Several times this past week, I've expressed confusion about how political and governmental job performance are so far out of sync with what’s now tritely called the “real world.” But, trite or not, most of those privately employed face far different, and I believe far more personally perilous conditions, than do one's setting policies or writing laws. Because civilians falling so far short of employer’s expectations are usually tossed out on their ears very quickly.
In that regard, what’s been especially perplexing to me is that in spite of unimaginably poor results from someone supposedly capable of leading not only our nation as president, but also the free world, erudite speech-making and finger pointing at rivals is deemed acceptable to loyal followers as their nation disintegrates right under them, due to their hero’s ineptitude and inabilities.
However, in making my case today, I didn’t want to just whine and moan to state my own displeasure with the job the incumbent and his party’s done to date, I wanted to cite specific examples to bolster my conclusions. Then, in searching the web to gather appropriate evidence, I stumbled across a piece by Charles Krauthammer in so well written and concise that I’m going to use his words to make my point instead of my own.
Mr. Krauthammer begins by proposing that much of the incumbent’s popularity stems from his constituents belief that he cares so much about them. And it’s that personal aspect of caring that’s persuaded enough people to give him a 22 point lead in that category. But then Mr. Krauthammer goes on to relate the details I was seeking to make my own case as he writes:.
“The problem with swallowing the "he cares, therefore he does" line is that it so plainly contradicts what we've seen over the last four years. Barack Obama is a deeply committed social-democrat who laid out an unashamedly left-liberal agenda at the very beginning of his presidency and then proceeded to try to enact it.
Obama passed Obamacare, regulated Wall Street, subsidized Solyndra because that fits an ambitious left-wing agenda developed in his youth, now made possible by his power: redistributionist, government-centered, disdainful of success, suspicious of private enterprise, committed to his own vision of social justice.”
So, thanks to Mr. Krauthammer, I now have the basis for my original premise which is to ask: Where else but government could a person fail so miserably, bearing personal, destructive and harmful objectives to boot and not only remain employed in such a powerful position but have a chance to do further damage by convincing others through speeches alone -not successful job performance- that he had their best interests at heart while failing just about completely. Because, if you look at all the things that made our nation great, each and every goal of the incumbent is the complete and absolute reverse.
That’s it for today folks.
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