Daniel Halper of The Weekly Standard reports that: "Mr. Obama was scheduled to attend a reception for world leaders at the United Nations on Monday night. But a campaign adviser acknowledged privately that in this election year, campaigning trumped meetings with world leaders. 'Look, if he met with one leader, he would have to meet with 10,' the aide said, speaking on the condition of anonymity."
So here we have another confirmation of not only the incumbent’s being unqualified to lead the nation, but I believe also a case of extremely poor judgment. Because, for whatever reasons, the administration seems to feel that endless talk and speeches are the key to retaining office instead of proving competence and leadership via demonstration.
And in this particular case, I think a huge mistake was therefore made by ducking presidential job responsibilities, whereas worldwide respect would have been gained, and visual proof presented, that so many leaders sought and received counsel and support from the supposed leader of the free world. And that the attention given them would likely have had significantly more positive impact on voters than any kind of speeches made before audiences stacked with proven supporters on the campaign trail.
However, whoever the advisor was who gave the incumbent the ridiculous advice to evade his international responsibilities, that advisor did indeed help to win considerable voter support, I believe. Except, that support is far more likely to go to Mitt Romney because the incumbent now looks even more incompetent and unable to apply good judgment, not only here at home but also in regard to deteriorating foreign relations around the globe.
That’s it for today folks.
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