Steve Forbes posted an article today,, titled: “My
advice for 2016 GOP presidential hopefuls. If you want to win, here's
While many of Mr. Forbes' suggestions are already being addressed in many, if
not most, current Republican candidates platforms, his putting the information
concisely together helps illustrate clearly what’s hampering the nation’s
economy. And what needs to be done to correct the mistakes of the current
administration, and Democrats in general.
Mr. Forbes explains that: “What drives rising health care prices is our
government-dominated "third-party payer" system, whereby employers, government,
private insurers--but not the patient--are the ones that pay for most of health
As a result, the market is therefore tailored to provider’s needs
and not the health care consumer. “While the left pins the blame on greed and
free markets, the real problem is just the opposite--too much regulation and a
lack of true, free markets.”
Since the key is putting patients in charge of healthcare, not third-party
payers, in addition to ObamaCare's repeal, critical changes would include:
“Require that health care providers, particularly hospitals and clinics, post
prices for all procedures and services; create a national market for insurance
by allowing consumers to shop for coverage across state lines; require that
hospitals post each month how many patients have died from hospital-based
infections; and eliminate costly coverage mandates for health insurance. We
should also encourage the growth of tax-free health savings accounts and let
states make their own decisions about how to best allocate Medicaid funds.”
Next, is the burdensome monster the tax code, and its enforcer the IRS has
become as “an immensely powerful and abusive agency.” In this case, Mr. Forbes
suggests implementing a simple flat tax that is also a tax cut, which “would reduce
the burden on productive work, risk-taking and success, stimulating a genuine
boom of historic proportions. Individuals and businesses could literally file
their returns on a single sheet of paper or with a few computer keystrokes. The
inflated influence of lobbyists would end. The IRS as we know and fear it today
would end.”
What’s most astounding, though, are the statistics he presented to support
his proposal. “Taxpayer’s spend over 6 billion hours a year filling out tax
forms and over $300 billion to comply with the code. Imagine if over the years
all that brainpower and all those billions of hours and trillions of dollars had
gone to producing new products and services, new medical devices and new cures
for diseases, how much better our lives would be today. The flat tax already exists in more than 30 countries around the world.
It really works.”
And finally, he supports the return to a gold standard to provide stability
to the economy, writing: “Similar to clocks, rulers and scales, money works best
when it has a fixed value. The best route to dollar stability is to restore its
link to gold. Ultimately we must create a new gold standard, which served this
country well from the time of George Washington's presidency to the early
What's most interesting about Mr. Forbes presentation is that while it’s
quite simple and straightforward, it also explains why big government doesn’t
work and why it can’t. It also shows why Democrats in particular, strive to
insure their futures by growing a system that depends on their own employment.
Regardless of the costs to the taxpayers that support them for no real,
practical, reason.
On another issue: As the global-warming talks heat up in Paris, a critical
phase is about to begin. This week, rich nations plan to pledge more to poor
ones than they did at a 2009 climate summit, which was $100 billion a year by
While the spending spree is being planned, Seth Borenstein and Karl Ritter of
the Associated Press, dug up some information on how previous “climate”
donations were spent.
The writer’s quoted University of Zurich's Axel Michaelowa, who studies
climate aid grants, who found "there was a huge misrepresentation. Governments
were actually really not able to report properly" on aid that was supposed to
help countries reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
Michaelowa’s study, “conducted on specific climate grants four years ago,
showed a list of "projects without any conceivable climate change connotation,"
such as Belgium funding for a "love movie festival" in the early 2000s in
Africa, a U.S.-funded study on Savannah elephant sounds, and uniforms for park
guardians in Central America with aid from Spain.
“For their website, Adaptation Watch, Weikmans and Brown University
environmental studies professor Timmons Roberts studied 5,201 projects mentioned
by developed nations and found that 3,444 of them "did not explicitly link
project activities to addressing climate vulnerability.”
In conclusion, Roberts said, "Climate finance accounting is the wild
west.” Two other experts used the same "wild west" phrase, which some developed
nations' representatives object to.
What’s most remarkable, and despicable, is that while the global-warming
fraud continues, the administration happily commits taxpayer’s dollars to this
little-disguised transfer of wealth. Which is nothing more than supporting
socialism in other nations with funds Americans earned intending to support
themselves and their families.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Anupreeta Das reports: “On Wednesday night,
Blackstone Group LP President and COO Hamilton “Tony” James
held a fundraiser at his Manhattan home for Mrs. Clinton. Mrs. Clinton wasn’t in
attendance, but there was another draw: Warren Buffett.
“Mr. Buffett isn’t the biggest fan of Wall Street, but he is a big supporter
of Mrs. Clinton. The billionaire investor met with a group of 12 Wall Street
executives, including bankers and private-equity partners, according to people
familiar with the matter. The price of entry was $33,400, with the proceeds
of around $400,000 going to the Hillary Victory Fund, which is
split between the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.”
The best summation of Buffet’s interests in the Clinton campaign can be found
in two reader’s comments.
Amy wrote: “Warren Buffet has been dancing to the tune of the
Democrats, and is not about to stop. He is completely tied to Obama, since Obama
and his sycophants allowed Buffet to make billions off of transporting oil on
rail cars instead of much safer pipelines.
“Just another of the many mega-rich who are in it for themselves, and to the
Devil with America.”
Bad Man added: “Further proof that Buffett is just another rich
investor that will cozy up to one of the most vile and deceitful woman in
America. Also looks like time to liquidate several investment positions run by
people that support the corrupt Clintons.”
Thus, evidence continues to mount that a growing number of voters are far
more aware today of what politicians actually do, despite their efforts to
disclaim, as well as the motives of their self-serving supporters. And, what’s most
interesting here, is that Bill’s wife’s campaigning hard about curbing major
moneyed interests as she tries to move to the left of Sanders. Yet, those same
money-driven interests have been at the heart of her efforts from the start, and will always be.
Which means that, with so much information now immediately available, it’s going
to be extremely hard for her to sell her truth distortions to the voting-public
today. And, of course, brings up the continual question: Joe Biden, Mayor
Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you
guys reading this?
In closing, a couple of timely items, posted by friends on Facebook.

And, here’s an example that proves they’re right!

That's it for today folks.
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