About an hour ago, the phone rang and my wife took the call, hanging up in moments. I asked her who'd called. She replied, it was a charity seeking donations for curing a disease. In fact, the disease was one I'd had myself.
Now, we don't get a lot of solicitations by phone because our number's on the "Do not call list," which works pretty well. But, every once in a while one does come through. And, frankly, I don't think about the subject much. However, today's call really frosted me.
Because it's been a very long time since I've thought about pestering calls, and was actually the first time I realized that these people are running a business based on my illness. And, I don't know who they are, don't know what they do, and really don't care except for the fact that they're calling folks up making some kind of plea and scamming all that they can, but I'm not aware of a single soul any one of them's ever helped.
When I was ill, we did research and fortunately found medical practitioners and facilities that were able to cure me. Everyone I know who's come down with some kind of affliction does the same kind of thing. So where were these organizations who say they care so much when you need them? And, if they showed up, what would they do for me? I doubt it would be very much.
Many say they're working on cures for diseases. However, I can't think of one they've stopped. But in the meantime they keep dialing for dollars and spending the bulk of what they collect on themselves. And for me, I really have a problem with folks who can't figure out any other way to make a buck than to ride the back of my illness. These folks make leeches look good by comparison.
That's it for today folks.
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