Wednesday, June 8, 2011

BloggeRhythms 7/8/2011

I saw a blurb go by this morning that said the president says the rising unemployment rate is "unacceptable." So, what does that mean exactly? Do businesses now have to hire because he's upset? Is the national guard going to show up and force expansion? And, when all is said and done, what businessman on earth cares about whether this guy's upset or not, they have their own problems to worry about. Then again, if he really cared that much, he could fix the problem in a heartbeat..all he has to do is resign.

Then I saw the best quick explanation of our economy's current state I've come across in quite a while. Arthur Laffer, the economist, explained it this way: Supposing, he said, you had two equal sized farms next to each other. One was doing quite well and the other was failing. He said the government's answer to this, since it earns no income, would be to keep increasing taxes on the productive farm and giving the taxpayer's money to the failure in bailouts. And that way you can plainly see that the productive farm is carrying the total load of both operations, which sooner or later has to drive it out of business. Sounds pretty familiar to me.

Then I saw this lady Democrat former governor of some state or other who said the auto bailouts were the best thing for the economy ever, and the administration showed real genius by not letting GM and Chrysler fall into bankruptcy. Which I'm not sure I understand because the last number I saw said these two entities were still 8 billion in the hole against taxpayer's funds they were given. They've also restructured in accordance with the government's wishes, which means they're still stuck with piles of debt and buried in future payouts of pensions.

On the other hand, had those company's tanked, they would have reorganized much leaner and meaner without all that dead wood around their necks, likely recovered faster and still would have hired everyone back on better terms because they'd have needed them. So, its the same old story when it comes to Democrat hacks, as I've said often before, when they're talking about their "accomplishments" they're answer is...turn on the blue light Cecil, the man wants a blue suit. It's all hype, smoke and mirrors.

Then of course, there's Ford who turned the bailouts down and proceeded on their own. At the moment they're having the best couple of years they've had in ages.

Lastly, there's this weasel whom I won't name, but I'm sure you know who I mean. And my simple question about his situation is, who in the world would ever trust him about anything, anywhere, any time again? He's already proven he's a liar and did so live and in color on national TV. And, who does he go to for help? Why the only two people on earth that are bigger liars than he is, the Clinton's. One of them's been impeached for it, and for the other it didn't really matter what she said, everyone knew the truth, and she wasn't under oath.

So, I guess you really have to hand it to the Dem's. Because you'd think nobody could be that outright stupid, but obviously they can. I just wonder what it is about those voters that causes them to want to be taken in time and time again. I think I'll call Charley Rangel and ask. Because, if anyone on earth knows how to screw a flea-brained constituency, it's him.

That's it for today folks.


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