Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Michael Bastasch @dailycaller.com, reports about a new high in the hypocrisy level of the current administration. The insult to the intelligence of those buying the global-warming scam isn’t just despicable, it’s arrogantly presumptive.  

Mr. Bastasch writes: “President Barack Obama may warn that carbon dioxide is causing global warming, but his flight to Paris to join other world leaders at the United Nations climate summit emitted more CO2 than driving 72 cars for a year. 

“Obama’s Paris jaunt will send more CO2 into the atmosphere than 31 American homes‘ energy usage for an entire year. The president’s trip is equivalent to burning 368,331 pounds of coal or 797 barrels of oil, according to the Environmental Protection Agency’s carbon footprint calculator. 

Just one leg of the president’s Sunday trip to Paris emitted 189 tons of CO2 after traveling 3,855 miles and burning 19,275 gallons of jet fuel, according to Daily Caller News Foundation calculations based on past presidential flights. Obama’s return flight to Washington, D.C., would double the amount of CO2 burned to 378 tons — more than 72 cars driving for a year. 

While especially sanctimonious, this isn’t the first time the POTUS has been duplicitous to his most ardent global-warming supporters. “Earlier this year, Obama flew down to the Everglades for Earth Day and was hammered for potentially damaging the fragile eco-system and costing taxpayers more than $866,000."

As far as the entire assemblage in Paris is concerned, dailymail.co.uk reports: “The climate change summit in Paris that aims to tackle global warming will itself pump an estimated 300,000 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, it was claimed today.

“Around 50,000 people including world leaders, businesses and activists are expected to travel from across the globe for the two-week conference in Paris which started today. 

“Most will arrive by plane from as far afield as New Zealand, Sydney and Bermuda, while others will arrive by train and car.  

The carbon dioxide emission figure was arrived at by “multiplying the number of attendees by the round trip mileage to get 450million miles then multiplying that by 16.5miles per gallon. 

“With each gallon of fuel producing around 21 pounds of carbon dioxide, the total released by planes flying to and from Paris is thought to be about 575million pounds (290,000 tons), according to rough calculations.” 

As far as the Paris conclave itself is concerned, what’s even more sanctimonious is that the gathering cannot produce any results of value. Because the biggest question still remains. Regardless of any pledges made, how will they be enforced? Because U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, has firmly said there will be no Paris treaty with legally binding targets. So, what’s the point of having the conference at all? 

On another subject, many on the right have been consistent in calling incumbent’s RINO’s while accusing them of accomplishing little or nothing since the mid-term elections. However, though it's taken some time, they’ve actually been working hard in the background on key issues to the party and the entire nation. 

FoxNews.com reports this morning that it has learned: “Senate Republicans are planning to forge ahead on a bid to repeal chunks of ObamaCare and partially defund Planned Parenthood by using a rare fast-track tactic.” 

Despite some internal turmoil in the Republican ranks, Republican leaders huddled with rank-and-file members Monday night to walk them through the planned package. 

“The goal is to use a special process – known as budget “reconciliation” -- that would make it easier to pass the measures out of the Senate, following numerous failed attempts.” It would not only limit amendments and debate, but would ensure that only a simple, 51-vote majority is needed for passage. 

While the effort is not a sure bet in the Senate, and would face a certain veto should it reach the POTUS, it underscores the continuing effort to correct several of the major mistakes made by Democrats currently in office. And that should also help Republican’s greatly in their attempt to keep control of Congress and retake the White House.  

Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton's wife.

Many of Bill’s wife’s newly released emails confirm the consistent suspicion regarding the Clinton’s nature. That both, Bill and his wife, place appearance above substance as a general rule.    

Stephen Dinan @washingtontimes.com, writes that: “It’s become a persistent critique of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential campaign, but at the time she uttered her famous “what difference … does it make” about the Benghazi terrorist attack to Congress in 2013, her inner circle thought she’d hit it out of the park. 

“Great answer,” wrote one admirer. “She was incredible today,” another chimed in, as her own team gave each other virtual “high-fives,” believing they’d not only escaped a political trap but had demolished Sen. Ron Johnson, the Wisconsin Republican who provoked her fiery — and now infamous — retort.” 

Thus, the fact that four Americans lost their lives became secondary to the image presented by Bill’s wife. Because to herself and those closest to her, escaping responsibility was the first and foremost objective. However, their jubilant reaction makes a certain kind of sense, whereas without any skills or virtues to counter setbacks, every error and every lapse create significant additional pressure to overcome.    

Nonetheless, the Benghazi aftermath may not even be a major problem in the future by comparison, whereas the latest batch of emails released expose quite significant efforts to mislead regarding the handling of classified and confidential information by the then Secretary of State. 

“Of the new messages, some 325 have information now classified as “confidential” and one has information deemed “secret” — for a classification rate of 6.3 percent. That’s the highest rate yet of any of the six monthly batches, dating back to June, when just 1.1 percent of her emails contained information not appropriate for public view.” 

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement: “With the number of emails containing classified information now numbering nearly one thousand, this latest court-ordered release underscores the degree to which Hillary Clinton jeopardized our national security and has tried to mislead the American people.” 

Which leads to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?   

And adding one more item on another subject, a friend posted this absolutely accurate description of what’s become of education in the US today: http://www.thefederalistpapers.org/education-2/how-math-was-taught-in-schools-in-1950-versus-2015
That’s it for today folks. 


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