Today's one that brings back memories of a famous quote from Rudyard Kipling who said:
“If you can keep your wits about you while all others are losing theirs, and
blaming you. The world will be yours and everything in it, what's more, you'll
be a man, my son.”
And it certainly appears that the great writers words apply perfectly to
Donald Trump.
The mainstream media has all but written Trump's political obituary, using
ten year old quotes from his gross, but certainly harmless, locker-room
braggadocio to discredit his presidential capabilities. However, in the “real”
world, factual evidence indicates something else entirely.
According to this morning’s USC/L.A. Times Daybreak tracking poll, he still
holds a lead at 44.3% for him and 44.2% for her.
What's more, the latest “Rasmussen Reports White House Watch national
telephone and online survey shows Trump with 43% support among likely voters to
his rivals 41%. Yesterday, she still held a four-point 43% to 39%, but that was
down from five points on Tuesday and her biggest lead ever of seven points on
While 84% of voters now say they’re certain how they will vote, Trump
posts a 49% to 46% lead over Clinton. Among voters who say they still could
change their minds between now and Election Day, it’s Clinton 40%, Trump 37%,
Johnson 19% and Stein four percent (4%).
Within their own party’s, Trump has 75% support among Republicans, nearly
identical to Clinton’s 76% backing among Democrats. But, perhaps more importantly,
although he has 15% of the Democratic vote and she has 13% GOP support, he "holds
a double-digit advantage among voters not affiliated with either major political
Farther into the details: “Clinton continues to lead among women, while Trump
has regained his advantage among men. Those under 40 still prefer the Democrat
but also remain the most undecided. Older voters favor Trump. The older the
voter, the more likely he or she is to be certain of their vote.”
While all of the preceding information indicates that the presidential race
is far from over, Trump's rival's headaches, errors and self-inflicted damage
keep increasing quite rapidly on a daily basis.
Ben Wolfgang reports today: “Long before
Hillary Clinton called millions of Americans a “basket of deplorables,” her top
campaign advisers and liberal allies openly mocked Catholics, Southerners and a
host of other groups, according to newly released emails that offer a stunning
window into the vitriol inside the Clinton world less than a month before
Election Day.
“The emails, published by WikiLeaks after a hack of Clinton campaign chairman
John Podesta’s private account, also show Clinton campaign officials and
Democratic leaders disparaging supporters of Sen. Bernard Sanders as
“self-righteous” whiners, calling Hispanic party leaders such as Bill Richardson
“needy Latinos,” labeling CNN anchor Jake Tapper “a d—k” and even lambasting
longtime Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal.
“The sheer number of insults in the email trove has left the Clinton
campaign, along with outside organizations such as the Center for American
Progress that were routinely involved in the brutal bad-mouthing, unable or
unwilling to respond. Instead, they have blamed the hack on Russia and have
refused to even confirm that the emails are genuine, though they also haven’t
denied their authenticity.”
In another example of how damaging the leaked information may be, the
article also reveals what may turn out to be back-door cover
for Republican old-liner’s who’ve turned against Trump overtly or
In today’s case: “House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican who is
Catholic, also blasted the Clinton campaign.
“If anything, these statements reveal the Clinton campaign’s hostile attitude
toward people of faith in general,” Mr. Ryan said in a statement. “All Americans
of faith should take a long, hard look at this and decide if these are the
values we want to be represented in our next president. If Hillary Clinton
continues to employ people with biased and bigoted views, it’s clear where her
priorities are.”
As far as the campaign itself is concerned, the Democrat candidate continues
to do all she can to discredit Trump as a person, delving into specific issues
as little as possible. However, despite all her attempts at misdirection, real
world problems caused by the POTUS keep occurring, nonetheless.
According to a Reuters story “Iran sent two
warships to the Gulf of Aden on Thursday, the semi-official Tasnim news agency
reported, establishing a military presence in waters off Yemen where the U.S.
military launched cruise missile strikes on areas controlled by Iran-backed
Houthi forces.
"Iran's Alvand and Bushehr warships have been dispatched to the Gulf of Aden
to protect trade vessels from piracy," Tasnim reported.
