Wednesday, June 15, 2011

BloggeRhythms 6/15/2011

Feedback from Monday's Republican presidential debate indicates that the candidates may actually be using their heads for a change. Because the press is chastising some debaters, such as Tim Pawlenty, for not attacking opponents harder. In Pawlenty's case, for example, they think he should have gone after Mitt Romney's poorly performing health care plan in Massachusetts, which is almost the same as O'bama's.

I, on the other hand, think their strategy's likely well thought out, and they believe it's far more important to unseat the incumbent than it is to tear each other up. In fact, for the most part there was apparently very little difference as far as platforms went, leaving voters only to choose whom they prefer on a personal basis.

In the meantime, almost every indicator available illustrates that the nation's in trouble in just about every measurable aspect, and that the problem's have been created from the top. What's more, it's unlikely there's enough time to reverse the trends before the coming election, no matter how the current administration tries to repair what its done.

So, if that's truly the case, it seems highly likely a Republican will be elected president regardless, therefore it makes absolutely no sense to shoot themselves in the foot.

Then again, they're all politicians, making it highly unlikely they're smart.

That's it for today folks.


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