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The reason I mention it today is, there's this ridiculous war going on between Republicans in the House and Democrats in Congress regarding a two-month extension of the payroll tax cut bill. The reason it's ridiculous is, the extension itself not only has no meaning, because it isn't long enough, but according to the Treasury Department, it can't even be implemented because it takes more than two months to program the equipment that prints the paperwork.
However, when it comes to doing things right, such as sitting down and negotiating a real solution for businesses that will give them some sense of stability in legislation so they can make real plans and financial forecasts that can be relied on, office-holders ignore them, preferring to use the problems to try and score political points.
However, as I've been predicting for quite some time now, I think this time it's different for incumbents because, regardless of political preference, folks are tired getting whip-sawed by legislation that's designed to help someone's agenda instead of the public at large.
And that's why next November a lot of office-holders are going to find themselves unemployed, making it extremely ironic for them because -its highly likely that the very same market they killed via their short-sighted self-absorption will preclude them too from finding new jobs like almost 20% of the public does now.
That's it for today folks.
I've often heard it said that when it comes to the nation, there are two worlds. One lives inside the Beltway in D.C. and is made up of those holding national political positions, along with those connected to them. Then there's the rest of the country, where the real people reside.
The reason I mention it today is, there's this ridiculous war going on between Republicans in the House and Democrats in Congress regarding a two-month extension of the payroll tax cut bill. The reason it's ridiculous is, the extension itself not only has no meaning, because it isn't long enough, but according to the Treasury Department, it can't even be implemented because it takes more than two months to program the equipment that prints the paperwork.
However, when it comes to doing things right, such as sitting down and negotiating a real solution for businesses that will give them some sense of stability in legislation so they can make real plans and financial forecasts that can be relied on, office-holders ignore them, preferring to use the problems to try and score political points.
However, as I've been predicting for quite some time now, I think this time it's different for incumbents because, regardless of political preference, folks are tired getting whip-sawed by legislation that's designed to help someone's agenda instead of the public at large.
And that's why next November a lot of office-holders are going to find themselves unemployed, making it extremely ironic for them because -its highly likely that the very same market they killed via their short-sighted self-absorption will preclude them too from finding new jobs like almost 20% of the public does now.
That's it for today folks.
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