Sunday, September 16, 2012

BloggeRhythms 9/16/2012

Sitting here typing after scanning today’s news, I realize I’m extremely confused. Because, according to Fox News on-line. “Libyan President Mohammed el-Megarif says in interview he believes Al Qaeda-linked foreigners infiltrated his country to carry out 'precalculated, preplanned' attack on US consulate in Benghazi.”
Then I found an article posted by Haaretz, the Israeli publication, saying: “For months before the most recent attacks on U.S. embassies in North African states, Foreign Ministry and U.S. State Department officials had been arguing over developments in these countries. Senior figures in Jerusalem claimed that Washington was burying its head in the sand and ignoring the increasing radicalization in states such as Tunisia and Egypt.”
Then there were comments Michele Kelemen, reported, on NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday no less, about Benjamin Netanyahu openly clashing with the administration by saying about Iran, "They are six months away from being about 90 percent of having the enriched uranium for an atom bomb. I think that you have to place that red line before them now — before it's too late."
However today, Susan Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, backed up the administration’s position that the violence last week directed at more than 20 U.S. posts in the Middle East is the result of an anti-Muslim video, not America's foreign policy.
Now, looking at the preceding items, which are only a sampling of many more examples, I’d have to assume that our nation’s foreign policy makers are either totally out of touch with reality, completely and naively confused, or simply in so deep over their heads that they don’t know which way is up because these situations are light years beyond the scope of the street organizer from Chicago with no international scope whatsoever who now directs them.
And then there are the facts that here at home: Gasoline prices are going through the ceiling again, but new  domestic drilling is stifled, the new health care tax is strangling most business growth, the Fed now has to buy $40 billion a month in mortgages in a misguided attempt to stimulate a housing market that doesn’t even exist, inflation’s creeping back in on necessities and food and total un/under employment is over fourteen percent and climbing, just to name a few economic areas negatively impacted by the administration. 
So, when you total up all the aspects of governance that simply aren’t working at all, here and abroad, and add to them the fact that the nation has slipped to 7th in world standing from it’s former long-term place at the top, how come the national polls show the incumbent leading in the presidential polls after the DNC convention bounce? Don’t Democrats and Independents have an iota of brains at all? Because most of the things I’ve listed above don’t take any real political acumen to understand the faults and perils…after all how much do you really have to know when you’re broke and currently hopeless?
Thus, the only thing that upsets me more than all the preceding examples of total ineptitude and misjudgment is that I wasn’t aware of how gullible Dem’s actually are. Because if I had, I might have been able to come up with some worthless scam myself, and who knows, If I screwed up badly enough and did it quite often, I might even have wound up in the oval office myself. 
That’s it for today folks.

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