Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Much like most others, pains in the wallet caused by the current administration are felt every time gas is pumped or food and household needs are purchased. According to Gwynn Guilford in today’s Wall Street Journal, “U.S. inflation surged to a new four-decade high of 8.5% in March from the same month a year ago, driven by skyrocketing energy and food costs, supply constraints and strong consumer demand.

“The Labor Department on Tuesday said the consumer-price index—which measures what consumers pay for goods and services—last month rose at its fastest annual pace since December 1981, up from the 7.9% annual rate in February. Rising prices have been unrelenting, with six straight months of inflation above 6% that is well above the Federal Reserve’s average 2% target.”

There’s no mystery as to why living costs have gone through the roof in recent months. The reason is Joe Biden delivering on the promises made to Progressives in his party because he needed their votes in order to be elected. While nothing else has changed in the nation except for institution of Progressive policy, cost of living is now the highest it’s been in 40 years and will probably continue to rise. The most amazing factor, however, is that while rampant inflation has been purposefully sparked, affecting the entire population, Progressives amount to little more than a blip amongst the voting public. In Biden’s case, though, they’re a critically important blip. Without them, he wouldn’t have been elected.

 An idea of Progressive statistics can be gained from information gathered by Pew Research back on November 9, 2021.

Reflecting their name, the Progressive Left have very liberal views across a range of issues – including the size and scope of government, foreign policy, immigration and race. A sizable majority (79%) describe their views as liberal, including 42% who say their views are very liberal – double the share of the next largest group (20% of Outsider Left).

Roughly two-thirds of Progressive Left (68%) are White, non-Hispanic, by far the largest share among Democratic-aligned groups. Progressive Left are the second youngest typology group – 71% are ages 18 to 49. Progressive Left are also highly educated, with about half (48%) holding at least a four-year college degree, making it one of the two most highly educated groups overall.

“Progressive Left are more liberal than the three other Democratic-oriented groups on many issues. For example, while majorities in all four of these groups favor a bigger government providing more services, Progressive Left are most likely to express this view. When asked a follow-up question about how much bigger the government should be, 63% of Progressive Left say government services should “greatly expand” from current levels – a far higher share than any other group.”

The next survey questions received answers that illustrate why Biden’s policies have been so damaging to the nation in general, and so Anti-American philosophically. Pew finds: “Progressive Left are the only typology group in which a majority (62%) says that success in life is largely outside of an individual’s control. And when asked to compare the U.S. to other countries – whether the U.S. is better than all other countries, is among the best countries, or there are other countries that are better – 75% of Progressive Left say there are other countries better than the U.S., the highest share among typology groups.

Incredibly, 75% of those in this group supporting Biden believe that there are better places to live than here. In keeping with that mindset, Pew structured a chart statistically forming a frame of Progressive philosophy.

So, here we have a definitively clear rationale as to why the nation is currently in the shape it’s in, economically and otherwise. 75% of those influencing Biden’s agenda believe there are better places to live than here, 86% believe illegals are better for their communities than citizens and 62% believe control derives from others than themselves. Painting a very clear picture as to why the nation is suffering as it is, whereas those influencing the administration most, disagree philosophically with tenets that built the nation.

While the statistics are interesting, in an overall sense they’re pleasing whereas it’s nice to know that Progressives make up so little of the population. However, when a needy president pays supporters back with no regard for the rest of the nation’s voters, frustration is immense. Because this isn’t even the tail wagging the dog, it’s the fleas on the tail.

That’s it for today folks.


PS: One of the Bronx barmaid in Congress’s customers asked her to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth'? He got 3 different answers.



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