Saturday, July 19, 2014


Issues headlining the news today make far more sense if one stops to review the history of where things started. Situations, too, become far clearer when the incumbent’s original intentions for his presidency are considered as part of what's happening worldwide now.  
For example, Charles Krauthammer said the incumbent was basing recent remarks “on a misguided notion of Russian and European intentions. This is really bad, it's going to embarrass the Russians, and they're going to lose on this.” 
“Putin has 80 percent support in his country. The propaganda in the country is not reflecting anything resembling the truth. He's not going to lose any support at home. 
“This is a war which Putin singlehandedly has started, supported, armed. It's his thugs who pulled the trigger on weapons either he supplied or trained the thugs on, and he's pretending it's the fault of the Ukrainians.” 
Add to that the fact that the U.S.-Russia relationship has broken down, and now Moscow could throw a wrench into the teetering nuclear negotiations with Iran. Especially because, escalating tensions between Washington and Moscow have grown further due to the MH17 airliner disaster. And now, they’re finally to the point where they threaten to spoil the number one item on the incumbent’s foreign policy agenda: the nuclear talks with Iran. 
The man threatening the issue most is, of course, Russian President Vladimir Putin who is now exchanging views on the state of talks on Iran’s nuclear program with the President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani. The two leaders are also examining bilateral cooperation matters of mutual interest, including joint projects in the oil and gas sector and in peaceful nuclear energy.”
Now, putting these items together, Russian involvement in Ukraine along with nuclear weapons growth in Iran, what has to be remembered is the incumbent leaning toward Dmitry Medvedev in Seoul, Obama in March 2012, and overheard asking for time - "particularly with missile defense" - until in a better position politically to resolve such issues. Then going further by saying “This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility," expressing confidence that he would win a second term. 
Medvedev, of course, promised to “transmit this information to Vladimir." 
What gives these situations even more clarity is considering them in light of a 1966 article in Nation by Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, sociology professors at Columbia University, who wrote that “capitalism should be collapsed by overloading the government with financial demands that could not be met.” 
Their strategy entails collapsing the financial system via chaos, and if a crisis does not exist, creating one. The more chaos the better, and the solution is always couched in empathetic  words like “equal,” “humane,” and “just.”
It's important to remember the strategy because, the most prominent of the organizations formed by Cloward and Piven was project ACORN, for which Barack Obama was the lawyer. 
Receiving millions of dollars from the federal government and charitable organizations for working on the census, voter registration, affordable housing and other organizing efforts, ACORN’s biggest success was in lobbying for the expansion of housing on behalf of the poor, leading to the financial collapse of 2008 which can be traced to government decisions.
For example, The Community Reinvestment Act of 1979 required banks to make loans in poor neighborhoods. Under pressure from the Clinton White House in 1999, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lowered their credit standards on mortgages. Proposals by the Bush Administration to put Fannie and Freddie under closer supervision were opposed by Democrats in Congress. 
In response to the chaos created by the financial meltdown, $2 trillion was spent saving Wall Street from their own bad decisions, covering the salaries of public union employees and expanding welfare and unemployment benefits. The shovel ready jobs that were promised are still undone so the Left demands more spending. Then, after dozens of ACORN employees were indicted on charges of voter fraud, the funding dried up and it was disbanded.
Which brings us to today where, in keeping with the Cloward-Piven Strategy, a new crisis is being manufactured by the incumbent via the chaos at the Southern border, as are situations in Ukraine, Syria, Gaza, Israel, and Iraq, to cite a few more being managed purposefully poorly.
So, although its hard to determine exactly what the incumbent's ultimate plan is, one thing seems absolutely certain. Russia’s return to world prominence along with the U.S. invasion by illegal immigrants aren’t by any means accidents. And that’s why Congress and the majority of the American voting public better wake up very soon. Because if things keep going as they are, there won’t be very much of U.S. status left anywhere, whether here at home or abroad.
That’s it for today folks.

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