Thursday, December 3, 2015


Statistics in recent news illustrates several interesting points that aren’t reported on. Perhaps because the media focus is elsewhere, or the underlying truths are distorted or ignored by those on the left.
Michael Walsh writes today that: “It's always been clear that to Barack Obama, his only real enemies are his political enemies, including all conservatives, the entire GOP and everyone who resists "fundamental transformation." I wish I was making this up, but I'm not. It's from the president of the United State’s "community organizing" non-profit group, Organizing for Action:

"97% OF CLIMATE SCIENTISTS AGREE that climate change is real and man-made, and affecting communities in every part of the country.
"Yet too many of our elected officials deny the science of climate change. Along with their polluter allies, they are blocking progress in the fight against climate change.

"Find the deniers near you—and call them out today.

“There follows a list of so-called "deniers" -- the Holocaust terminology is both offensive and deliberate -- with thumbnail pictures of folks like Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan, with a button below each so the Obamabots can call them out. If this isn't enough, the other side of the page consists of a form by which the Believers can "Find Deniers" simply by typing in the name of a suspect.” 

However, while many headlines announce the perils of climate change, and the POTUS may make it his paramount priority, the majority of the public, and certainly virtually all Republicans, do not agree with him at all. 

And the most important statistic of all is ignored or avoided by the major media. Whereas the voting public has spoken quite loudly by electing Republican majorities in both houses of Congress, and more than likely will retake the White House in 2016. Thus, the U.S. population is registering it’s global-warming disagreement where it counts –in the voting booth. Regardless of what the media tries to promote on behalf of its highly favored Democrat party.  

On another issue, the Republican presidential nomination race, statistics show another incredible phenomenon.  

It’s probably a certainty that any rational human being would agree that the most important job in the world by far, is the presidency of the United States. And, as far as their own lives are concerned, those same people would take every possible step to insure that any issues they faced were put in the hands of the most highly qualified, competent experts they could possibly find.  

For medical problems, they'd want the best doctor in the particular field for an illness. For taxes, they’d seek the help and advice of the most knowledgeable practitioner affordable. Where their children’s education is concerned, they’d make every effort to assure that the best teachers and curriculums were chosen, especially if highly-skilled teachers were needed in the field to be pursued. And the same kind of demands would be present in every other aspect of fulfilling their needs. 

Yet, when it comes to the Republican presidential candidates, the need for experience, knowledge and accomplishments required by the job are completely ignored. In fact, the skills demanded by the job versus the top candidates credentials are almost completely reversed. The higher the ranking presently in the polls, the lower the comparative competence and evidence of similar success exists in the candidates. 

The one now at the top has no governing experience whatsoever, while two junior senators who’ve never managed a thing are right behind. Along with a medical doctor without an iota of governing credentials, and no leadership skills whatsoever.. And, on the other hand, those most qualified professionally, having governed major states very successfully, are so low in the polls, they don’t seem to have a chance of electability. 

What’s even odder, is that these same supposedly smarter, more sophisticated, accomplished Republican voters have seen for the past seven years, what happens when an unproven amateur attains the White House. Yet, they’re perfectly willing to do the very same thing on their own side today. Shooting themselves, and their party, in the foot on purpose. Or worse -for thoughtless spite.

Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife. 

An article concerns the newly released batch of Bill’s wife’s emails, regarding the former Secretary of State’s connection to the Benghazi attack. “Included is an email chain showing that Clinton slept late the Saturday after the Benghazi attack and missed a meeting that her staff had been trying to set up about sensitive intelligence issues, including the Presidential Daily Brief, on a day she was to make a slew of phone calls to foreign leaders.” 

According to Judicial Watch President, Tom Fitton, “These new Benghazi emails are disturbing and show why Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration had to be forced to disclose them.

Mr. Fitton then explains that, despite “knowing that terrorists were responsible for the attack she allowed her spokesman to go to the Arab world and blame an Internet film.” 

Mr. Fitton further says, “Hillary Clinton trafficked in fantastical conspiracy theories that suggested both American conservatives and Israel were to blame for the Benghazi attack and jihadist violence in the Muslim world.  And [a] crazed email from Sidney Blumenthal shows that she was taking direction on her Benghazi spin based upon attack-style presidential campaign politics.”  

In summation, another email is referred to. This one sent right after Bill’s wife slept through the Saturday morning she was supposed to be learning critical details regarding Benghazi, and then phoning leaders around the globe. Mr. Fitton writes: “Finally, the ‘I just got up’ email shows that, smack dab in the middle of the Benghazi crisis, Hillary Clinton fell behind and may have not been fully briefed as she began an intense round of phone calls to foreign leaders.”

In all, what's being firmly established is the fact that, Bill's wife has always been politically driven, while possessing no real leadership qualities or skills. Which is why the saddest part of what her email history shows, is that it was due to job incapability and dereliction of duty that were the cause of the need for a separate email server to begin with. 

The article also leads to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?    
That’s it for today folks. 


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