Wednesday, December 28, 2011

BloggeRhythms 12/28/2011

There's considerably more evidence piling up as to why the "Occupy" protesters are idle, and have so much free time on their hands. Because if you read about why they're presently gathering in Iowa to heckle Republican hopefuls, you realize that these outcasts not only have no clue as to where the nation's problems stem from, they know nothing about politics either. But, worse than that for them, they prove each and every day that they are un-hirable, because there just aren't any jobs available for the terminally stupid.

According to the Associated Press, one "Occupy Des Moines" organizer Jess Mazour, 24, said protesters wanted candidates to address issues ranging from campaign finance reform to college debt to the home foreclosure crisis. She said the week-long set of actions marked a new phase for the nationwide Occupy movement, and would be a test of whether activists could flex political muscle as one group.

While the issues she mentioned actually do present some cause for concern, as a practical matter the protesters rarely choose to discuss them but simply disrupt every event they can instead, and most often, seem quite incoherent and confused.

Nonetheless, in this case, let's assume Ms Mazour is really serious this time and genuinely wants to make her point. So, in that regard, as I've mentioned many times before, she and her cohorts are in the wrong place. Because all of the problems she mentions were caused and encouraged by Democrats in the White House and Congress, who are still seeking more ways to fleece their constituents.

And, in the end, that's how the Dem's keep their power. They seek out masses of the weakest, least informed, poorly educated among us and then fill their heads with biased drivel, pointing fingers at all who oppose them. And in time, we all see the disastrous results of their efforts, because they've managed to take what once was the most successful nation on earth and turn it into almost third-world status.

That's it for today folks.


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