Thursday, June 9, 2011

BloggeRhythms 6/9/2011

The more information that surfaces about the congressman flasher, the more I have to wonder about how long the voting public's going to tolerate being treated like imbeciles by those they elected.

Because, what's been proven for a very long time is that most electees have no regard for their constituents, primarily because the majority of the constituency has no regard for itself. It seems that the constituency just sits there brain-dead, regardless of what politicos do, despite the fact that they know they're getting royally hosed.

Aside from that, whatever politicos steal via their lying, cheating and thieving, compared to most successful folks earnings is chump change, so nobody really cares. But, even so, it's not the amount so much, it's the arrogance and expectation. And, I don't know about you, but I resent it when somebody takes me for a moron, lies to me consistently and pays no price for the insult to my intelligence. I, for one, want to see perps like that drawn and quartered.

And that brings me back to the hot dog. Although this weasel got caught completely disregarding his oath of office, then blatantly claimed innocence, when the evidence against him piled up to the extent that he couldn't lie his way out, he went seeking some help. And, although I mentioned this yesterday, I think it's worth repeating. When the Wiener was in the wringer he went to the Clinton's for advice. Two folks at the pinnacle of slimedom.

In that regard, I obviously wasn't there, but I'd bet big bucks I know what they told him. They likely said just go straight ahead and don't resign. Because even if you're found guilty, you can keep your office because the party will protect you. And, we're sure you know that even if there's no honor for thieves, they certainly honor their brethren. Consequently, you can continue your deviance forever just like we do, despite the fact that we're both lower than dirt. What's more, your voter base will insure your survival, because they're incapable of rational thought.

So, I guess the only problem this guy really has when all's said and done has nothing to do with politics, or whether or not he stays in office. The simple fact of the matter is, he's still got to spend the rest of his life as a skinny, homely, worthless, perverted loser no matter how many votes he gets.

That's it for today folks.


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