Saturday, October 15, 2016


Numerous news reports indicate that Trump’s spending considerable amounts of valuable time refuting major-media efforts to defame him based on ten year old claims of his abusing women. However, it seems the voting public has quite little interest in the subject, if any at all.

According to Paul Joseph Watson “A Google Trends graph shows that Internet users are vastly more interested in Wikileaks releases than allegations about Donald Trump that have been given blanket coverage by the mainstream media.

An included graph illustrated that “even on the day the infamous ‘Trump tape’ was released, Google searches for Wikileaks were still significantly higher.” 

“Wikileaks has been releasing emails from the John Podesta hack on a daily basis and on every single day, Google searches for Wikileaks have been higher than those pertaining to new allegations made against Trump.” 

The statistical results prompted WikiLeaks to comment on the trend: “US mainstream media are completely out of sync with audience demand.” 

With very little other news of importance to be found, additional evidence of misjudgment of audience preferences regards the NFL.

Drew Harwell titled his article “NFL ratings plunge could spell doom for traditional TV”

Mr. Harwell sets the premise by explaining: “Football, America’s biggest prime-time powerhouse, has been thrust into a crisis this fall, with dwindling ratings sparking questions over whether it can remain a gold mine for television in an age when more Americans are abandoning traditional TV.”

He then goes on provide a list of problems that includes the election, changing viewer habits and that “some of the league’s top players have retired or have been suspended, including Peyton Manning, Marshawn Lynch and Tom Brady, creating a star-power vacuum that may have driven casual fans away.”

And also: “The games are now available at more times than ever, including afternoons and evenings on Thursday, Sunday and Monday, which analysts said could fragment the market. And some of the season’s early matchups have been uncompetitive or underwhelming.” 

However, neither Mr. Harwell nor the NFL itself seems willing to acknowledge that a major part of viewer falloff stems from multi-millionaire players refusing to recognize their own nations anthem when it’s played. Yet, the fans certainly do.    

Thus, if these players really do have a social problem they’re attempting to correct, they’d be best off finding another venue to pursue it. Because what fans want to see is football, not a bunch of renegades delivering protests against perceived injustices.  

Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife, which further underlines the impact of the WikiLeaks disclosures.

Jennifer G. Hickey reports, that: “Newly leaked emails show the political calculations that went into Hillary Clinton's decision to back away from supporting the controversial Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), a trade deal aides privately conceded she would "ultimately" support.”

What becomes readily apparent from the emails is the confirmation that Bill’s wife did indeed have at least two positions on most major issues. One for valued financial supporters, the other for the general voting public.

It’s revealed in hacked emails purportedly from Campaign Chairman John Podesta's account that WikiLeaks has published that: “As late as June 2015, Clinton was making the case internally for TPP, circulating a column by former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers in The Washington Post arguing that rejecting TPP would damage American leadership.

“Damning w[sic] faint praise but good arguments,” she told senior foreign policy adviser Jake Sullivan. Podesta disagreed, saying the deal ran counter to the concerns of average Americans, while Sullivan stressed the importance to American power. In response, Clinton said Sullivan’s arguments would work with “more sophisticated audiences or interviews.” 

Illustrations clearly showing why the truth of her positions were carefully guarded can be seen in the case of the TPP, where: “The issue of TPP was the primary reason that the AFL-CIO executive committee recommended in July 2015 to delay its endorsement of Clinton until she had moved closer to their position on trade issues.  

“The Trump campaign seized Thursday on the email revelations, pointing to the March email acknowledging Clinton's continued support as evidence she "lied."  

So, as noted at the outset today, the public has shown substantial interest in the developing email exposures and WikiLeaks has indicated that it will release many more. Suggesting that Bill’s wife’s campaign will suffer additional negative revelations. All of which leads to the ongoing question again: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, and Starbucks chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys are reading this?     

That's it for today folks.   


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