Didn’t watch the Republican debate last night. Frankly, fell asleep early and forgot it was on. From the recaps this morning, it seems I didn’t miss much, except for a battle between Cruz and Rubio, regarding immigration and border safety. Both of them wound up calling the other a liar.
However since all of their historical utterances are recorded in many places
on the Web, any truly interested voter can simply look both candidate’s verbiage
up. And when their pasts are actually researched, one finds that both are in
fact, lying presently.
Charles Hurt @washingtontimes.com, summed the event up this way:
“Instead of a substantive debate with actual front-runners, we get these
shoutfests with nine people, each one wasting their microphone time to complain
about getting short-shrift or barking at one another over irrelevant details.
“The result is that they sound like a bunch of whining lunatics in an insane
asylum having hysterical arguments over the remote control. Think “One Flew Over
the Cuckoos Nest” when Randle McMurphy just wants to watch the World Series:
“Which one of you nuts has got any guts?”
Thus, while there might have been a few moments of
interest entertainment-wise, it looks like getting some sleep instead was a wise
decision on my part.
On another matter, which gets written up here every year, dailymail.co.uk
reports that the First Family’s soon to be off on their annual Christmas
vacation to Hawaii again.
This is their eighth consecutive trip, “at huge expense to the American
Tom Fitton, the head of the Judicial Watch, accused the POTUS “of
treating Air Force One, which costs $206,000/hour to run, like an Uber ride'
ahead of his next jaunt to his home state.”
“Fly-time alone will set taxpayers back somewhere in the region of
$3.5million as Obama, the First Lady, Sasha and Malia and their two dogs jet off
for around two weeks.”
While exact figures, outside of Air Force One costs, are hard to obtain,
according to a Watchdog.com report on the 2014 trip, “there is also an
Air Force cargo plane to bring Obama's helicopter and limo, which costs more
than $150,000 to get to Hawaii and back.
“A second plane brings a Marine Corps contingent at similar cost.
“The Honolulu Police Department also spends in the region of $275,000 a year
in overtime for its officers, while the ambulance from the local Emergency
Management Services costs $15,890 to keep on call.
“Secret Service agents - of whom there are said to be 'dozens' each year -
are reportedly housed at a cost of around $200 per person per night, while
material for other security measures would also be met from White House funds.”
Yet, despite all the expense and personal application of taxpayer paid
government resources and personnel, a major underlying question remains:
Vacation from what?
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Ken Thomas of the Associated Press, confirmed a suspicion presented
here a couple of days ago, Warren Buffet’s endorsement of Bill’s wife.
The billionaire joins a rally today “with Hillary Clinton in Omaha,
Nebraska.” His public appearance with her “is aimed at offering his stamp of
approval to the Democrat's economic message of inclusive capitalism and
toughness against Wall Street excess. He will also join Clinton at a private
“The "Oracle of Omaha" has referred to Clinton as a "hero of mine" and
predicted last year that she would succeed President Barack Obama, whom he also
"I will bet money on it," he said. "And I don't do that easily."
However, his backing of Bill’s wife should afford him plenty of cash for
wagering. Because his biggest bet is that she’ll prevent the opening of the
Keystone pipeline, keeping his Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, as the
transporter of all that Canadian oil.
And then, Monica Alba and Alex Seitz-Wald @nbcnews.com write that in
Minneapolis: “Clinton acknowledged that Americans have a right to be fearful in
this climate, while knocking Republicans for taking advantage of the country's
collective anxiety. Without naming them, Clinton took clear shots at Republican
candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio for stoking fears, while blasting Donald
Trump's proposal to ban Muslim immigration headon.”
Then Bill’s wife followed up by stating: "Shallow slogans don't add up to a
strategy. Promising to carpet bomb until the desert glows doesn't make you sound
strong -- it makes you sound like you're in over your head. Bluster and bigotry
are not credentials for becoming commander-in-chief."
Which is one of the most concise and accurate descriptions of her former
boss, the POTUS, ever spoken. And is precisely his failed approach in dealing with ISIS.
