Today’s items serve to underscore that if Trump can somehow control
the personality traits that continually diminish his image, the upcoming
election should fall right into his lap. And that's because the current
administration's imploding quite rapidly due to issues of a major concern to the
voting public.
To begin, Jeff Cox reports that, nonfarm payrolls
increased only 156,000 for the month according to figures the Bureau of Labor
Statistics released on Friday. Economists surveyed by Reuters had expected
176,000 new jobs.
The unemployment rate ticked up to 5 percent, though it was expected to to
hold at 4.9 percent.
As reported here quite often in the past, roughly two years ago the
administration changed the benchmark reporting criteria to include only those
out of work for 30 days or less. Every previous administration reported a
broader measure of unemployment that includes those who have stopped looking for
jobs as well as those working part-time for economic reasons. That rate was
unchanged at 9.7 percent.
In contrast, under George W. Bush, that rate stayed below 10% for the vast
majority of his presidency, and didn't go above 12% until the last three months
of his second term.
Dissecting the numbers further, Susan Jones, reports
that: “94,184,000 Americans were not in the labor force in September, 207,000
fewer than in August, and the nation's labor force participation rate, which
began its steady downward trend in 2000, showed little change last month, rising
a tenth of a point to 62.9 percent compared with August.
“The labor force participation rate started rising in the early 1970s as more
women entered the labor force. It reached a record high of 67.3 percent,
seasonally adjusted, in the beginning of 2000. And it dropped to a 38-year low
of 62.4 percent in September 2015. Since then, it has never gone higher than
63.0 percent.”
As a reminder, in 1978 Jimmy Carter was presiding over one of the worst
economy’s in the nation’s history, with his performance being quite similar to
the one taking place now.
On another issue favoring Trump, a congressman this morning on the
Fox business channel confirmed that 29 states are moving ahead with a
lawsuit against the administration and the EPA for overstepping their authority
on climate regulation.
Back on February 10th, Bobby Magill, wrote: “In
January, after a federal appeals court declined to block the plan, 24 states and
the coal industry asked the Supreme Court to stop it from taking effect while
they challenge it in lower courts. The states, led by North Dakota, West
Virginia and Texas, believe the Environmental Protection Agency does not have
the authority under the Clean Air Act to regulate emissions from coal-fired
power plants.
“The Supreme Court, by a 5-4 majority, issued a one-page order granting the
states’ request. It puts the Clean Power Plan on hold while it is reviewed by
the federal appeals court in Washington, D.C.” An appeals court hearing is set
for June 2.
That item leads right into an article by Marc
Morano, who writes that: “Speaking to supporters in
Tampa, Hillary Clinton says climate change is “wreaking havoc on communities
across America.” Clinton warns that Hurricane Hermine “is not the last one
that’s going to hit Florida given what’s happening in the climate.” She says,
“When it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the
threat of climate change, once again, Donald Trump is totally unfit and
Yet, according to statistics compiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration’s (NOAA) Hurricane Research Division, which keeps data on all the
hurricanes that have struck the U.S. since 1851, yesterday “marked a record 127
months since a major hurricane has made landfall in the continental United
And then, simply as a matter of clarity, how on Earth, or anywhere else, is
Trump supposed to protect our nation against “natural disasters”? However, since
the premise is totally ridiculous, the woman needs either new speech writers or
remedial English and logic lessons.
Expanding the subject further, on October 26, 2015
it was reported that: “Scientists project fewer hurricanes in the future that
may be slightly stronger. Research also suggests that even though hurricanes may
become slightly stronger, wind patterns will drive them further out to sea,
meaning fewer storms hitting Americans.
“I would characterize ‘mainstream’ science on global warming and hurricanes
as thinking that there will be a slight decrease in frequency of storms but a
slight increase in intensity on a global scale,” climate scientist Chip
Knappenberger with the libertarian Cato Institute told The Daily Caller News
Foundation Thursday.”
Thus, while scientists predict fewer hurricanes overall, Bill Clinton’s wife
believes that Trump has individual power great enough to create them anyway.
Which should serve as a major endorsement of him. Because if he can
single-handily change the weather here, just imagine what he can do to the nation’s
enemies if he gets angry.
Then, lastly on the subject, Alex Newman, titled
today’s column: “Global Warming Satellite Data Gets Suspicious Makeover”
“Facing an accelerating implosion of faith in the anthropogenic (man-made)
global warming (AGW) theory due in part to satellite data showing more than 18
years of no warming — the great “pause” or “hiatus,” as some put it — one of the
satellite data sets has now been adjusted to show a slight increase in
temperatures over the last two decades.
“However, experts and scientists warned climate alarmists to cool it —
especially because the “adjusted” data is now significantly different than
other, unmanipulated temperature data sets. There appear to be big problems with
the adjustments, too, experts in satellite temperature data said.”
So, in typical fashion for those living on questionable theoretical premises
and finding support from gullible politico's, steps have to be taken to evade
the reality of verifiable contradiction. And, as so often happens, if the facts
don’t support the circumstances then the “facts” have to be altered
The circumstance was put succinctly many years ago by Dean Martin when he
said: “If you’re going to hit me with logic, I don’t want to chit-cat.”
Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Catherine Herridge and Pamela K. Browne, write: “Buried
in the 189 pages of heavily redacted FBI witness interviews from the Hillary
Clinton email investigation are details of yet another mystery -- about two
missing “bankers boxes” filled with the former secretary of state’s emails.
“The interviews released earlier this month, known as 302s, also reveal the
serious allegation that senior State Department official Patrick Kennedy applied
pressure to subordinates to change the classified email codes so they would be
shielded from Congress and the public.
“In the documents provided by [the Kendall] law firm, the witness told the FBI
they were “unable to locate any of her emails from January-April 2009.” This
timeframe is crucial as it covers the start of Clinton’s term as secretary of
state and when she set up a private server for all government business, in turn
skirting public records laws.
“In the same Aug. 18, 2015, interview, on page 42, the State Department
witness also told the FBI there was a deliberate effort to change sensitive
Clinton emails bearing the “B(1)” code -- used in the Freedom of Information Act
review process to identify classified information -- to the category of “B-5.”
That category covers Executive Branch deliberations, “interagency or
intra-agency communications including attorney client privileges,” and makes
material exempt from public release.
“Over five pages of the single-spaced summary notes, the witness, whose name
is redacted, alleges Clinton’s team which included Undersecretary for Management
Patrick Kennedy played classification games to confuse and obfuscate the formal
FOIA review process.”
The story is well-researched, containing significant detail. Here’s a link:
Thus, while Bill's wife’s supporters cling to the continuing theme of blaming
mounting evidence of criminality as merely typical political smearing by
Republican adversaries, the facts indicate culpability. Leading to the question
of how and why those supporters willingly let themselves be considered suspect
themselves. And that’s truly a shame because, the president of the United States
of America should be one who’s far above all that.
Bringing up the ongoing question again: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Jerry
Brown, and Starbucks chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys are reading
That's it for today folks.
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