I've mentioned before that if the president honestly wanted to fix our economy and create jobs above all else, he'd resign. Because he's the crux of the problem. And until he and his anti-business stance, which has been clearly demonstrated by his performance to date, are gone, there will be no serious change or improvement.
But, what really amazes me is how he somehow believes that childish ranting, raving and rhetorical babble is going to force adversaries in Congress to cow-tow to financial lunacy. His party's been wasting incredible amounts of taxpayer dollars throughout it's history, yet acts as if there's still a bottomless pit left to tap. The historical performance of Democrats in general is to take every cent possible from performers and redistribute it to the weak, the lazy, the non-achievers and every kind of loser imaginable they can find. And that makes political sense because there are so many of them, it's hard for the productive minority to vote them out.
But despite how short-sighted and ill conceived the Democrat agenda has been all these years, recent performance takes the mismanagement one huge step further, almost beyond belief. Because they're risking debt default via insistence that the "rich" be taxed, or else. But they don't seem to realize that half or more of those they want to penalize and further strip of funds are small business owners who are the core of the nation's economy.
Now, not realizing how business works is quite understandable regarding Democrats, because so few of them have ever worked for a living, and the majority have likely attended public schools so they're uneducated besides. And the lack of knowledge in basic economics is apparent right from the top, because the leader hasn't a clue as to how money's earned. He only knows how to take it from those who do.
That's it for today folks.
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