Making one wonder, especially after events like Benghazi and utilizing
unauthorized email servers, is there anything at all involving Bill’s wife does
where she actually knows what she’s saying or doing and/or why?
Leading to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and
Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?
And then, a FB friend posted this today.
An article by
Reader Rational D68, wrote:
"The problem with the whole
"can't be bought" thing is Trump's mercurial and fickle history.
"I mean....So let's see....
"Is it ok to be for single
payer government health care as long as you "cannot be bought?"
"Is it ok to believe that an
extremist liberal activist judge would be a "PHENOMENAL" Supreme
Court justice as long as you "cannot be bought?"
"Is it ok to have been pro gun
control not that many years ago as long as you "cannot be bought?"
"Is it ok to have been a
Democrat as recently as 2009 as long as you "cannot be bought?"
"Is it ok to have been pro
immigration not that many years ago as long as you "cannot be
"Is it ok to promise
immigration actions that are literally impossible to actually perform as long
as you "cannot be bought?"
"Is it ok to have been pro
choice a few years back, and have both of your ex-wives saying that you forced
them to have multiple abortions against their will as long as you "cannot
be bought?"
"Is it ok to declare he will
be even more lawless than Obama when it comes to unilateral decisions (immigration) as long as you "cannot be bought?"
"Is it ok that you have never
taken a public stance and fought for any conservative values (until recently)
as long as you "cannot be bought?"
"Is it ok to donate to dems
and bribe Hillary "Quid Pro Dough" Clinton as long as you
"cannot be bought?"
"It's ok to proclaim within
just the past few years that Hillary "Quid Pro Dough" Clinton is the
best Sect. of State ever, who's a wonderful person with excellent judgment,
character and integrity who'd make a great president, as long as you
"cannot be bought."
"It's ok to have blamed the
financial crash on Republicans as long as you "cannot be bought."
"It's ok to have said Obama
saved us from the financial crash when he had nothing to do with it, and that
he's a great person doing a phenomenal job as president displaying wonderful
judgement as long as you "cannot be bought."
"Is it ok to regularly engage
in or even start petty childish flame wars trying to tear others down as long
as you "cannot be bought?"
"And, hum.... Soros and any
number of other hard leftists who are incredibly rich "can't be
bought" either - does that mean they'd make great leaders of the USA too?
"So people seem to be excusing
quite a bit simply because Trump supposedly "can't be bought"... and
they seem to so fear that others can - or even assert without any evidence that
ALL ARE already "bought... even though every single president we've ever
had was in that same position including all of the ones regularly ranked as the
greatest ever -- but hey, did they ever think that when Trump was spreading his
money around to pols including Hillary "Quid Pro Dough" Clinton that
he not only could be but very much is part of the very big government crony
capitalism they so fear?
"Well, what does Trump have to
say about that...
"Oct 16, 2015: Outsider
Trump: 'I've been in politics all my life'
see what's going on, I'm called all the time," Trump told Bloomberg
Politics in an interview Friday. "You know; I've been in politics all my
life. I've been on the other side."
"This isn't even his first
time running for president!
"And is he really the
anti-establishment person so many seem to think he is, regardless of the facts
above about him? Hummm.... let's see:
"Just two DAYS ago: Dec
13,2015, on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace:
TRUMP: Look, I understand
what they're going through. I wasn't supposed to be here. I was a member of
the establishment seven months ago. I gave $350,000 to the Republican Governors
Association. I’m not supposed to be doing this. You see I’m supposed to be
on the other side writing checks and having people do whatever I want, puppets,
like puppets. [emphasis added - note of course that he's bragging AGAIN about a
blatantly illegal act, buying politicians in return for political favors - the
worst kind of big government crony capitalism]
"So exactly what is it that
people really think they're getting from this person that's so good simply
because he's self-funding?
Thus it seems that if many of the Republican presidential
candidates spent half the effort displayed by reader Rational
D68 in exposing Trump for what he really is, Trump's lead might be considerably
smaller, if still there at all.
That's it for today folks.
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