Saturday, July 12, 2014


The good news for the incumbent is that the endless stream of illegal aliens flooding our southern border is capturing most people’s attention. Which means that the huge miscalculation made there keeps his other tremendous mistakes out of the headlines.   
For example, there’s very little mentioned about the foreign policy errors made in dealing with Syria, a festering problem for the past two years in particular.
Today, on Fox, George Russell writes that: “The Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad is still holding onto at least 12 chemical weapons production facilities it was supposed to destroy by June 30, and the Obama administration is supporting a proposal  to obliterate initially only seven of them in the interests of a breakthrough deal.”
Mr. Russell continues, “According to Robert Mikulak, [the top American diplomat] while this proposal requires serious compromises and is not entirely in keeping with the extraordinary decision this council took in September”—a reference to sweeping demands for the total destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons capability on a defined timetable—“the United States is prepared to support that compromise solution in the interests of reaching a council decision this week, as long as Syria also accepts it. We are not, however, prepared to go further or engage in further haggling.”
He added that if Syria “rejects this compromise proposal and continues its intransigence, there must be consequences. Syria cannot be allowed to stall every attempt at resolution and continue to defy its obligations and this council by indefinitely keeping its former CW production facilities.”
So, what Mr. Mikulak actually said was that Syria hasn’t met any of the demands placed on them to date, and the U.S. is now ready to accept a half-way measure at best. He then states that further haggling isn’t acceptable, threatening “consequences.” However, what the Syrians know, as well as anyone else able to comprehend basic English, is that the they don’t have to fear any ramifications from the administration, because there never are any at all.  
Similarly, the New York Times David E. Sanger wrote on July 10th that, “With the Vienna negotiations over Iran’s nuclear activities making halting progress at best and a deadline looming, the Obama administration announced Thursday that Secretary of State John Kerry would fly here this weekend to assess whether a deal is possible — and perhaps to begin negotiating an extension in the talks that both sides said they had wanted to avoid.”
Therefore, after all the noise, threats and hoopla regarding Iran’s nuclear buildup and assurances that the program would be stopped, the Iranians continue building their weapons  unbridled.
Consequently, it’s now quite apparent that it really doesn't matter which foreign nation threatens the world, and us here at home, the incumbent’s totally incapable of curtailing or controlling their actions. And what’s far worse, what once was the most highly respected nation on earth, has now been reduced to the point that no foreign power takes it seriously at all.   
Which brings us to today's item regarding Bill Clinton’s wife.
Rachel Huggins of The Hill reports that Senator Marco Rubio told radio host Hugh Hewitt yesterday, "Multiple people can beat her. Hillary Clinton is not unbeatable."
It’s a good thing the senator expanded his thought to include other candidates, because on the Republican side, just about any other contender would easily beat him too.
Nonetheless, I mention him today because he presented a short yet excellent couple of paragraphs describing her lack of capabilities.
The senator said, "I'd ask her: You were the secretary of State during the first four years of the Obama administration, name one significant foreign policy achievement, now or after you left?
The reset with Russia has been a disaster, the Middle East is more unstable today than it's been in I don't know when, our relationships with Latin America and democracy have deteriorated…our partners around the world view us as less reliable."
And that recap describes perfectly the State Department career of the empty dress now seeking the office of POTUS.
That’s it for today folks.

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