Although Rush tried hard to deny that a shift in his thinking has taken place, a
significant portion of his radio show yesterday certainly makes it seem like it has.
He began by saying, ”On this program, ladies and gentlemen, we have praised
repeatedly the way Ted Cruz has been behaving in this campaign. We have praised
his strategy. We have recognized what he's doing and have praised it, called it
out, and this program has been front and center in telling everybody, "Keep a
sharp eye on Cruz because when all the shouting's done, when everything shakes
out, don't be surprised if Ted Cruz leads the pack."
To support his rationale, he added: “And now we've got at least two polls
with him way up in Iowa, including the Des Moines Register poll, which among the
Drive-Bys is among the most respected polls ever. And because Cruz has been
playing this whole campaign brilliantly, because he has not criticized Trump, he
has not moved, he's not been part of the chorus. Cruz has been exhibiting
manners that are considered to be old-fashioned. Politeness, restraint, not
getting in people's faces and wagging a finger and shouting them down. He
really has been engaged in what I believe are time-honored behavioral techniques
that represent manners, breeding, sophistication, maturity, and all that. And
doing so has forced Trump into a couple of major blunders here.”
Then, somewhere around the middle of the quite long text, was a segment that
included a quote from Trump that’s one of the most preposterous blathering's
seen in a very, very long time. As follows:
Regarding Cruz, Trump said: "I don't think he has the right temperament. I don't think he's got
the right judgment. You look at the way he's dealt with the Senate where he
goes in there like a... You know, frankly, like a little bit of a maniac. You're
never gonna get things done that way. You can't walk into the Senate and scream
and call people liars and not be able to cajole and get along with people.
He'll never get anything done, and that's the problem with Ted.”
Hitting the nail squarely on the head Rush responded, “Whoa. Wait just a
second here. Doesn't that kind of describe the way Trump has been dealing with
people he disagrees with? I mean, he's been calling them stupid, he's been
calling them incompetent, he's been saying you can't get anything done with
these people. But for the people in the Trump support base who are
conservatives, and who may not even have any affinity for Cruz... The
conservative base of the Republican Party likes a lot of different people.”
Now, it's certainly unknown as to what this quite strong support for Cruz by
Rush indicates, whereas Rush claims he diligently tries to avoid candidate
endorsements. But, on the other hand, it surely seems that for whatever
reason, as far as Rush goes, and thereby his huge audience, Trump has had it.
Which doesn’t bode well for his chances at nomination for POTUS.
The segment recap’s well-worth reading, here’s a link:
On another issue, after doing his best to insure that Iran has U.S. support
while rebuilding it’s economy and regional power, another anti-Israel effort is
getting support from the POTUS.
Adam Kredo reports that: “The Obama administration is
waging a quiet effort on Capitol Hill to restore U.S. taxpayer funding for a
United Nations organization that has long been accused of having an anti-Israel
bias, according to State Department funding requests obtained by
the Washington Free Beacon.
“The State Department earlier this month petitioned Sen. Patrick Leahy (D.,
Vt.), a member of the Senate’s appropriations committee, to consider restoring
funding to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization, otherwise known as UNESCO.
“Taxpayer funding to the organization was cut in 2011 after UNESCO accepted
Palestine as a member state, a move that violated U.S. law barring the funding
of any U.N. group that skirts the peace process by prematurely admitting
Palestine as a full member nation."
The cutoff in U.S. contributions, around $80 million annually, brought UNESCO to the brink of financial collapse. But now, “the State Department asks for a funding waiver in the 2016 appropriations bill that would allow the U.S. government to restart yearly payments of $76 million to UNESCO. The administration also is seeking authority to give the organization up to $160 million to help erase outstanding debts.”
Looking at the timing of this action, close behind the immense push toward
fostering the regional strength of Iran, could there really be any doubt about
the administration’s complete abandonment of Israel?
And that’s certainly remindful of issues virtually ignored by the media. Such
as Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who was the POTUS’s pastor for 20 years at the Trinity
United Church of Christ in Chicago, and endorsed the planned "March to
Jerusalem" a couple of years ago.
Wright’s also the guy who said before the POTUS took office: “Jews have robbed him of his influence over
Obama. Them Jews aren't going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter,
that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years
when he's out of office.”
And now, when they do talk again, the POTUS can tell his Reverend that like any
good parishioner, he did exactly what his pastor told him to do to "them Jews" on his behalf.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
An item today on, of all places, comes from their media
analyst, Howard Kurtz. Much more like an old-bitty gossip columnist or celebrity hanger-on, than an accredited journalist, he's also been a consistent Clinton supporter. While ordinarily quite boring, and rarely worth attention, his column today demonstrates how
strongly his bias is entrenched.
His piece is titled: “What Democratic race? Hillary coverage fades as GOP
dominates the media.” It begins with a question. “As we're swimming in
speculation about Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Carson, Jeb and company on the eve of
Tuesday’s Las Vegas debate, this question arises: Whatever happened to the
Democratic race?
“The Republican contest is so absorbing, between Trump mania and Cruz surging
and this pointless early talk about a brokered convention that Hillary Clinton
and her two rivals have faded from the media radar.
And then Kurtz gets to his column’s point, as he states: “Some of you have
written to me about why we’re not seeing more coverage of Hillary’s e-mail mess,
which was broken by the New York Times and once drew heavy media attention. But
even the best investigative story runs out of gas eventually unless there is new
fuel to keep it burning.
“The last document dump of nearly 8,000 pages didn’t produce a bombshell and
so barely lasted a news cycle. There is an FBI investigation into Hillary’s
private server, but in some ways that has frozen the story in place.”
And that’s where his bias becomes blatantly obvious, while he purposely
attempts to mislead his readers, like most other leftist pundits do. Because
even I, simply reading news on the Web every day, have posted a negative or
questioning item about her, found every single day for the past two years at
In fact, it was just yesterday that a bombshell broke from Time magazine and
was posted here, alleging that Bill’s wife gave Neptune Minerals "special access
to the State Department based upon the company’s relationships with Secretary
Clinton’s family members and donors to the Clinton Foundation."
Thus, the reason this Kurtz guy hasn’t found any “bombshells” is because he
simply isn’t looking for them. Like any other die-hard liberal.
Which brings up the continual question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry
Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading
In closing, a friend posted this on FB this morning.

That’s it for today folks.
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