Monday, June 13, 2011

BloggeRhythms 6/13/2011

My list keeps growing regarding things I simply don't understand. And here's one more.

The biggest problem facing the economy at present is unemployment. Key causes of the dearth of jobs are anti-business policies of the current administration, business fears of expanding in that kind of environment, banker's reluctance to lend to businesses in times of economic uncertainty, and creeping regulation caused by a steadily growing bureaucracy.

Last weeks unemployment rate was stated as being 9.1 percent for those without jobs, while the number was more like 20% if one's working less than full time or for lower than usual hourly wages were included.

So, recognizing the jobless situation, and saying they wanted to help, a couple of government agencies came forward, announcing they needed many new hires. But, what was especially interesting to me was which agencies needed employees and why.

The additional personnel are primarily needed to increase field inspections by the EPA and the National Labor Relations Board. And these are the bureaus that go around looking for businesses to fine, otherwise penalize or ultimately, shut down. Thus, the more operations they visit, the more likely businesses will shrink, close or face some other dire consequence in the offing.

Consequently, if you look at the situation it's really a Catch-22, because the more folks these agencies hire, the more businesses they close down, so sooner or later the agencies are really putting themselves out of business in the process. Because there won't be any need for the agencies either, when there are no businesses left to close.

That's it for today folks.


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