A few days ago, it was mentioned here that Rush believed polling results from
the media would begin to reflect truer voter preferences as the election draws
nearer. Because, they would not want their leftist bias to make them look so out
of sync with reality by posting slanted data.
Seemingly confirming Rush’s thought, FoxNews.com reports today that
“with less than two weeks to go, the race for the White House has narrowed as
Hillary Clinton now has a three-point advantage over Donald Trump.
“That’s within the margin of error of the national Fox News Poll of likely
“Clinton is ahead of Trump by 44-41 percent. Another one-in-ten back a
third-party candidate and four percent are undecided. Last week she was up by
six points (45-39 percent) and before that by seven (45-38 percent).
“The poll, released Wednesday, finds Clinton leads 49-44 percent in the
head-to-head matchup. That 5-point advantage is at the edge of the error
margin. She was up 7 a week ago (49-42 percent).”
While polling results may indeed be more reflective of reality at present,
other untruthful media attempts to disparage Trump have also begun to surface.
Dustin Stockton reports @breitbart.com: “Triggered journalists from
across the nation are bemoaning the treatment members of the press are receiving
at Trump campaign rallies from the Trump supporters the media routinely
misrepresents as ignorant racists, fascist Nazis, or disenchanted working
“With increasing regularity, these journalist snowflakes are “reporting”
their victimization at the hands Trump supporters who chant mean things like,
“CNN sucks” and call them names like “presstitutes.”
“For members of the media elite, the occasional taunts and jeers signal a
dangerous threat to the free press. During an interview with Kellyanne Conway on
Tuesday, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer breathlessly asked Trump’s campaign manager to ask
Trump to stop calling out the press at his rallies because he is scared “there
could be an ugly incident” between Trump supporters and the “hardworking young
journalists” who cover his rallies.”
However, those reports and reactions such as Blitzer’s prove to have no basis
whatsoever in reality, whereas: “A quick review of media stories over the last
two weeks reveals more than a dozen articles in major publications with the same
“journalists victimized by Trump supporters at rallies” narrative. Trump
supporters endure long waits, messy parking, and often obstructed view seating
to rally for their candidate. The press, on the other hand, is given their own
entrance, sectioned off seating, and protection from event security and the
Secret Service.”
What’s more: “After an exhaustive search, this Breitbart reporter could find
exactly zero incidences of members of the media being physically attacked or
assaulted at Trump rallies. None of this has stopped the misleading
characterization of Trump supporters creating a “menacing” and “dangerous”
environment for these special snowflakes.”
Beyond sources such as Breitbart, the voting public itself seems to have quite a firm grasp on reality, whereas
it’s attention to the mainstream media keeps shrinking at a rapid pace.
Trey Williams @marketwatch.com, writes about USA Today’s
owner, Gannett Co. Inc., which this morning “reported a loss of $24.24 million,
or 21 cents per share for the third quarter vs. earnings of $39.17 million, or
33 cents per share during the same period last year. Adjusted earnings for the
quarter were 6 cents, well below FactSet's 19 cents per-share consensus.”
In reaction, reader John Heitman commented: “This site would benefit greatly
from a more pro Trump stance. A neutral bias would suffice, kids. You are on the
wrong side of history.
“I come here almost daily, but the articles posted always include a hit piece
on the Donald.
“Wise up, youse mooks./s”
And then, along the same lines of voter awareness, a reader posted the
following on Facebook: “Good Monday Morning! #OBAMACARE has officially released
their 2017 prices! For a family of 4 (both parents 40, 1 boy & 1 girl) your
average price is between $1,900 and $2,300 a month. Oh and don't forget your
$2,000 - $5,000 deductible. These are your "hard working middle class families"
that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton always talk about talking care of. Not to
mention your: Mortgage/Rent, electric, water, food, car and other utilities.
This is what America is stuck with! For all that know me, #Insurance is my life.
Trust me when I tell you, THIS IS NOT HELPING AMERICANS! We the people, can not
afford this anymore. Everyone, please open up your eyes and see the real issues
that are staring you right in the face! Our country can do much better than
this! Please #share this with ALL your friends and family and let's make this go
And, apparently, many others took the advice to heart whereas as of this
morning 96,496 readers “shared” the posting.
Then, a friend sent this one:

Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
According to FoxNews.com this morning: “The tenor of the emails
belies the assuring tone Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, and her
campaign took as they publicly downplayed the controversy in the months after it
broke. The emails showing Hillaryland’s initial reaction to the news were
discovered in a batch of more than 33,000 hacked from Podesta’s account and
subsequently posted to anti-secrecy site WikiLeaks.
“While some of Clinton’s closest aides, particularly those who worked with
her at the State Department, such as Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, appeared to
be well aware and deeply involved in her email setup, others apparently were
Some examples followed, such as: “On March 2, [now-Campaign Chairman John]
Podesta wrote to current Campaign Manager Robby Mook asking if Mook had “any
idea of the depth of this story?”
Mook wrote back at 1:32 a.m. on March 3: "Nope. We brought up the existence
of emails in research this summer but were told that everything was taken care
“Podesta also wrote to a close ally, Center for American Progress leader
Neera Tanden, airing his concerns on March 2, the day the story about Clinton’s
private email account broke.
“Speaking of transparency, our friends [attorney David] Kendall, Cheryl and
Phillipe [Reines] sure weren’t forthcoming on the facts here,” Podesta wrote.
“Tanden replied, implying that keeping the email setup a secret was likely
Mills’ doing.
“This is a Cheryl special,” Tanden wrote. “Know you love her, but this stuff
is like her Achilles heel. Or kryptonite. She just can’t say no to this s---.
Why didn’t they get this stuff out like 18 months ago? So crazy.”
Tanden added: “I guess I know the answer they wanted to get away with it.”
All of which adds further written confirmation that Bill’s wife’s email
“setup” was an integral part of her communication system from its inception. As
was the specific tactic of deniability. Furthering the premise of Clinton
untrustworthiness of office. Which, naturally, leads into the ongoing question
once again: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, and Starbucks chairman and
CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys are reading this?
That's it for today folks.
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