Friday, December 2, 2011

BloggeRhythms 12/2/2011

I write a lot about politicians in these entry's because they get so much exposure in the press. And also because of the nature of their jobs, which have great effect on all of our lives.

But what I find most interesting, if not utterly astounding, is how little regard they have for the public's intellect, because they spout distortions and untruths about themselves and their doings so blatantly that one has to assume they believe either we're all mindless dunces or that their BS can undo the facts.

In that regard, the president was speaking at a small campaign fundraiser at the home of, Jack Rosen, chairman of the American Jewish Congress. The president's now seeking to prove his commitment to Israel, because Republicans and Jewish voters are skeptical about steps he's taken. So, here's what the president claimed: "This administration has done more in terms of the security of the state of Israel than any previous administration."

He went on: "Whether it's making sure that our intelligence cooperation is effective, to making sure that we're able to construct something like an Iron Dome so that we don't have missiles raining down on Tel Aviv, we have been consistent in insisting that we don't compromise when it comes to Israel's security. And that's not just something I say privately, that's something that I said in the U.N. General Assembly. And that will continue."

And while it's true that the president demonstrated his commitment to Israel in September, speaking at the United Nations General Assembly opposing Palestine's U.N. bid for statehood, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu effusively praised him for taking that position, what's he's left out is why the Palestinians sought statehood in the first place.

One of the things the president suggested regarding the Israel/Palestinian situation was that the nations go back to the borders that existed before the 1967 Middle East war to establish a Palestinian state. However, when he said that he had to be aware that the idea was totally unacceptable to Israel who's invested hugely in developing and populating the land to be given back, as well as to Israel's supporters all over the world.

Additionally, he's also done nothing material whatsoever to stop Iran from developing nuclear capability when it's well known to all where their bombs and rockets will be headed as soon as they're functional. Nonetheless he's also warned Israel to leave Iran alone.

Now, while its also true that The Clinton's were no friends of Israel either, and to find a president who really stood up for Israeli's you have to go all the way back to Nixon, none of the others tried to campaign on the great friendship they'd built either. At least the others had the good grace not to try to lie.

But, now that this president's concerned about his poll numbers and knows his track record's a miserable failure altogether, he's got to grab every straw he can find. But if he thinks he's going to bamboozle typical Jewish voters with some hustle about his love for the Israeli's he ought to call Anthony Wiener, former Congressman from New York.

In Wiener's case, they wouldn't buy hype and smoke from one of their own, electing Bob Turner, a retired cable executive, instead. Which says to me as far as most Jewish voters go; the president's just about dead.

That's it for today folks.


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