Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Problems caused by massive misjudgments by a naive and incompetent administration continue to build in the nation, and rest of the world. Yet, its truly amazing that politics still reigns as the primary consideration, far outweighing any pursuit of practical solutions.
Therefore, its no surprise whatsoever that Fox News.com reports that the incumbent, “reportedly will hold off seeking legal changes to speed up the deportation process for illegal immigrant children, when he submits his request to Congress on Tuesday seeking billions in emergency funding to deal with the crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border.”
And that’s been his plan all along. To open the borders to all that can get there. Because, present and future Democrat voters are far, far more important to him and his party than the nation’s security will ever be.
Then, after permitting the conflict in Syria to escalate by doing nothing to stop it two years ago when it would have been relatively simple, politics again overrides reality. In this case, instead of stepping up to his errors and seeking Congressional support for  a solution, up to and including military force if required, he sent Attorney General Eric Holder to make a speech in Europe.
Fox News.com writes that, “Attorney General Eric Holder called on European nations Tuesday to deal more aggressively with the threat posed by the thousands of Westerners who have traveled to Syria to join the fighting there.”
In a speech in Oslo, Holder, “encouraged European countries to pass laws that make it illegal to prepare for or plan an act of terrorism; to conduct undercover operations against citizens planning to visit Syria; to share information and data with the U.S. and other countries about foreign fighters; and to develop programs to counter radical extremism.”
And here’s the key point of it all. Because, according to the incumbent himself and certainly a major portion of the Democrat party, the U.S. should never involve itself in foreign conflicts because they're no threat to our nation. Furthermore, intervention in places like the Middle-East is warmongering and overaggressive for no reason at all. And even worse, people like W. Bush and Dick Cheney,  self-serving capitalists, are only interested in the garnering of foreign oil for their own enrichment.
Nonetheless, Holder went on in his is speech to say, “This is a global crisis in need of a global solution. The Syrian conflict has turned that region into a cradle of violent extremism. But the world cannot simply sit back and let it become a training ground from which our nationals can return and launch attacks. And we will not."
So, in this case, Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney were absolutely correct in their assessment of Middle-Eastern threats to us and the rest of the world. But, on the other hand, the incumbent’s been so wrong, that rather than disclose his horrendous errors in judgment himself, he sent a flunky to address the subject in a far off time zone near the North Pole.    
Then, aside from the damage caused by incredibly poor decision-making on major issues, there’s also the cost to consider for a nation that’s already $17 trillion in debt.  
Today’s example from Byron York in the Washington Examiner regards the flood of illegals pouring over the border. “A total of $1.324 billion ($329 million for the Border Patrol and $995 million for ICE) will go to the ‘care, feeding, and transportation costs’ of the illegal immigrants, while $32 million ($9 million for attorneys and $23 million for removal operations) will go to deportation.”
Therefore, obviously the incumbent has far more interest in aiding illegals than enforcing immigration law. However, as usual, taxpayers are stuck with the cost due to another $2 billion to be spent in support of the incumbent’s personal goals.
And finally, today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife which may explain why she’s chosen to take a summer break from her speech-making scam.
According to Michael Warren’s Blog in the Weekly Standard, “A new poll of the potential 2016 presidential field from Quinnipiac, conducted at the end of June, found support for Clinton among Democratic primary voters at 58 percent. That's an 11-point drop from an ABC News/Washington Post poll of the potential Democratic field—conducted in late May, before Hard Choices was released—that found 69 percent supported Clinton over any other possible Democrats.”
As far as the book itself is concerned, “Hard Choices is currently ranked at number 98 on Amazon.com's best seller list.” Which means that while her poll numbers drop precipitously, people aren't interested in reading what she has to say either.
That's it for today folks.

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