While outrage, name-calling and disagreement continues in the U.S. on both sides of the equation regarding the conflict in Gaza, the do-nothing position of the administration should surprise no one who’s paid the least bit of attention to the incumbent’s personal history regarding Israel and its leader.
In that context, yesterday on his show Rush posed the scenario this way in a transcript: “Is anybody asking: Why would that be? What could possibly explain this? Could it be we have an American president who has disrespected Netanyahu from his first visit to the White House. Do you people remember this? Netanyahu shows up at the White House late in the afternoon for a scheduled meeting with Obama. Obama tells Netanyahu, "Look, I'm having dinner with my family.
"You go in there and you work on what I want to see, and I'll get back to you later," and he goes up to the residence, has dinner, and comes back three or four hours later. He really has not been nice to these people, but it goes much, much deeper than. If this is the worst it's ever been between Israel and the US, why isn't anybody asking why?”
Now, although Rush posed the rhetorical question as to how come nobody’s asking why the U.S./Israel relationship's deteriorated to the extent that it has, its certain he’s aware of the incumbent’s background which includes his longtime pastor at Chicago’s Trinity United Church.
As mentioned here just a few days ago, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, announced his support for the anti-Semitic “March to Jerusalem” back on March 13, 2012, however his dislike goes back much farther than that.
Then, just yesterday, it was also noted here that a presidential “advisor,” Valerie Jarrett, was given the authority to interface with insurer’s in regard to the incumbent's health care tax, eventually giving them everything they asked for.
And now, this morning, the Daily Caller reports that: “Top health insurer Aetna reported boosted profits in the second quarter since Obamacare has been in effect as large insurance companies continue to win big from the health-care law. Aetna’s earnings rose 2 percent to $548.8 million this quarter, compared to just $536 million this time last year, before the health-care law forced more Americans to purchase coverage… The company raised its earnings projection for all of 2014 to $6.45 to $6.60 per share, up from $6.35 to $6.55 per share. … Large insurance companies are one of the biggest beneficiaries from the health-care law. While they continue to lobby against certain provisions — especially a hefty tax placed on each insurance policy a company sells — the individual mandate’s requirement that all Americans purchase coverage rapidly expands their customer base.”
Thus, although the woman’s in a position miles over her capabilities and experience, really nothing more than a political hack, she certainly does keep her promises to her friends and compatriots.
And then, maybe we’re beginning to find out why Lois Lerner and the IRS are working so hard to insure that her missing emails will never be found.
According to CNSNews.com: “A newly discovered email exchange from Lois Lerner's official IRS email account "directly demonstrates Ms. Lerner's deep animus towards conservatives, which she refers to as '---holes,'" House Ways and Means Committee Chair Dave Camp wrote in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday.
In that Nov. 9, 2012 email, Lerner further suggests that conservatives will ruin the country: "So we don't need to worry about alien teRrorists (sic). It's our own crazies that will take us down."
Camp told Holder that the email "shows that Ms. Lerner's mistreatment of conservative groups was driven by her personal hostility toward conservatives."
So, what today’s three items illustrate is that eventually the truth comes out in most cases. Which means that as far as the present political atmosphere is concerned, Republicans don’t really have to do to much to disparage or denigrate their opponents. Because, as the results indicate, these incompetent Democrats are rapidly destroying themselves in every aspect of governance.
That's it for today folks.
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