about this, and is truly unfathomable, is why anyone, regardless of political persuasion, would willingly support exposing the nation to floods of illegal immigrants pouring in unbridled, including thugs, criminals, exploiters of the weak and helpless, and terrorists wishing to harm our citizens. The entire premise is naïve, ridiculous and self-defeating.
On another subject, also from Mr. Stirewalt, an item appeared showing that the New York Times’ history of arrogantly incorrect bias in the news goes back for at least a century, as follows:
“One hundred years ago this week, Robert H. Goddard received a pioneering patent for a liquid-fueled rocket–just like the one that took Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins to the moon. It was the one small step that led to one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.
Goddard’s experiments captured the imagination of both like-minded engineers and the general public–both elements that were crucial to the birth of NASA and the intensifying sequence of Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs that led to human footsteps on the moon.”
However, “In a famously nasty 1920 editorial, The New York Times ridiculed his ideas about rocketry, declaring that his claim that a rocket could fly in the vacuum of space would ‘deny a fundamental law of dynamics, and only Dr. Einstein and his chosen dozen, so few and fit, are licensed to do that.”
Then, on July 17, 1969, “as Apollo 11 was racing moonward, the Times published a gently self-mocking correction: ‘Further investigation and experimentation have confirmed the findings of Isaac Newton in the 17th Century and it is now definitely established that a rocket can function in a vacuum as well as in an atmosphere. The Times regrets the error.”
And then, another item sheds further light on the administration's having far less regard for Israel than any other since Jimmy Carter.
The dailycaller.com/2014, reports that, “Just moments after a testy exchange with “Fox News Sunday’s” Chris Wallace over what the Secretary of State perceived as repeated interruptions, Wallace played a clip captured while Kerry waited to appear on the Sunday news program.
Seemingly oblivious to the fact that the State Department camera in front of him and mic pinned on his lapel were live, America’s top diplomat harshly criticized the on-going Israeli operation in Gaza following news of Israeli army casualties and Palestinian civilian deaths.”
“It’s a helluva pinpoint operation,” Kerry told a top aide sarcastically over his cellphone. “It’s a helluva pinpoint operation. We’ve got to get over there. Thank you, John. I think John, we ought to go tonight. I think it’s crazy to be sitting around.”
So, like everything this administration does, the words speeches and endless talk delivered to the public have very little to do, if anything, with what really transpires beyond the scenes. But, Kerry’s true feelings are likely no surprise to leaders like Israel’s Netanyahu whose actions have shown for the past few years he's known that his nation's been on its own as far as Kerry’s boss is concerned, and will almost surely stay that way into the future.
That's it for today folks.
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