“The U.S. military strikes were in response to failed missile attacks this
week on a U.S. Navy destroyer, U.S. officials said.
“Iran's key regional rival Saudi Arabia accuses Tehran of providing support
to the Houthis, a charge the Islamic Republic denies.”
In this case, once again a reader, sparky2, summed the situation
up with a succinct, accurate comment: “Iran nor Russia have any fear of Obama.
They know he won't force anyone's hand. Never has, such as the 'red line' quote
or the taking of Crimea by the Russians. They know that if Trump gets elected
they're going to have to behave themselves, so they're making their moves now.”
Then, at the same time,’s Editor
writes “Foxconn has deployed 40,000 robots in its
factories in mainland China as it aims to reduce the number of workers at its
plants creating digital devices.
“Dai said currently Foxconn can produce 10,000 robots annually. In the
future, those robots are all potential replacements for human labor. For the
Kunshan factory alone, Foxconn has cut 60,000 employees.”
Most significantly: “Prior to this, labor costs in mainland China were lower
than robots; therefore, Foxconn maintained nearly one million workers. However,
with the increase of labor costs and the younger generation's lack of interest
in production line work, many companies have launched huge investments in
“Dai also revealed that apart from making robots on its own, Foxconn may
acquire other robot manufacturers. In addition, Foxconn plans to create robots
for medical and health applications.”
So, with labor costs here increasing significantly due to minimum wage hikes
that will force all labor costs up eventually, American businesses and its work
forces will lose again.
Thus, what this means is that in two major campaign issues, employment and
foreign policy, the current administration continues to fail miserably which should have great impact on the upcoming presidential vote.
Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Cody Derespina headlined his article today
"Clinton bashes Trump over Russia praise, but emails show she praised Putin"
The story says: “Though Hillary Clinton has bashed Donald Trump over his
alleged fondness for Russia, excerpts from her purported post-State Department
speeches in the WikiLeaks files show she also sought “a positive relationship”
with Moscow and praised President Vladimir Putin as recently as 2014.”
In some of those speech excerpts, revealed when WikiLeaks began releasing
alleged emails belonging to Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta, Bill’s wife
said: Putin was “engaging” and “very interesting conversationalist”
Then, during a speech to Goldman Sachs on June 4, 2013, she said: “I would
love it if we could continue to build a more positive relationship with Russia,”
and in the same speech, “obviously we would very much like to have a positive
relationship with Russia and we would like to see Putin be less defensive toward
a relationship with the United States so that we could work together on some
While the campaign has declined to release the full transcripts, they were
contained in an 80-page document emailed to Podesta and others “that flagged
potentially problematic quotes.”
And then, on another problematic issue, headlined a
story yesterday: “Clinton's Tax Plan Seen Costing 697,000 Jobs, Hurting Wages”
The text says: “The Democratic presidential nominee’s tax plan, which
includes proposals to raise taxes on multimillionaires and impose a “financial
risk fee” on banks, would change economic behavior enough to reduce U.S. gross
domestic product by 2.6 percent over the long run, according to a study prepared
by the Washington-based Tax Foundation. In that slightly smaller economy, wages
would be 2.1 percent lower, the report said.
“By itself, “the plan would reduce the after-tax incomes of the top 1 percent
of taxpayers by 6.6 percent but increase the after-tax income of all other
income groups by at least 0.1 percent,” the analysis said. Still, after
accounting for smaller economic growth that would result, “all after-tax incomes
would fall by at least 0.1 percent in the long run,” it said.
“After accounting for that reduced tax base, Clinton’s plan would increase
federal revenue by $663 billion over 10 years, the Tax Foundation determined --
a number that’s less than half of some previous estimates.”
So, here we have an economic plan that over time, helps no one at all.
Not the economy, nor the government, and certainly not taxpayer’s at any level.
Which means it’s much like Obamacare for the economy and another eventual major
failure in every aspect.
Raising the ongoing question again: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Jerry Brown,
and Starbucks chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys are reading this?
That's it for today folks.
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