Tuesday, October 11, 2016


After the events of the past few days, the mere fact that Trump’s still alive in the presidential race illustrates clearly that the mainstream media, traditional pollsters and top-rung political commentators haven't a clue as to what the final outcome will look like.

What is painfully apparent for Trump, however, is that Republican leadership is aligning against him at present for a host of different reasons. Yet, what he has shown throughout his campaign to date, is that he doesn’t seem to really need them. And that’s because his appeal crosses party lines, with significant support coming from independents. 

He’s also helped greatly by the fact that his opponent is particularly disliked by much of the voting public, with more negative information divulged about her on almost a daily basis.     

In that regard, according to FoxNews.com: “Hillary Clinton’s campaign opened a nasty Twitter war with WikiLeaks late Monday amid the leak of campaign chairman John Podesta’s purported emails, with spokesman Brian Fallon accusing the group of being a “propaganda arm” for Moscow and WikiLeaks firing back with a battery of counter-charges -- and another document dump.  

“Late Monday, Fallon tweeted that “media needs to stop treating WikiLeaks like it is same as FOIA" and recognize that the emails are from "an illegal hack" from a group "colluding" with Russia to help Donald Trump. WikiLeaks has since gone point for point with him on Twitter, accusing the campaign of "lying." 

The campaign has also used the collusion claim to downplay the damaging revelations in the emails. “Clinton was grilled at Sunday night's debate, for instance, about a leaked speech excerpt in which she distinguished between a “private” and “public” position on certain issues. 

“Other revelations include the 71-page opposition file the Clinton campaign put together on Bernie Sanders, and the head of a Clinton-connected consulting firm calling Chelsea Clinton a “spoiled brat kid.” 

That led Fallon to use Twitter to direct media outlets to what he believes is the real story of the WikiLeaks dumps, as follows: 
Brian Fallon @brianefallon
Wouldn't it be good reading to see internal discussions abt Trump's taxes? Yes but Wikileaks isnt targeting Trump. That tells you something.
WikiLeaks responded:
@brianefallon Yes. It tells you that we are an award winning media organization and not 'hackers'. We don't "target" anything.
Fallon came back with:
Brian Fallon @brianefallon
If you are going to write about materials issued by @wikileaks, you should at least state they are product of illegal hack by a foreign govt
All of which clearly demonstrates typical Democrat campaign strategy. Whereas when caught red-handed, their reaction is always to create a diversion, subvert reality and employ any tactic available to mislead as many as slow-witted constituents as possible in the situation.  

However, a reader, lbtweety47, posted the reality of the matter succinctly and right on point: “I don't care who hacked the emails......I want to see them - it's called transparency!”

Which provides significant insight into why Trump is still very much alive in  the continuing contest. 

Another illustration of how the MSM tries continually to do all it can to help the left whenever possible, comes from Peter Hasson, Reporter and Associate Editor @dailycaller.com, today.

“The latest batch of emails from the account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta show New York Times reporter and CNBC anchor John Harwood giving the Clinton campaign tips about other candidates and bragging about feeling vindicated by provoking Donald Trump as a debate moderator. 

“In a December 2015 email to Podesta, Harwood bragged about his much-criticized debate performance in which he asked Trump “Let’s be honest, is this a comic book version of a presidential campaign?” 

“Harwood titled the email “I imagine…” and continued the sentence in the body of the email, writing, “…that Obama feels some (sad) vindication at this demonstration of his years-long point about the opposition party veering off the rails.” 

“I certainly am feeling that way with respect to how I questioned Trump at our debate,” Harwood continued.” 

Nonetheless, despite all the attempts at diversion, there’s so much baggage in the family’s past that while one fire requires extinguishing, another blaze begins somewhere else. Such as one from Jerome R. Corsi @wnd.com, who headed his column yesterday: “Haitians fear Clintons will 'scam' them again”

Mr. Corsi writes: “Hurricane Matthew has reopened the debate over whether Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation provided true disaster relief for the people of Haiti after the 2010 earthquake or mostly enriched themselves at the expense of the suffering Haitian people.

“Crossing Haiti with a vengeance, Hurricane Matthew last week killed 877 people in the impoverished island nation and left tens of thousands homeless. It also reignited a cholera outbreak that has killed another 17 people as floodwater mixed with sewage. 

“Former President Bill Clinton on Oct. 4 wrote a sympathetic offer of renewed charitable assistance on Twitter: “Praying for everyone impacted by #HurricaneMatthew. Here’s how you can help in Haiti.” 

“Clinton linked the tweet to a page created on the Clinton Foundation website to solicit tax-favored contributions from U.S. donors to provide relief efforts in Haiti in the wake of Hurricane Matthew. 

“Clinton’s tweet prompted one Twitter user to respond, “Is this a joke, you looted Haiti once already.” Another said, “Clintons still scamming off poor Haiti after a natural disaster.”

Additional information, also from Mr. Corsi's article about the Haitian tragedy, forms the basis of today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.  

“On Oct. 6, the Committee to Mobilize Dictatorship in Haiti, KOOMOKODA [Komite Mobilizasyon kont Diktati an Ayiti], conducted a small but vocal protest attended by some 20 Haitian activists in front of New York state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s Manhattan office at 120 Broadway, off Wall Street.

“We will be there to denounce Schneiderman’s double standard in deciding to prosecute the Trump Foundation for fraud while ignoring the lack of audits and billions ‘missing’ from the Clinton Foundation,” KOMOKODA announced in a press release. “This is clearly Schneiderman abusing the authority of his office to tilt the scales in favor of Hillary Clinton in the upcoming US presidential elections.” 

WND attended the event, recording interviews with several of the Haitian activists protesting Schneiderman. 

“We are here today to tell Schneiderman that he is looking in the wrong place,” Dahoud Andre, a KOMOKODA organizer told WND. “The real corruption is at the Clinton Foundation. The Trump Foundation might have a few thousand dollars missing, but the Clinton Foundation has stolen billions. We are here to tell Schneiderman and the state of New York to stop the bias.” 

Getting to the crux of the matter: “When asked if the Clinton Foundation came to the aid of the Haitian people following the 2010 earthquake, [Organizer] Andre laughed. 

“We understand the Clinton Foundation has been stealing money from Haiti since 2003,” he responded. “In 2008, the United Nations placed Bill Clinton as a special envoy to Haiti. So, this family has been stealing special envoy money, they have been stealing Clinton Foundation money, they have been stealing Interim Haitian Relief Committee money, they have been stealing Clinton-Bush Fund money. The list goes on.” 

“Andre charged the Clinton Foundation has not been shut down only because “it is being protected” by the Obama administration, specifically by the IRS and the Department of Justice. 

“It’s corruption from beginning to end,” Andre asserted. “With Hurricane Matthew, the Clintons cannot even show their head because the whole world knows that they are thieves, and the only reason the Clintons would come to Haiti would be to steal money.” 

So, here again, when one goes beyond the focused propaganda spewed by the mainstream media, a totally different perspective on the Clinton’s becomes readily apparent. And with the MSM’s readership shrinking rapidly across the nation, the continual survival of Trump’s candidacy is not quite so surprising. 

Especially because the difference between the risk of the nation continuing its decline compared to potential trash talk in the Oval Office is basically laughable to reasonably intelligent voters. 

Bringing up the ongoing question once more time: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, and Starbucks chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys are reading this?  

That's it for today folks.        


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