Friday, July 11, 2014


While the various turmoil's in the Middle-East continue and thousands of illegal’s keep streaming unencumbered across our southern border, some little-covered background stories appear in today’s news.
Remindful of the the proverb “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,”  Donald Trump and the Reverend  Jesse Jackson will appear together tonight on Fox with Greta Van Susteren, both slamming the incumbent’s immigration actions.
Back on April 27, 2011, Catalina Camia wrote in USA Today’s On Politics column that “Rev. Jesse Jackson told Politico that Donald Trump is using "code" words and tapping into "racial fears" by bringing up issues about President Obama's birthplace and birth certificate.”
Jackson went on, “Trump has trumpeted this cause. For him to go down this low is a bit surprising. He is now tapping into code-word fears that go far beyond a rational discourse."
But now, today, seeing how things have turned out, the reverend seems to have realized that it isn’t race that counts regarding the position of POTUS. All that really matters is how the job gets handled and how the nation’s problems are solved, even if that means teaming up with Trump. 
On another issue, the Washington Post reports that, “A major labor union, The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, has ended a joint scholarship program with the United Negro College Fund, is cutting ties with the United Negro College Fund because of the group’s connections to the billionaire industrialist Koch Brothers, who have put their wealth behind supporting conservative causes and candidates for office.”
Therefore, although the $25 million Koch donation will go toward a scholarship program, loan assistance and providing general support to historically black colleges and universities, as far as the union’s concerned, political views have far more importance than millions of dollars to be used to help education where needed. 
On the next subject, many stories were posted across the media, including the Washington Post and Time magazine. The following one was selected because it’s from CBS 2 Chicago, the incumbent’s home town where, “Meteorologist Megan Glaros reports the polar vortex will be shooting a pocket of cold air our way in the middle of next week, possibly resulting in record low temperatures all across large portions of the Midwest and upper Great Plains, including Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, and Ohio.”
Consequently, the incumbent might be better off going back to Texas where its far warmer. Because standing in Chicago in the middle of July in a ski parka and gloves probably isn’t the best place to keep selling his non-existent global-warming fraud.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
A Huffington Post article concerns Blackwater USA which provides training support to military and law enforcement organizations.
The State Department “gave Blackwater over $1 billion since a 2007 incident that involved Blackwater’s top official in Iraq making death threats against a U.S. government investigator reviewing the company. Blackwater has a controversial history which led then-Senator Hillary Clinton to vow to crackdown on the company. In 2008 Clinton cosponsored legislation to ‘ban the use of Blackwater and other private mercenary firms in Iraq.’ Later in 2008 she also issued a press release that “blasted” the State Department, then under President Bush, for renewing its contract with Blackwater.”
However, according to the Post, ‘More than half a billion dollars was set aside for the firm [Blackwater] and its subsidiaries by the State Department under then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.’”
Thus, after “vowing” to crackdown on these types of organizations, she not only didn't keep her word to shut them down,  but went on funding them herself, which is about as Clintonesque as one could possibly get.  
And now, perhaps, the public’s catching on to what an empty dress she really is. Because her new book just got bumped from the top of the bestseller list by one written by one of her most outspoken critics.
According to the latest rankings in The New York Times bestseller list, Edward Klein's "Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. the Obamas" has catapulted to the top of the charts, nudging his subject's memoir down to the second slot. 

However, the Times ranking at number 2 doesn’t make much sense because, according to Amazon there are "7 Books With Better Sales Rankings than Hillary Clinton's "Hard Choices." 

And what’s even more curious, on July 3, Amazon’s Sean Davis wrote that; “Hillary Clinton’s “Hard Choices” comes in at a depressing #55.”

And then, making things even worse for Bill’s wife, conservative commentator and neurosurgeon Ben Carson's book has crept into the Times' Top 10 list. According to The Daily Caller, the book's overall sales are also approaching Clinton's. Nielsen Bookscan figures reportedly show Carson has sold 162,000 books, while Clinton has sold 177,000.

So, while the numbers vary, depending on the source, one thing remains clear and obvious. Except for hard-core supporters and devoted followers, it seems like the vast majority of the general public couldn’t care less about what Bill’s wife writes about or says anymore.

That's it for today folks.


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