Tuesday, June 28, 2011

BloggeRhythms 6/28/2011

I started listening to Rush Limbaugh the day he first came on the air. I remained a listener until four or five years ago when his show became more advertisements than content, but even the great El Rushbo isn't worth having to hear the constant pounding about useless products, services and whatever else he hawks that's of no interest to me whatsoever. So, I turned him off back then and haven't tuned in since.

The primary reason I stayed with him in the first place though, is that whether I always agreed with him or not, he's extremely bright, very well-informed, connected to many movers and shakers and above all is one of the funniest folks on Earth. And he always seems to see the humor in things that go on in the world, especially when folks, whoever they may be, make public fools of themselves.

Now, I'm sure it's not news to readers that Rushbo's very right wing. But, the way he always approached political matters was by carefully illustrating where, how and why those he favored made sense in their positions and that he wasn't just blindly falling in line because they were anti the opposition.

There are all kinds of examples of where his political choices, especially regarding business, taxation, education, unions, the military and especially socio-economics are founded in sheer common sense. That's why I found myself in agreement with him so often.

Then today, I saw this blurb on a website, which was a quote from him. "A week from 4th of July! Celebrate Independence Day by sharing Two If By Tea. Join me as we admire the great USA and salute the military and law enforcement officials who defend freedom. Friends, hold on to our exceptional values, stand up against those who want to suppress individual rights, and take pride in being an American! Thank God, yes God, for the blessings of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!"

Now, it seems to me that in that paragraph Rushbo wants us all to celebrate our freedom, which has always been his thing, and he also wants us to do it by holding "on to our exceptional values, standing up against those who want to suppress individual rights, and taking pride in being an American! Thank God, yes God, for the blessings of life."

Yet, as a Tea Party supporter he seemingly overlooks the point that they want to control all kinds of aspects of human life that are purely none of their GD business. And, as I've written in several blogs lately, I think that the Republicans view's regarding the economy, taxation, the military, homeland security and immigration to name a few are far better for our nation, but, all the rest of the stuff being dragged in regarding personal choices is going to cause them to fail.

So, as far as El Rushbo goes, I haven't lost any admiration for him as a talent, but if he keeps supporting those with a radical slant, despite his huge influence, I think he's going to watch his faithful followers lose another election. And it's disappointing because I always thought he was smarter than that.

That's it for today folks.


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