I caught a brief glimpse of Steve Wynn, the casino entrepreneur, while changing channels last night. I didn't hear the whole interview, nor nearly all of his comments, but I certainly got the drift.
Mr. Wynn was talking about how much health care costs had risen over the past several years, but that it was a cost of doing business, so although he wasn't pleased, he certainly understood that prices tend to increase from time to time. However, so long as there was a free market, he expected competition to eventually put a brake on price escalation, and hold rampant escalation in check.
Wynn then mentioned that O'bamacare then came along and he couldn't believe how much it was going to cost his business, causing him to have second thoughts on company paid benefits for his existing employees and whether to keep hiring or not. But, what irked him most of all is that he believes the legislation passed with virtually no review from Congress, and that legislators totally shirked their responsibility to both business and the public. Then, when asked about future plans for his business, he thinks the wave of the future is in Singapore, and he can't wait to get a casino license there because the U.S. is just not conducive to business.
Now, you'd have to think the Republican's have to keep getting stronger every day. Because aside from Steve Wynn, most folks having anything to do with commerce at all, as owners, workers or especially the unemployed, can clearly see how anti-business the current administration is and that their goal is social reform. And, that instead of trying to level the field by bringing those further down the ladder up to the top, their methodology is bringing the top down as far as they can so everyone except those in government can wallow in an equitable misery and buried in debt.
So, given this huge opportunity to recapture political power, what do these Republican politico's do? They harangue and yell and scream about issues such as abortion and prayer which if nothing else, are certainly none of their GD business. And I for one, whoever I choose to vote for, am not about to let some politicians decide anything about my personal beliefs. And, not being female, I really don't have to worry about aborting an unborn child. But, I certainly can do something to try to abort some meddling politician's career.
And that's why my Densa award for today goes to all the Republican candidates who're taking a wide open invitation to the White House and slamming the door on themselves.
That's it for today folks.
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