As evidence continues to mount, indicating that the IRS did indeed target conservative organizations and Tea Party groups, the probability of an independent counsel is growing stronger. It also now seems very likely that Lois Lerner did indeed seek to hide, destroy or fabricate ruses regarding potentially damaging emails.
However, aside from the ongoing scandals involving the incumbent and his administration, today’s primary subject is money and how much gets spent, or wasted, by politicians and government on a regular basis.
Elizabeth Harrington of the Washington Free Beacon writes that: “The federal program for Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC)—which provides long-term foster care, apparel, and interpreter services for thousands of young illegal immigrants, the majority of which are placed in the United States—has already cost $263 million this year.
The recent surge in underage illegal immigrants crossing the southern border has prompted President Barack Obama to ask for $3.7 billion in additional funding, $1.8 billion of which would go to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which administers the UAC program.”
So, while arguments and invective are traded between pro and anti illegal immigrant factions, what gets almost no attention is the fact that as the law stands now, those flooding in from Mexico are, by definition, engaging in criminal acts. Therefore, instead of saddling taxpayers with almost $4 billion to “administer” to these intruders, funds should be allocated to sealing all points of entry and funding the personnel required to turn them back where they came from, wherever that is.
As far as borders are concerned, the one on the North poses problems, too. Because, after the Nebraska Supreme Court ruling found that Governor Dave Heineman, who had approved the route that Keystone XL oil pipeline would take through his state, did not have the authority to do so, the Nebraska Supreme Court doesn’t plan to hear oral arguments in the case until early September. Meaning a decision won’t likely be made until after the elections in November.
After reading the item, a quick Google search revealed that the court’s current makeup includes, two Republicans and five Democrats. Which tends to make one wonder if the delay is truly based on Nebraska law or is perhaps, purely political. But, either way, every driver in the nation’s paying far more for fuel than they should and the incumbent cares nothing about it.
Which brings us to today’s item regarding the Clinton's, this one about daughter Chelsea, bag-lady in training.
Amy Chozick writes in the New York Times, that, “Chelsea Clinton has joined the family business of big-buck speechmaking. The youngest Clinton, who said she “tried really hard to care” about money, but cared more about causes, will now rake in as much as $75,000 a pop for talking about her passions. Although her parents’ speeches are often for large groups or colleges, Chelsea’s speeches “are on behalf of the Clinton Foundation, and 100 percent of the fees are remitted directly to the foundation,” her spokesman, Kamyl Bazbaz told the NYT. The family’s non-profit’s funds have been under scrutiny in the past, reportedly supporting the Clinton family’s lavish lifestyle. This week, the conservative group America Rising called on the foundation to show how it spends its money.”
Reading the article brought back memories of Steve Martin in his stand-up comedy days, when he wore his white suit and did a routine about “Steve’s bank” asking people to give him money to hold for them in his pockets.
And in the Clinton’s case, it’s pretty much the same thing. Because it doesn't really matter greatly how and in what form the money’s paid to them. Be it given to them personally, or to the foundation, it all winds up in their pockets anyway.
That’s it for today folks.
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