Widely read syndicated op-ed columnist.Cal Thomas, provided his
thoughts @foxnews.com, regarding Tuesday’s Republican debate. After
praising the event, its contestants and quality, he contradicted himself farther
on, suggesting that those same debates are actually worthless.
Mr.Thomas wrote: “The public does not get the answers it needs from these
debates for several reasons. First, there are still too many people on the
stage. Only three, possibly four, have any real chance of becoming president.
For the good of the country those single-digit candidates should drop out after
Iowa and New Hampshire and certainly by the South Carolina primary, if they fail
to finish strong.”
He then went on to make the most important point: “Details on how the
candidates would actually reach their stated goals -- making America great
again, protecting the country, reducing the debt, creating jobs, health care,
fixing the tax code, fighting wars -- are addressed only in sound bites because
there isn't enough time to discuss details. Yes, the candidates have websites
and there are other sources where those details are available, but how many
voters in the TV age will take the time to search for them?”
And that’s the crux of the matter. Because by recognizing that most voters
may be too lazy, uncaring, disinterested or busy to do the necessary homework in
appropriate candidate selection, he condones debates as therefore a viable
method of candidate qualification.
However, since what’s presented in debates may certainly be unadulterated
hogwash or unfullfillable campaign rhetoric, that’s how an Obama or Trump
hoodwinks the public. It also illustrates clearly why a voting public that’s too
otherwise engaged to properly vet candidates, winds up with smooth-talking,
incompetent, hustling charlatans obtaining the most important office in the
world. And therefore, they truly deserve what they've wrought unto themselves.
At the same time, as mentioned yesterday, the budget deal moving through the
House might as well have been drafted by Democrats. Republican Paul Ryan,
supposedly still on his “honeymoon” as newly elected Speaker, put up almost no
objection at all to his opposition's demands.
Many Conservatives are scratching their heads in confusion as to why Ryan
performed so much like the reviled Boehner, the man he replaced. A certainly
probable explanation was offered by Rush yesterday, providing what seems to be
the incredible but likely accurate scenario, as follows:
“The reason they did that is because for some inexplicable reason, they are
literally paranoid and scared to death of even being accused of doing something
that would shut down the government.
“So to avoid even the accusation that they were going to or would ever even
think of shutting down the government, they signaled that whatever Obama wanted
to spend, he would get, because they figured that had less damage to them
politically than the allegation that they were shutting down the government.
So, very simply, ever since the Republican Party became the party of keeping the
government open at all costs, we get bills like this. There's simply no
stopping the Democrats. There's no mechanism. Every constitutional mechanism
found in the power of the purse, Separation of Powers, the Republican Party
years ago gave it away, in total fear of the media.”
So, here we have another horrendous occurrence that’s as bad, if not worse,
than the debate results discussed above. And for the very same reason; a lazy,
disengaged voting public. Because any reasonable individual would have certainly
realized that the last government shutdown resulted from Republican objection to
funding Obamacare and EPA overregulation.
However, the left-leaning major media supported the Democrats in the
headlines, while the vast majority of the public never bothered to research the
facts. And as a result, the nation’s now stuck with two major reasons, Obamacare and the EPA, that
the nation’s in the worst economic condition since the 1970’s, and almost half
the workforce is un or under-employed.
Therefore, if the vast majority of Republican voters are unhappy with the
nation’s current condition and its elected officials, instead of chasing their
tails and screaming about horrendous leadership, if they really want someone to
blame for their plight, look in a mirror instead. Because, that’s who did it to
Following up on Wednesday’s item regarding the cost of the POTUS’s upcoming
vacation trip, akumar@mcclatchydc.com, wrote about Judicial
Watch’s arithmetic that shows: “[T]he overall cost of personal or largely
personal travel is at least $70.5 million since Obama took office in 2009,
according to the group’s analysis.”
So, this must be a way for him to demonstrate leadership by example, offering
proof that he’s not concerned about spending taxpayer’s hard-earned money in a
weak and faltering U.S. economy.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
The same Cal Thomas, quoted above in today’s first item, also wrote: “The
real winner in these [Republican] debates is Democratic front-runner Hillary
Clinton. Little attention is being paid to her, though the FBI continues with
its investigation into whether she broke the law by receiving and sending
classified information on her private email server. In the still unlikely event
she is indicted, all bets are off and the chances of a Republican victory next
November would be all but assured. The question is, which Republican?”
Mr. Thomas’s hesitation regarding any future indictment of Bill’s wife is
certainly understandable. However he should also remember that current FBI
Director James Comey is also the one who hasn’t been shy about prosecuting
high-profile figures. His bureau took the lead on investigating former CIA
director Gen. David Petraeus for passing classified information to his mistress,
and also the federal corruption case of Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.).
Furthermore, the attention being given Bill’s wife case, despite major media
efforts to downplay it, will make attempts to give it short thrift most
difficult. Which leads to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg,
Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys
reading this?
That’s it for today folks.
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