Sunday, December 27, 2015


An article meant to simply provide some background regarding the POTUS’s vacation and regimen, somehow proved to be quite irritating to read. 

An Associated Press column via begins: “President Barack Obama is one of the most powerful men in the world. He's commander in chief of one of its mightiest military's, too.
Yet in spite of all that, Obama feels inadequate from time to time. Especially when he's vacationing in Hawaii and working out alongside strapping Marines at their gym.” 

During his annual Christmas Day visit with U.S. troops at Marine Corps Base Hawaii in Kaneohe Bay, the POTUS said: “The only problem I've got when I'm here is having to work out with Marines in the gym. Because I generally feel like your commander in chief is in pretty good shape, and then I get next to some guy, you know, curling 100 pounds and it makes me feel small." 

And then, farther along came the glaring dichotomy, whereas he’s “known to enjoy a daily workout whether he's at home in the White House, traveling or on vacation. He also plays golf practically every weekend in Washington when the weather cooperates, and he swings his clubs just about daily during extended vacations on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, or here in his native Hawaii.” 

Yet, he’s complaining about the shape he’s in to marines who are exercising to remain in the shape they need to be in order to personally defend their nation, whenever and wherever duty calls. He though, goes to the golf course instead. So, rather than whining about how much he wants to be like a marine, he ought to follow Charles Barkley’s advice and suit up or shut up.   

The public too, seems to be finding disagreement with the POTUS, his priorities and his opinions. 

While he continues to prioritize climate as his major concern, followed by his continual push to close Guantanamo Bay, an article, shows quite different attitudes among the public. 

“A new Associated Press-Times Square Alliance poll mass shootings and terror attacks weighed heavily on the minds of Americans in 2015, revealing that most polled believe this year was worse than 2014. 

“According to the poll, the most important events to Americans in the past year were the shootings in San Bernardino, California, as well as shootings in South Carolina, Oregon and Tennessee. 

“Close behind came the Paris attacks and atrocities perpetrated by the Islamic State extremist group.” 

So, here we have additional evidence that the POTUS, and his party, continue to push an agenda that’s had the nation going backwards for the past seven years. Every responsibility of governance; the economy, illegal immigration, national security, foreign affairs, health care coverage, and national defense has lapsed significantly. 

So, by continuing to place misguided politics above reality and the public’s wishes, the POTUS has attained the complete reverse of his goals. Because, the only one’s gaining from his ongoing misjudgments are Republicans, who are having the 2016 elections handed to them. 

Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife. 

An interesting development seems to be taking place among leading Democrat politicians.

Bill’s wife is crushing Sanders in endorsements, gaining the support of 145 members of the House, 38 of the 46 senators who caucus with Democrats, 12 governors and 17 national union groups. She also has the support of nearly the entirety of the Democratic establishment. 

Yet, many key party figures are still sitting on their hands. The POTUS, Biden, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Gerry Brown and the huge AFL/CIO union have yet to come on board.

So, what that might mean is that perhaps the Democrat party’s major players, and most influential individuals may be paying attention to these daily entry’s and are actually reading this.

That’s it for today folks.


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