Monday, December 19, 2011

BloggeRhytms 12/19/2011

Scanning the news a few minutes ago, I had to read the following item three times before I was sure it actually was a comment from, Eric Holder, Attorney General of the U.S.

However, according to, The Daily Caller, this morning, Holder "accused his growing chorus of critics of racist motivations" in a Sunday interview published in the New York Times. The paper went on to say the Department of Justice provided no evidence to support the Attorney General’s claims that some unspecified faction -what he refers to as the “more extreme segment”- is driven to criticize both he and the president due to the color of their skin. He didn't elaborate on who he considered making up the “more extreme segment.”

He went on to say, "This is a way to get at the president because of the way I can be identified with him,  both due to the nature of our relationship and, you know, the fact that we’re both African-American.”

Now,  I agree, there's plenty of criticism about, Eric Holder, and even more about his boss in the White House. In fact, almost every day, I've listed plenty of  things they both do I disagree with myself. But the reason I had to re-read Holder's comments was, until he brought up the subject of race, I'd actually forgotten about it. Because these two guys could be black, white, blue, green or plaid and they'd both still be doing lousy jobs in my opinion, no matter what color they are. 

Aside from that, the president rolled into office on a tidal wave of praise from every corner of the country, regardless of color, and was not only given huge support across the racial boards, he had both Houses of Congress on his side to boot.  However, it's his policies that are in dispute today and the disastrous state of the nation in almost every respect, which has nothing to with anything except a continuous flow of bad decisions.

Consequently, reading Holder's comments really took me aback because if I understand him correctly, and I think I do, that if a person of color makes horrendous mistakes and performs poorly on a continuing basis, anyone who finds fault with the miserable results is obviously a racist. Therefore, in order to prove you're not a bigot, you've got to accept whatever you get, win lose or draw and keep your mouth shut.

But I think, aside from myself, my lifelong, all-time hero would disagree with the Attorney General too, because he was a guy whose professional survival depended totally on his performance each and every day of his career. And if I had to bet, although I obviously wasn't alongside him, Willie Mays never said anything like " he struck me out because I'm black."

That's it for today folks.


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