Happy New Year to all!
With 2016 arriving tomorrow, the POTUS is still delivering Christmas gifts to
Republicans. Helping to significantly increase their odds of attaining the
presidency, along with more state governorship's, next November.
Neil Munro @breitbart.com writes: “As the nation prepares to ring in the New Year, President
Barack Obama is preparing a colossal new executive action that could print-up
work permits for a huge number of foreign white-collar graduates every year, above
and beyond the levels set by Congress.
“This executive action, which directly bypasses Congressional lawmakers, is
likely to reverberate across the presidential race, as GOP voters look to choose
a nominee they believe will most effectively roll back the President’s
still-expanding agenda. And it will certainly raise new security concerns as it
covers categories of immigration utilized by migrants from the Middle East and
nearby regions.
“The 181-page rule focuses primarily on giving work-permits to foreign
college-grads who will compete against Americans for white collar jobs, despite
the large number of American graduates now stuck in lower-wage positions and
struggling to pay off college debts. The rule will also make each foreign
graduate much cheaper for U.S. employers to hire than many U.S.-born college
The new policy creates a large economic incentive for U.S. employers to hire
foreign college-grads instead of new American college-grads because the policy
will allow U.S. employers to hire foreign college graduates at very low
“The foreign graduates will gladly take those low-wage white-collar jobs
because the new policy allows them to get deferred payments from the federal
government — valuable permanent work-permits that are the first step on the
golden pathway to Green Cards and citizenship.
“That means employers must pay more money to hire American college-grads than
they would to hire foreign college-grads. That puts a huge disadvantage on
American graduates because they need higher salaries to pay off their expensive
U.S. college debt.”
While the damage done to young Americans is glaringly obvious, one has to
wonder why, even for a consistently irrational chief executive, he would
purposefully continue to harm his own fellow citizens and his party as well.
Because for every new vote his party might get in the future should those
foreigners gain the right, the party will lose at least one American whom was
replaced by the action. And perhaps their families too. Consequently, from an American citizen's point of view, everybody loses, particularly the POTUS.
On another continuing issue demonstrating major Democrat misjudgment, and the
POTUS in particular again, Allister Heath @telegraph.co.uk/finance,
writes about the world-changing events of a positive nature occurring due to the
significantly slumping price of oil.
“Manufacturers’ costs have also slumped, facilitating investment and creating
jobs. Europe, China and India have been the great winners. In Britain, lower
petrol prices have helped eliminate consumer price inflation. Take-home pay has
thus shot up after years of austerity. Cheap oil has also delayed – and delayed
again – the prospect of a rate hike from the Bank of England, helping borrowers
but hurting savers, some of whom had already lost out from their holdings in
commodity and oil firms.”
And then, huge positive geopolitical changes are resulting elsewhere from oil’s
lowering costs. “In oil-exporting Venezuela, the public has booted out the
Corbynite government whose demented Left-wing policies had led to a shortage of
toilet paper. In Russia, the budget deficit is likely to reach alarming levels
this year, forcing the country to dip into its reserves and putting pressure on
President Putin, especially given his military commitments in Syria."
At the same time, “The Gulf states face the greatest challenge to their
viability. Some, such as the UAE, a close ally of the West’s fight against
terror, have such large cash reserves that they ought to be able to cope with
low oil prices for decades. Others, including Iraq and Bahrain, will find it
much tougher; Saudi Arabia has just been forced to pass an emergency budget.”
And then, Mr. Heath presents perhaps the most important beneficial result
from the oil price drop: “If radical Islamist terror groups end up being the
biggest losers, the collapse in the oil price could yet end up achieving more
than sanctions or Western military intervention ever could.” He then hedges his
bet a bit by adding: “[B]ut a successful uprising in somewhere like Saudi could
also risk turning a bad situation into a catastrophe.”
Reader, michael s, posted a truly brilliantly astute comment, concluding with the
two following paragraphs: “Humans, with few other examples in the animal
kingdom, are genetically predisposed to develop a more efficient environment. We
invented the steam engine, then, the internal combustion engine, the jet engine,
then nuclear power. I believe we are far more likely to outlast the world oil
supply and everything oil is used for, much like we outlasted the wooden wheel
and the sail.
”How vain are some, that believe they have the "final" answer to any and every problem. As if man can control the outcome to events that have yet to be discovered. Global warmers, coolers, climate change controllers, I'm talking about you.”
”How vain are some, that believe they have the "final" answer to any and every problem. As if man can control the outcome to events that have yet to be discovered. Global warmers, coolers, climate change controllers, I'm talking about you.”
In summation, the true pity of the matter is that, if not for purely
political pandering to misguided partisans by the POTUS regarding drilling, these steps toward real
economic recovery could have been begun seven years ago.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Chuck Ross @dailycaller.com, writes today that: “Numerous
organizations had disassociated themselves from Bill Cosby even before the
comedian was charged with a crime for any of the alleged sexual assaults he
committed over the years. Colleges and universities have scrubbed the
formerly-beloved TV dad’s name from their buildings. Others have rescinded
honorary degrees given to Cosby and more have returned donations he has
“But one organization that has yet to make a move regarding Cosby is the
Clinton Foundation. As was reported earlier this year, the “Cosby Show” creator
gave between $1,001 and $5,000 to the non-profit organization operated by former
president Bill Clinton and his wife, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary
Mr. Ross continues: “Even as dozens of women came forward to accuse Cosby of
sexually assaulting them over the past several decades, the charity declined to
relinquish the Cosby cash. And in a particularly awkward interview in July,
Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri hemmed and hawed when
asked whether the Foundation would return the money.
“It’s, you know, wealthy people giving money to help poor people. Uh, we
think that’s, uh, that’s a positive thing,” she said.
Ms Palmieri’s comment about helping the poor struck home because only
yesterday it was sarcastically noted here that: “As of the latest report, in
2013, according to nypost.com, the foundation took in more than $140
million in grants and pledges, spending $9 million on direct aid. That’s almost
6.5% of the income given away, leaving only 93.5% for the Clinton’s to be spent
on administration, travel, and salaries and bonuses, “with the fattest payouts
going to family friends.”
Asked by Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin whether she saw any reason for the Clinton
Foundation to give the money back, Palmieri said: “I mean, I think that you
should, uh, uh, like the Foundation can also speak to this.”
And then, Mr. Ross delivers the clincher: “Of course, there’s one explanation
that could explain the Clinton’s slow response to the Cosby affair. Bill Clinton
himself has been accused by numerous women of sexual assault, indecency, and
harassment since the 1970s.”
Which leads to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown,
and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?
That's it for today folks.