Reports say, Mitt Romney plans to announce his presidential candidacy on Thursday. But, hours before release of that news, Ray Buckley, New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman, said "the problem for Mitt Romney is that the reason Granite Staters rejected him three years ago remains the same today: they believe he is a wishy-washy, flip-flopping politician who will say anything or take any position to suit his own immediate political needs."
And, I believe, in those few words, Buckley described every politician.
What I don't believe, is that any individual with an iota of intellect or common sense would give credence to anything coming out of any politician's mouth, because all those guys lie for a living. Because no matter what they truly think or wish, if they don't get elected, they're cooked. So, their solution is, tell the population what they want to hear, or else they'll never get in office to begin with.
Since that's the case, most of the time the public's pretty lucky, because political weasels go with the majority of the flow, simply because that's where the votes are that keep them in office. Beyond that there's the fact that the U.S. has a very smart and successful population, so they can usually ride out the turkey's who hold public office without bearing too much damage.
But, every once in a while some clown shows up who really buys his own, or his bosses, BS. And those are the one's that do real harm, because they can come close to destroying the nation's strengths if they aren't reined in quickly enough.
In that regard, we can now all see what happens when someone who's been bought or is mistakenly zealous, occupies the oval office. However, the bright side is, Americans truly appreciate education, and the lessons they've now learned will do them well in many future elections. The only lingering problem will be the incredibly high cost of the tuition.
That's it for today folks.
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