Sunday, June 26, 2011

BloggeRhythms 6/26/2011

Yesterday's entry had to do with the sense I get that the president goes through motions as a leader, actually caring quite little about most tasks required by the job. I mentioned several examples, each of which illustrated to me someone whose mind was somewhere else while performing job-related tasks.

Then today, while I was skimming the news, I came across some information published by the Associated Press. According to them, "It's the open secret that nobody in government wants to talk about: That cherished presidential signature that's tucked away in a scrapbook or framed for all to see might never have passed under the president's hand."

The article goes on to say that for decades, presidents of both parties have used an "autopen" for signatures. However, the device was used for autographing photos, everyday letters, memos and things like that, never for important legislation. But, then they add that the "machine was recently put to use signing a bill into law, apparently a first."

When an extension of certain provisions of the Patriot Act was passed by lawmakers, the president was overseas and out of reach. So he employed the autopen to sign it, though the White House has been mum about it ever since.

While he was traveling in Europe last month, O'bama directed his staff in Washington to use an autopen to sign into law an extension of certain Patriot Act powers to fight terrorism. The legislation had been approved by Congress at the last minute, and there was no time to fly it to France for O'bama's signature before the anti-terrorism powers expired.

Believed to be the first time a president has used an autopen to sign legislation, it didn't sit well with a number of Republicans. Twenty-one House members sent him a letter on June 17 asking him to re-sign the legislation with his actual signature because use of the autopen "appears contrary to the Constitution." And it seems, so far he hasn't done it.

Now, whether or not the president's usage of technology is constitutional or not is a task for someone else to figure out, not me. But, as I already stated, it's another clear indication to me about how little the guy cares about his responsibilities of office. Because in reality we've got a guy at the helm of our sinking ship who simply goes through motions and has no clue as to how to do the job. But, what's worse is...he doesn't care a whit about it either.

That's it for today folks.


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