Saturday, December 19, 2015


Since 1988, Rush has been the voice of conservatism. In that role, he’s also been the keeper of the record, enabling him as a presently solid Cruz supporter to post the following photo yesterday from his archive.

Rush said, “When all of this is over -- I mean, the argument's over, when all the points have been made -- there's still a picture. It's Chuck Schumer and the Gang of Eight with Marco Rubio in the picture, and nowhere is Ted Cruz.”

As far as Cruz himself is concerned, FoxNews’ Chris Stirewalt posted an item from NPR yesterday, as follows: “Ted Cruz has coined a new term in the fight over immigration: ‘undocumented Democrats.’ Speaking in Las Vegas on Thursday, the Texas senator and GOP presidential candidate portrayed the idea of a path to citizenship as a ploy to beef up Democratic voter rolls… ‘Proponents of the Gang of Eight were being hypocrites. They were not telling the truth,’ he said. ‘What they claimed they were interested in was not in fact what they were interested in. What they were interested in, what Chuck Schumer and Barack Obama wanted, was very simple: They wanted millions of new Democratic voters. There's a reason why I think the new politically correct term is no longer illegal aliens; it's undocumented Democrats.’”

According to Wikipedia, here are the goals of the Gang of Eight, which included Rubio, John McCain, Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey Graham on the Republican side as members.
  • A citizenship path for illegal immigrants already in the United States contingent on certain border security and visa tracking improvements. The plan provides for permanent residence for undocumented immigrants only after legal immigrants waiting for a current priority date receive their permanent residence status and a different citizenship path for agricultural workers through an agricultural worker program. 
  • Business immigration system reforms, focusing on reducing current visa backlogs and fast tracking permanent residence for U.S. university immigrant graduates with advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering or math also known as the STEM fields.
  • An expanded and improved employment verification system for all employers to confirm employee work authorization.
  • Improved work visa options for low-skilled workers including an agricultural worker program. 
Since presidential candidate Graham's also in the Gang of Eight with Rubio, as Dean Martin used to say, “they got a lot of ‘splainin to do,” to get out from under the documented evidence promoting immigration rights access to illegals.

And, if tht isn’t enough self-destruction for Rubio at the moment, Jordain Carney, writes: “Sen. Marco Rubio missed Friday’s Senate vote approving a massive $1.8 trillion end-of-the-year spending bill and tax package — a day after he suggested that he could try to slow the legislation down. 

“The Florida Republican, who is running for president, was the only 2016 contender to miss the vote, which is the Senate's final vote of the year. 

“Rubio defended his absence in an interview, telling CBS News that "in essence, not voting for it, is a vote against it." Which is an erudite excuse for either avoiding the issue, or having more important things to do than trying to help curb the nation’s out of control spending binge. 

Graham backed the bill, while Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders all voted against it. 

On another subject, here’s an indication of what’s coming as a result of the “climate deal.” No pun intended, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. Indicating what zealots will do in the future as they enforce their attacks on non-existent global-warming.

Henry Samuel, via Drudge, writes: “One of France’s top chefs whose food was served at the Paris climate conference was on Friday fined €100,000 (£73,000) for damaging the environment around his Alpine restaurant. 

“Marc Veyrat was among five top Gallic chefs who cooked up an “eco-menu” fit for the 150-odd heads of state gathered outside Paris earlier this month to seal a historic climate deal. 

“But in an ironic ruling, a court in Annecy, south-eastern France, on Friday found Mr Veyrat guilty of cutting down 7,000 sq m (75,000 sq ft) of forest around his hotel-restaurant La Maison des Bois in Manigod, in Haute-Savoie, without authorisation and drying up 10,000 sq m of wetland making large parts of it "sterile."

The court gave the revered 65-year-old three months to restore the damaged areas to their original state, in particular a bog that is waterlogged six months of the year. If he does not comply with the court ruling within the time period, he will be forced to pay a €3,000 per day fine. 

So, just imagine what will happen here in the U.S., as these fanatics take their new power and start attacking businesses with the power of the government behind them. Especially since from the beginning, the major objective for environmentalists has been using falsified climate information to steal as much money as possible from the public. Just like AlGore does. 

Aside from the global-warming farce, Helene Cooper, reports that, “Former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has become the latest former member of President Obama’s cabinet to fire a missile at his old boss, saying the president’s 2013 decision to ignore his own “red line” on Syrian military action “hurt the credibility” of Mr. Obama’s word around the world.

Furthermore, “Mr. Hagel also echoed other former colleagues who do not like the way the president’s national security adviser, Susan E. Rice, has run internal deliberations on top foreign policy issues. 

“For one thing, there were way too many meetings,” Mr. Hagel said, describing a process in which officials mulled issues without ever getting “to where we needed to be.” 

“We kept kind of deferring the tough decisions,” he said. “And there were always too many people in the room.” 

Thus, there’s now additional confirmation that the primary goal of the POTUS on foreign policy is to either find a way to present plausible deniability for delay, or when that fails, either blame “W’ Bush or kick the can down the road.   

Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife. 

The Washington Post first reported late Thursday that: “[T]he Sanders camp acknowledged a low-level staffer viewed Clinton campaign voter data and was fired as a result. The DNC, in response, blocked Sanders campaign access to the party's master list of likely Democratic voters until it provides a full explanation.” 

That caused a “nasty dispute” between the DNC and Sanders’ campaign that  deepened on Friday. The “campaign lashed out at party leaders for blocking its access to voter data and then filed a lawsuit claiming it was "sustaining irreparable injury and financial losses." 

However, while pursuing a lawsuit may help Sander’s cause, there’s another, much stronger point he should also be making. Because if this tired old has-been’s people can hack Bill’s wife’s computer systems today, how many foreign nation’s or U.S. enemies secretly accessed her email server when she was Secretary of State?   

While other nations may have been hacking then, perhaps they still are today, for whatever reason. And, unless they admit it, how would anyone ever know? So, if that isn’t dereliction of duty and the maximum level of incompetence, what is? 

Bringing up the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?   

That’s it for today folks. 


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