Thursday, December 15, 2011

BloggeRhythms 12/15/2011

Iowa debate. Iowa debate. Iowa debate. That's all I see headlining the news, and I still don't get it.  For the life of me I can't figure out why anyone on earth would care a whit about a bunch of politico's hot air.

Perhaps, years ago when we didn't have instant and continuous coverage of every breath a candidate or incumbent takes, a debate might have shed some light on a participant's qualifications, beliefs and presence, but today we see these folks performing live 24/7/365 in the real world.

And I still come back to square one in terms of what politico's actual capabilities are about when it comes to performance on the actual job, because if you went to every men's store on the planet you couldn't find an emptier suit than the guy in the White House now. But boy, he sure can sure sling  zillions of words.

So, to me it doesn't matter what Gingrich says, or how well he can compose and deliver a sentence. His track record tells me clearly what he is, and that boils down to loose cannon. Would he be better for the country than the guy in office now? The likely answer is: absolutely. But then, so would almost anyone who could fog a mirror.

But, as far as credentials go for the abilities required to run the country, the only one currently in contention is Mitt Romney. He may not be the Conservative's dream of a perfect candidate in regard to their platform, but that's not what the president's job entails. Presidents are supposed to do what's best for the nation, not grind the axes of particular factions.

Romney's also the only one who's not only had many years in public office, but he's also succeeded in business. And his Achilles Heel regarding health care really ought to be looked at the other way around. Because he's already been down that road, had the experience, and now knows more about what not to do than anyone else around. Consequently, it's not only not a negative, it's really a great advantage.

So I guess what it all comes down to is all these guys standing on a stage trying their best to one-up each other while looking presidential, which I find extremely boring. And I truly believe that if debate performance was something that had anything to do with someone's real capability in office, at present we should have the best president who ever lived holding the president's job. However, as we see each and every day right now, when it comes to having to really perform in office...his real world results are the exact reverse of all his BS. 

That's it for today folks.


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