Wednesday, April 6, 2022


Not that it really matters, but Democrats have reached a height of ultimate arrogance or are egregiously insulting the intelligence of more than 60% of the nations voters.

Charlie McCarthy reports “Democrats desperate to blame rising gas prices on someone other than President Joe Biden as the midterm elections approach plan to put the focus on oil companies Wednesday, ABC News reported.

“Members of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations will hear from top executives at six major energy companies, according to ABC News.

“The panel even have named the hearing's topic, "Gouged at the Gas Station: Big Oil and America's Pain at the Pump."

As far as insulting voters intelligence is concerned, does Democrat leadership truly believe that the direct cause in major increases in the costs of the cornerstone of household budgeting, gasoline, is going to go unnoticed by those voters?

Back on March 28, 2021, Thomas Phippen reported Biden acted on his campaign promise to "end fossil fuel" – and the result has been skyrocketing gas prices, an influential Republican committee claims in a memo obtained by FOX Business.

"President Biden has waged an unprecedented, government-wide assault on our nation’s ability to produce cheap, reliable energy," the memo from the Republican Study Committee (RSC) states, before listing Biden’s specific anti-fossil fuel actions next to the weekly average price of gas.

“Republicans have blamed Biden for record-breaking gas prices for months, despite White House denials that the administration is responsible. The RSC aims to show the specific actions Biden’s administration has taken to undercut domestic fossil fuel production.

“The list of Biden’s actions that contributed to high gas prices includes blocking the Keystone XL Pipeline, curtailing oil and gas leases while expanding wind turbines on public lands, and rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, all within his first month in office.

Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., chairman of the RSC said: "Our list shows exactly what the Biden administration did to raise prices for American families. It isn’t about finger-pointing — it’s about better policy. Because even now, the White House is doubling down on the same policies that pushed gas prices to record highs,"

“Some actions on the RSC’s list don’t directly hamper oil and gas production, like Biden’s push to "green" government vehicles, establish timelines for half of all U.S. vehicles sold to be emission-free and the creation of the Clean Energy Corps.

“The memo also notes that the Biden administration effectively halted consideration of new oil and gas leases Feb. 20, days before Russia's invasion of Ukraine began, as a result of a legal dispute over the administration's attempt to consider the "social costs" oil and gas projects may have on the climate.

"I hope Biden realizes that you can’t win a blame-game when it’s clearly your fault, and that the best thing he can do for his presidency and for the country is to end his war on American energy." Banks said.

As far as prices are concerned, on Inauguration day, January 20, 2021 the average cost of a gallon of gasoline was $2.26. Today the average U.S. gas price was $4.164 for regular and $4.847 for premium. California continued to have the highest average at $5.823.

While the facts of the matter speak for themselves, here once again voters show that they are acutely aware of who is responsible for what and that theatrics in Congressional hearings aren’t going to let Biden escape the ramifications of his war on fossil fuel. Here are a few examples of what voters think.

Woody wrote: "Democrats Look to Deflect Gas-Price Anger Toward Big Oil.

"Funny, under Trump my gas was $1.40 a gallon and Big Oil was in business then also.

 "The Democrats did this on Day One and the price went to $3.00 a gallon during the next year before Russia invaded the Ukraine.

"Then it went to $4.00 and more, while Dementia Joe and the Demopukes wanted to blame Russia."

Truthseeker commented: “Well, as PT Barnum said “there’s a sucker born each minute”. The Democrats have been cashing in on blaming oil producers on high prices since the mid 1970’s. Did you notice that even if their claims are ridiculous and unfounded, they never laud the oil companies when prices go down. This time around, Democrats are claiming Putin is causing higher oil prices and the oil companies aren’t participating in clean energy alternatives. Let’s deconstruct this together. On the first part everyone should know Biden shut down the oil industry with pipeline and drilling bans. Regulate more…get less. Got it Joe?

“Second point. Oil companies not participating in alternate energy sources. Oil companies drill and refine oil. Period! Solar panel producers, windmill producers, geothermal companies, hydroelectric plants produce alternate energy. What part of this don’t gullible Americans don’t understand?” 

Pirateguy wrote: “First the left wants less drilling now they b___ch about oil companies not drilling enough. What hypocrisy. The gas prices have risen because the government has tied up the permits on all the leases Biden and Psaki point to as "proof" of oil company guilt. Also, the oil needs to be transported to market by pipe lines and the current administration keeps shutting them down.”

So, Democrat politicians who have no platform, other than vowing to reverse any all legislation attributable to Trump, are now facing the unfortunate realization that Trump was right just about all of the time.

That’s it for today folks.


 PS: The Bronx barmaid in Congress told a customer:If I got 50 cents for every failed math exam, I’d have $6.30 now.

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