Sometimes I wonder if it's just me, or do other people wonder about the stuff that political types spout. For instance, there's this guy David Axelrod, who's the president's chief campaign strategist. Yesterday he said that Republicans who want the presidency are "eager to criticize the Democratic incumbent without offering substantive ways to help the country."
And that's where I get confused. Because as near as I can tell, all the GOP candidates want to repeal O'bamacare as fast as they can, balance the budget, stabilize the business community by being decisive instead of uncertain on policy, stop unions from gouging states and businesses dry, eliminate bailout programs, incent banks to once again lend, induce corporate America to hire here instead of overseas, solidify military policy, permit offshore drilling and tap U.S. oil resources any way than can, and most important: get government of all types off the public's back.
So, using the preceding examples, I can't help but think that the presidents rivals have plenty of ideas about what needs fixing and how to fix it. And the simplest, yet most important, part of the solution is to begin by removing the cause, Axelrod's boss. So, just what is it this guy Axelrod wants to see and hear? Because I think the opposition's points are pretty clear.
And that brings me to another idea I had. There's this group called Mensa, and its the largest and oldest high-IQ society in the world, open to people who score at the 98th percentile or higher on a standardised, supervised IQ or other approved intelligence test.
However, I want to form a new group called Densa, which is Mensa's complete reverse. To get into this elite cadre, one has to demonstrate stupidity well beyond the norm and clearly illustrate vapidity impenetrable as granite.
While I think in time my group will comprise a substantial roster, since I just thought of it this morning, my first nomination for entry to Densa is this guy Axelrod whose comments certainly establish his credentials as a founding member.
That's it for today folks.
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