Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Confidence in the administration’s ability to affect a cease fire in the conflict between Israel and Hamas was summed up perfectly yesterday by El Rushbo, who said on his show: “You know, this idiot, John Kerry, is over talking Vietnam to Benjamin Netanyahu.  "You know, when I was in Vietnam...."  And Netanyahu, "This isn't Vietnam," you idiot.”
Additionally, beyond Kerry's idiocy, a major reason the U.S. has done very little to help stop the conflict can be found by simply remembering where the incumbent received significant influence on his thinking, much of which coming from his former spiritual advisor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright of Chicago.
Among many others, back on March 13, 2012, Breitbart posted an article by Ben Shapiro titled “Jeremiah Wright Endorses Anti-Semitic 'March to Jerusalem'”
Mr. Shapiro writes that “President Barack Obama’s longtime pastor at Trinity United Church, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has announced his support for the anti-Semitic "March to Jerusalem" at the end of March. The White House has refused comment. “
The “March to Jerusalem” itself is a massive campaign designed to send anti-Israel partisans across Israel’s borders and into Jerusalem. The National Conference on Jewish Affairs reports Iran's government is involved in the organization of the event and plans to send thousands of participants in caravans, whose schedules have been published by the Quds News agency.”
Therefore, there really aren’t any surprises in the incumbent's current disregard for Israel's problems whereas Hamas is now doing what his own reverend hoped for all along.
At the same time, further confirmation yesterday illustrates that the State Department, at the time run by Bill Clinton’s wife, knew far in advance of a potential attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi. 
Fox News on-line reports that, “Members of the Islamist extremist militia blamed for the Benghazi terror attack had moved in next door to the U.S. Consulate months before the strike but “nothing was done” despite concerns about the dangerous neighbors,”
One intelligence source stated that American security personnel specifically asked for an M240 machine gun to mount on the roof at the consulate for added protection and “asked for a belt-fed mounted machine gun, but were specifically denied by the State Department because they said it would upset the locals.”
Thus, as time goes on, more and more information surfaces revealing that while Bill’s wife did very little throughout her career aside from marrying him, the few things she actually did do all turned into colossal misjudgments and mistakes. 
On another subject, yesterday in National Review Online’s “The Corner” Joel Gehrke wrote an article titled, “Obama’s Law Professor- ‘I Wouldn’t Bet’ on Obamacare Surviving Next Legal Challenge.”
The article itself presents reasons why the professor believes further challenges may overturn the legislation entirely. However, a reader’s comments following the piece demonstrate clearly why the health care tax, like socialism itself, is so damaging to growth in the economy due to its redistribution inequities.
Reader rightisright5116 Gary Lee wrote ”Welcome to my world. I've scraped and planned and worked and finally got my mortgage paid off- it took me 23 years of planning and execution to do it... just in time for the ACA to double my premiums. I now essentially have the same outflows per month as before- but instead of making the mortgage payment I"m now paying for another family's insurance.”
And lastly. Yesterday’s entry included some very revealing information about presidential advisor, Valerie Jarrett, whose quite misguided thinking carries significant influence in the White House.
Sadly, perhaps because her name may not be that familiar to many who search the web seeking information, viewers numbers were down for the day.
That factor alone is quite disturbing because if those having so much power are either ignored or unknown to so many, they’ll continue doing their harm unbridled due simply to public ignorance and/or indifference.
That’s it for today folks.

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