Saturday, October 1, 2016


On a day in which not much news is breaking, several articles illustrate that to typical Democrats, political victory’s importance is so great, they don’t care a whit about what kind of filth or scum represents them if they think they can win.  

They also apparently believe that cheating and dishonesty during campaigning is not only acceptable, but lying when caught is quite admirable too. 

In that regard, it was reported that Trump complained about audio issues inside the debate hall on Monday night. His claims were met with denial from the authorities, while his rival mocked his objections.  

And now, today, reports that: “The Commission on Presidential Debates admitted Friday there were indeed issues with Donald Trump’s audio at Monday’s debate – four days after the Republican nominee complained about sound issues inside the venue and was mocked for it by Hillary Clinton.

“Regarding the first debate, there were issues regarding Donald Trump's audio that affected the sound level in the debate hall,” the CPD said in a short statement Friday afternoon.  

“Trump said there had been no issue with the microphone before the debate, and suggested a more sinister motive at play. 

“I don’t want to believe in conspiracy theories of course, but it was much lower than hers and it was crackling,” he said. 

“Clinton mocked the complaints at the time. 

“Anybody who complains about the microphone is not having a good night,” she told reporters Tuesday” 

Reading Bill Clinton’s wife’s comments demeaning Trump raises the thought as to whether or not she happens to be of the type that doesn’t ever learn from her own mistakes. Because in this case, once again she was not only quickly proven to be wrong, but brought her own lacking of good judgment back into play again. 

And that was remindful of Marcus Tullius Cicero who said: 'Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.”

Along the same lines of Bill’s wife consistently being caught red-handed as a liar, two other items form today’s update on her.

The first comes from Tyler Durden @zerohedge via Drudge and is titled: “In Hacked Fundraiser Recording, Hillary Mocks Bernie Supporters "Living In Their Parents’ Basement"

Mr. Durden begins: “The reason why the Trump campaign has been so eager to find transcripts and recordings of the private speeches Hillary Clinton has delivered during her extensive, lucrative speaking career, is because it is there that she reveals that rare glimpse into what she truly thinks, or at least what $250,000 per hour will get her to believe. One such example is a recently hacked recording of Hillary Clinton, where in a private conversation with campaign donors in February, Clinton distanced herself from progressive goals like “free college, free healthcare” and described her place on the political spectrum as spanning from the center-left to the center-right.

“But the punchline was what Hillary, who has been scrambling to secure the much-needed Millennial vote in recent weeks, truly thought about about the millions of young people whose vote she is trying to win: a diatribe of mockery, in which she describes the concept of a political revolution as a "false promise" which has attracted all these disillusioned and disheartened young people "living in their parents' basement." Does Hillary have anything to offer them? No, but she desperately needs their vote, even if behind the scenes at generously paid private functions, she mocks them in front of all those present.
“We should all be really understanding of that and should try to do the best we can not to be, you know, a wet blanket on idealism. We want people to be idealistic. We want them to set big goals... But those of us who understand this, who've worked in it know that it's a false promise. But I don't think you tell idealistic people, particularly young people that they've bought into a false promise.”
So, here we have a presidential candidate openly admitting that in the pursuit of votes, false promises are an integral part of her campaign. And, obviously, rather that telling those misguided younger voters the truth, she’ll simply disappoint them completely if ever elected. Yet, what’s even worse is that in reality she doesn’t care a whit about any of them or their problems, never did, and never will. 

Then, on a recurring subject, Catherine Herridge and Pamela Brown, write today: “According to files released last Friday evening, [IT specialist Bryan] Pagliano worked to design and build the now-infamous server inside a room once used as part of Clinton’s campaign headquarters. On the street known as Washington’s power corridor, Pagliano even used computer remnants from Clinton’s failed 2008 presidential bid, where he had worked as an IT specialist.” 

In a June 24 interview with the FBI, “Pagliano said it was longtime Clinton Foundation aide Justin Cooper who asked him to build the server “in the fall of 2008” and that Pagliano completed the work in early 2009.” 

“After the server’s completion in the makeshift lab on K Street, Pagliano stated that he “rented a minivan and drove to Chappaqua New York to install the email server in the Clinton residence.”  

“Cooper was interviewed three times -- once in 2015 and twice in 2016 -- and appeared before Congress. Pagliano was one of five people who received limited immunity from the Justice Department, has taken the Fifth and refused to testify before Congress.” 

“Strikingly, Cooper also said in his March interview that Hillary Clinton “had Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIF’s) in both her New York residence as well as her residence in the District of Columbia (DC).” 

“In his last interview with the FBI in June, Cooper suddenly remembered there were also two identical iMac computers inside what were supposed to be tightly secured rooms used to review classified materials. The interview states, “Cooper recalled a personally-owned iMac computer in the Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) of both the Washington, DC and Chappaqua, NY residences of Hillary Clinton.” 

“Cooper added he did not have the combination to open the SCIF and admitted: “The SCIF doors at both residences were not always secured.” This on its face is a direct violation of security protocol.” 

So, here the consistency continues. In this case, Bill’s wife repeatedly, along with her supporters in the MSM, denies her possessing any knowledge, expertise or having the slightest capabilities in computer technology. Yet, going all the way back to her 2008 bid for the White House she relied on that technology to the extent of hiring an expert to build a private server for her. 

All of which confirms once more the opening premise for today. That Democrats, and especially Bill’s wife, “apparently believe that cheating and dishonesty during campaigning is not only acceptable, but lying when caught is quite admirable too.” 

And although they’re of the same party, but far less undesirable, the ongoing question is called for again: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, and Starbucks chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz; are you guys reading this?     

That's it for today folks.      


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