Saturday, December 12, 2015


Yesterday on Facebook, Rush posted a segment from his radio show, regarding the shootings in San Bernardino and the individuals involved, from the administration’s self-serving perspective, as follows:

RUSH: Megyn Kelly had a blockbuster exclusive last night on the Fox News Channel.  The former customs and border agent, Philip Haney, claims that the State Department and Homeland Security Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties closed down an investigation. He was looking into a group named Tablighi Jamaat.  Philip Haney says the investigation was shut down because the Regime "did not want to profile Islamic groups."  Well, who the hell are we profiling if we're not profiling Islamic groups at Homeland Security and at immigration, for crying out loud? 

“Philip Haney says the Feds "the feds also deleted his files, which included information on an organization with ties to Farook's mosque..." This is a guy that had a connection with Syed Farook "Climate Change," and the Regime ordered this guy to shut up, stand down, and destroy his files. And now he's on television telling anybody who listen. "Philip Haney claims that if his investigation had been allowed to continue, Syed Farook ["Climate Change"] may have ended up on the no-fly list," and if he had ended up on the no-fly list, he would not have met and connected with Tashfeen Malik, or Malik, and they would never have gotten married and they wouldn't have become Bonnie and Clyde of Islam. 

RUSH:  Look at how much we knew.  Look at how much the regime knew about Syed Farook "Climate Change."  Megyn Kelly says, "Under your program you would have identified the mosque, and then what would you have done?" 

HANEY:  Individuals that are already in the case in 2012 went to that mosque.  Therefore as we are tracking them we would have put the red light on them.  Syed would have been put on the no-fly list because of his association with that mosque and or the K-1 visa that his wife was given may have been denied because of his affiliation with a known organization. 

KELLY:  Mmm-hmm.  And you say they shut you down because they felt this was essentially profiling of Muslims? 

HANEY:  They specifically got that, we got the internal memos, and it says that we are not allowed to develop a case based on Tablighi Jamaat  specifically or any specific group. 

"The FBI has taken heat for failing to immediately classify the San Bernardino shootings as terrorism, but a new report shows that FBI reluctance could have been due to external pressure from the White House." Let's go back to that night, that afternoon, the San Bernardino massacre.  Speaking for myself, when I got home, I turned on... Do you know I forgot what channel cable news channels are?  I watch them on in.  And I don't have these auto-program buttons. So I said, "Wait a minute, what number is Fox?" It came back to me real quick.  But so rarely do I have it on anymore.”

Aside from the story itself, Rush’s comment on ignoring TV news shows struck home, whereas I don’t pay much attention to them either. Print news on the Web is always faster, more accurate and more detailed with far more unbiased sources available. I even read Rush on-line, taking my time and avoiding countless commercials, a far better way to do it. And that’s even how and why this very blog started in the first place, all those years ago. So, I certainly agree with him completely on that count.

On another issue, the Republican establishment is in the midst of rising panic. Trump is sucking all the media air out of the room while other candidates are barely heard or seen by comparison. Yet, they seem to be overlooking the most obvious, self-inflicted, problem of all regarding this outsider’s current takeover of their party.

According to Reuters latest numbers, Trump’s far ahead of others, polling at 34.5%. The closest behind is Carson at 12%.  Looking at that spread it certainly looks like a serious runaway for the leader. However, what the statistics really show is that 65.5% of Republicans prefer someone else. But with 13 other candidates sharing that significant majority, none of them can begin building an equal, or larger, alternative to an otherwise totally unqualified blowhard.

Thus, if the Republicans really want to assure a chance at the White House, their over-packed candidate lineup needs thinning out. Just like Bobby Jindal graciously realized several weeks ago, by suspending his presidential campaign. Because, as a practical reality, other than self-serving reasons, why are most of the others still in the race?

Rick Santorum, George Pataki, Mike Huckabee, Lindsay Graham, and Carly Fiorina, don’t really have a viable chance at the nomination at all. While it’s doubtful many voters even know who Jim Gilmore, former Virginia governor is. Even Ben Carson, certainly Rand Paul, John Kasich and probably Chris Christie, aren’t going to win the nomination this time around. So why are these 10 non-starters still hanging in there, draining off the statistical count against Trump?

Were this group of time-wasters to drop out gracefully, the remaining three, Bush, Rubio and Cruz, would share that 65.5% block in some fashion. But even if it wound up equal at 21.83% each, the race would take on a totally different perspective, versus Trump. And then, in time, when two more drop out, the survivor would have close to two times Trump’s percentage. 

Which means that, if all these fringe candidates who claim how critically important a Republican presidency is to the nation, really believe what they spout continually, they would take the only logical step and drop out of the race ASAP.   

Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.

Yesterday,  in Chris Stirewalt’s column on foxnews. com, he asked: “Will Hillary return donation from controversial Muslim cleric?” 

Then Mr. Stirewalt quoted from a Free Beacon item, as follows: “An Islamic Turkish religious leader whose followers have donated up to $1 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation is being taken to court on charges that he is using U.S. taxpayer dollars to fund a reclusive cult that is indoctrinating U.S. children and silencing critics by force, according to a copy of the legal complaint filed Wednesday in a U.S. District Court.“ 

"Fethullah Gülen, a Muslim cleric whose movement has been described by critics as cult-like, stands accused of using hundreds of millions in taxpayer funds to establish more than 120 charter schools in the United States that are used to proselytize and indoctrinate American youths.” 

In this case, Mr. Stirewalt’s opening question is very unlike him. Because, he’s an extremely intelligent being. Which means that he surely should know the answer, as he most likely certainly does. Whereas, before Bill’s wife would return a dime to anyone, for any reason, she’d much prefer to surrender something far less important to her. Which would include, breathing, seeing, Bill or Chelsea.

And that leads into the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?   

That’s it for today folks. 


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