I’ve often mentioned my thoughts about the actors comprising the so-called Hollywood left because, despite their extremely high profiles and constant public attention, as a group they have virtually nothing in common with those in the real world.
And most of all in that regard, despite their strong political opinions, they themselves completely surrender their identities and whatever intellectuality they might possess to a host of others, whereas they become total and absolute puppets and robots by profession.
It’s scriptwriters whom put all the words in actors mouths, directors who tell them precisely how, when and where to perform, make-up artists determine how they’ll appear, agents handle their income and budgets, and for many, a whole host of others tend to their routine needs and wants, up to and including, often even raising their children. Consequently, actor types don’t even use their own brains by professional choice, yet formulate strong opinions significantly affecting others while really knowing nothing about those others lives, circumstances, issues, or anything else.
And that’s why an article on line caught my eye just now, where Lachlan Markay of the Heritage Foundation, a research and educational institution think tank, addresses a new movie starring Matt Damon.
According to Mr. Markay, the film portrays “American oil and natural gas producers as money-grubbing villains purportedly poisoning rural American towns.”
He then relates that “The creators of Promised Land have gone to absurd lengths to vilify oil and gas companies.” But then he goes on to state that “Since recent events have demonstrated the relative environmental soundness of hydraulic fracturing – a technique for extracting oil and gas from shale formations – Promised Land’s script has been altered to make doom-saying environmentalists the tools of oil companies attempting to discredit legitimate “fracking” concerns.”
But then, Markey further points out the best part about the movie. “It is therefore of particular note that it is financed in part by the royal family of the oil-rich United Arab Emirates.” And that, “A spokesperson with DDA Public Relations, which is running PR for the film, confirmed that AD Media is a financier. The company is wholly owned by the government of the UAE.”
So, here we have Matt Damon actually working for foreigners currently gauging the American public for oil, and using his misguided environmental beliefs to discredit a seemingly safe fuel production process for the benefit of Arabs wishing to eliminate U.S. domestic competition.
As for me, although I believe that Damon’s involvement in this project is truly tragic and a shame that he seemingly has no doubts about financially harming his fellow countrymen for no proven reason, I simultaneously have some compassion for him. Because I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt by assuming that he might have ultimately rejected the role if he only knew how to read and comprehend.
That’s it for today folks.
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