Sunday, December 25, 2011

BloggeRhythms 12/25/2011

 I've mentioned this phenomenon before, but today's a good opportunity to bring it up again. Because I always find it amazing that on major holidays, newsworthy events just never seem to happen. And I guess that simply goes to reconfirm that in reality, nothing really worth writing about happens most of the rest of the time either -but on all the other days the press keeps scrounging around and tries to make headlines out of basically meaningless drivel.

As for me, I've tried to avoid writing about sports because my readership drops off dramatically whenever I bring up any kind of athletics. However,  today being Christmas and with absolutely nothing going on anywhere that caught my eye, I came across a blurb about Tim Tebow.

I mention him because I've been a University of Florida football fan for many years, thanks to a close friend who graduated there and drafted me into the legions who root for the Gators. However, as much as I love the team, and former coaches, Steve Spurrier and Urban Meyer, I never had any kind of respect for Tebow.

My primary reason for disliking Tebow's because I think he's a one-way street and act's like the game's all about him. In that way, he's a lot like Bret Favre who took full credit for every win and spread all kinds of blame on teammates for losses. In Tebow's case, it always seemed to me he handed off the ball or tried to pass it, only when he couldn't find an opening for himself, so he had no other option than to try to get the ball to somebody else.

When Tebow got to the NFL, and in recent weeks when he became the Bronco's starter, there was all kinds of noise made in the press because of his style, which was dramatically different than just about all other quarterbacks. Because most of them, and especially the best ones, are generally very adept at hand-offs and passes, confusing the opposition by their play calls and getting the ball to intended receivers. But not Tebow, who continued to keep the ball, choosing to run it himself as often as he could, and likely would have passed it more if he'd been able to find a way to catch it too.

During those few weeks after Tebow took Denver's helm, I spoke to friends and said that I thought his style -which was loved by the press and was said to be setting a new trend for mobile QB's- was sooner or later going to do him in. Because when thousands of pounds of opposition lands on your back repeatedly, it's got to be quite wearing, and after once around the league, defensive coaches are going to prepare for his style of play and simply eradicate him. However, I thought that the planning would take until sometime next season.

Now it seems, the result's what I expected, because he's been figured out and is losing games, but it happened much sooner than I thought. In fact, yesterday he was intercepted four times which may be why he tries to keep the ball in the first place. But now it seems, everyone's got him figured out and he's either got to change or go back to the bench, which leaves me with only one last question.

Now that he's shown all these imitating fans, and especially kids, that perhaps his kneeling ritual after good things happen doesn't always guarantee complete success, what's he going to do or say next? Because lately it seems to me that many, if not most of the rest of the folks in the league have just as much, and some maybe even more, clout upstairs than he does. 

That's it for today folks.


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